

Notre Dame of Maryland University enables a full-time student to complete the Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts in Teaching degrees and to fulfill state certification requirements within four or five years. For the Elementary Education option, students complete the Liberal Studies Major for their baccalaureate degree and the Master of Arts in Teaching in Elementary Education in the final year. (See Liberal Studies program listings for a description of the liberal arts Major.)

For the Secondary Education option, students complete a Major in an academic discipline for their bachelor's degree and the Master of Arts in Teaching in the final year.

If a student wishes to pursue the four-year B.A./M.A.T. option, she must meet with the advisor of the School of Education at the time of entrance or before beginning the second semester of the first year to plan her Program of Study appropriately. In the five-year option, the student meets with the chair in the second semester of the sophomore year.

Course Matrix for Women's College Elementary Education BA/MAT Degrees

Required Professional Courses

Bachelor of Arts Degrees - Elementary Education

*Notes - Some 100, 200, 300, and 400 level classes may be taken as an undergraduate student

Elem. Educ.

Elem. & Special Educ.

Elem. & ECE

Elem. & TESOL

Elem, ECE, & Special

Elem, ECE, Special, & TESOL

EDU-300">EDU-300 or 556 Technology for Instruction and Management

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

EDU-303">EDU-303 or 510 Elementary Reading Materials

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

EDU-357">EDU-357 or 509 Processes & Acquisition of Reading

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

EDU-301">EDU-301 Educational Psychology AND PSY 203 Child and Adolescent Development (for 6 credits) OR

EDU-519">EDU-519 Human Development and Learning

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

EDU-307">EDU-307 Social Studies in Elementary School AND

312 Science in Elementary School (for 6 credits) OR

513 Science and Social Studies in Elementary School

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

EDU-308">EDU-308 or 508 Issues in ESOL

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

EDU-309">EDU-309 or 542 Instruction in Reading

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

EDU-310">EDU-310 or 592 Mathematics in the Elementary School

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

EDU-312">EDU-312 Science in the Elementary School

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

EDU-315">EDU-315 Curriculum Methods/Mat. for the Young Child

(3 credit)

EDU-346">EDU-346 or 546 Methods and Materials ESOL

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

EDU-347">EDU-347 or 547 Assessing Second Language

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

EDU-360">EDU-360 or 586 Techniques of Teaching Reading & Writing to Students with Limited English Proficiency

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

EDU-402">EDU-402 American Education in Historical Perspective

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

EDU-440">EDU-440 or 596 English Grammar for ESOL Teachers

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

EDU-460">EDU-460 or 511 Assessment of Reading

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

EDU 602 Internship in the Elementary School

(6 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

EDU-603">EDU-603 Internship in Early Childhood Education

(3 credit)

EDU 604 Analytic/Reflection/Research Seminar

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

EDU-611">EDU-611 Internship in TESOL Education

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

PSY-203">PSY-203 Child and Adolescent Development

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

SPE-326">SPE-326 or 526 Special Education for the Classroom Teacher

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

SPE-337">SPE-337 or 576 Communication Skills for the Special Educator

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

SPE-321">SPE-321 or 546 Methods of Teaching Students with Special Needs

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

SPE-344">SPE-344 or 544 Assessment in Special Education

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

SPE-421">SPE-421 or 570 Elementary Curriculum Design and Adaptation

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

SPE-475">SPE-475 or 601 Internship in Special Education

(3 credit)

(3 credit)

(3 credit)


45 credit

57 credit

48 credit

57 credit

57 credit

75 credit

ECE = Early Childhood Education TESOL = Teachers of English for Speakers of Other Languages

Some Programs of Study may require coursework during the summer and/or winterim. These six certification pathways do not cover the full range of possibilities.