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Retroactive Reduction to Aid

There are several situations that may arise which require the office of financial aid to reduce funds, even if they have disbursed. These situations include, but are not limited to:

  • changing credit load during the Drop/Add period at the beginning of each semester
  • dropping a class you never attended
  • failing to meet prerequisite  requirements for classes offered in a sequence for the same semester
  • changing your degree plan
  • completely withdrawing from all of your courses for a semester
  • not completing all courses in a semester that are in module format
  • receiving grades of all "F"s for the semester
  • receiving an "F" for a class you never attended
  • receiving a "W" for a class you never attended
  • receiving additional education assistance, such as scholarships after your financial aid has disbursed
  • discovering that you have been awarded over the annual or lifetime loan limits

Many students realize after the fact that decisions they made may require them to repay some or all of their financial aid for a semester. The consequences can amount to hundreds or thousands of dollars. Save yourself this worry by understanding the impact of your decisions before you make them. Please contact our office for guidance.