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Verification is a federally mandated review process. The office of financial aid is required to confirm the accuracy of information submitted on the FAFSA for students who have been selected for verification.

Students are notified by email if they are selected for verification. Students may also review their financial aid status on WebAdvisor. Students selected for verification must submit all required documents.

Failure to submit requested documentation may result in cancellation of aid previously offered. Federal student financial assistance (e.g. Federal Pell Grant, Federal Direct Loans, etc.) cannot be processed or credited to the student's account until the verification process is complete.

Any differences between information on documents submitted to the office of financial aid and information on the FAFSA will result in a new determination of financial need. This new determination of financial need may alter the student's financial aid awards and eligibility. Students will be notified when a revised financial aid award has been generated due to verification adjustments.