
    RIS-501 Risk Management

    Provides an introduction to the risk analysis paradigm where organizations intentionally manage, assess and communicate about risk. Risk management is about making effective decisions under conditions of uncertainty. A generic risk management model is introduced and developed. Students learn to apply several risk management methodologies. [ 3 credits ]

    RIS-502 Risk Assessment

    Provides an introduction to a generic and generalizable risk assessment model as well as to several qualitative risk assessment techniques. Students learn to apply qualitative techniques. [ 3 credits ]

    RIS-601 Uncertainty

    Surveys epistemic and aleatory uncertainty. Explores the use of probability distributions to address these sources of uncertainty. Explores the use of probability to represent uncertainty using probability distributions. [ 3 credits ]

    RIS-602 Quantitative Risk Assessment

    Introduces deterministic and probabilistic risk assessment. Students learn to build and use probabilistic risk assessment models. Emphasis is placed on communicating uncertainty to decision makers. [ 3 credits ]

    RIS-603 Risk Communication

    Prepares students to respond professionally to the special challenges of coordination among risk managers and risk assessors and focuses primarily on risk and crisis communication where there is considerable uncertainty. Students learn how to map risk communication messages. [ 3 credits ]

    RIS-605 Decision Making Under Uncertainty

    Prepares students to make decisions under conditions of uncertainty. This course provides a background in the most current principles, methods and techniques of decision analysis for making decisions under uncertainty. It also offers a very practical approach for risk managers and others who must make critical decisions when uncertain. Prerequisite: Candidates who have met the admission requirements of the MS in degree in Risk Management. [ 3 credit ]

    RIS-630 Ethics and Risk Governance

    Examines the ethical issues and social responsibility related to risk problems through the lends of current events. Topics include such things as ethical principals in the face of system collapse, protecting the most vulnerable, the public's role in decision making, and managing risk for development. [ 3 credits ]