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Peace and Justice Studies

Women's College

Program of Study

Sharon Kanis, SSND, Ph.D., Coordinator< br /> Susan Barber, Ph.D.
Brian Berry, Ph.D.
David Hoovler, Ph.D.

The peace and justice studies minor is offered to students in the Women's College. It is an interdisciplinary program that examines harmonious, pacific and interdependent relations with humans and other species. It includes attitudinal/affective, cognitive and evaluative components. It increases consciousness about non-violent attitudes, beliefs and actions. Studying peace engenders an understanding of compassion, loving kindness, equanimity, and concern for justice, equity, fairness and respect.

In addition to fostering an understanding of the roots of violence and inequity, peace and justice studies also teaches antidotes to violence and inequity. It leads to recognition of the roles of greed, hatred, fear, separation and objectification in promoting violence and inequitable relations. It directs the student to increased awareness of programs that address these issues and opportunities to act as a more responsible global citizen.

A minor in peace and justice studies can benefit students in a variety of careers including political science, public policy, the law, religion, counseling, conflict resolution, environmental issues, sociology, journalism, communication, history and ethics.


The peace and justice studies minor consists of six courses (18 credits), including a 3-credit required Introduction to Peace and Justice Studies as well as a required 3-credit senior seminar. The remaining course requirements are one course devoted to roots and antidotes to violence (violence and conflict resolution); one course focused on the roots and antidotes to inequity (inequity and social justice); one course focused on Earth (earth sustainability); and an experiential learning course.

A student wishing to declare a peace and justice studies minor is encouraged to meet with a member of the Peace and Justice Studies Committee to design an appropriate course of study and to receive more detailed information on courses and course cycling.

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Program of Study

Required Courses

IDS-160/HIS-160 Introduction to Peace and Justice Studies
IDS-450 Seminar Experience: Peace and Justice Studies
Experiential Learning Course — (consult with program coordinator)

One course on violence and conflict resolution:
HIS-200 Age of Genocide
HIS-310 America's Time of Trial
HIS/POL-325 Revolution and Terrorism
HIS-402 Women, War and Peace
HIS-404 United States Foreign Relations in the 20th Century
IDS-471 Honors: Politics and Ethics of War and Peace
POL-430 International Organizations and World Politics
RST-304 Christian Social Ethics
RST-345 Justice and Peace

One course on inequity and social justice:
HIS/POL-290 Women in Islamic Societies
HIS/POL/LSP-427 Study Tour to Guatemala
PHL-322 Social and Political Philosophy
PHL-323 Feminist Philosophy
PHL-324 Critical Theories of Race
POL- 351 Problems of Developing Nations
POL-401 Political and Economic Globalization
POL-430 International Organizations and World Politics
POL 440 Global Issues
RST-304 Christian Social Ethics
RST-345 Justice and Peace
RST 411H Catholic Women Theologians
RST-427 study tours (with approval of program coordinator)

One course on Earth and sustainability:
BUS-436 Socially Responsible and Sustainable Business Practices
ENV-120 Earth’s Biosphere
ENV-121 Earth’s Physical Spheres
ECO-440 Economics of the Environment and Natural Resources
ENV/PHL-336 Environmental Ethics

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Course Descriptions

This is an introduction to peace and justice studies. The course focuses on negative peace (i.e., eliminating direct violence, including war) as well as positive peace building (fostering an equitable economic system and ecological balance). The course analyzes the roots of violence and inequity as well antidotes to these problems. Fulfills general education requirement in cross-cultural studies and history. [3 credits]

Provides students with a focused seminar experience that allows them to consider the coursework for the minor through the acquired lens of peace and justice studies. Prerequisite: IDS-160. [3 credits]