Popular Resources

Student Records

Privacy Rights of Students
File Confidentiality and Availability
Additional Academic Files
Other Records
Address of Record
Release of Records
Background Checks
Court Requests
Placement Records
Records of Deceased Students
Directory Information
Photo Release

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Privacy Rights of Students

Notre Dame of Maryland University is prepared to comply with the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (Public Law 90-247, as amended) and any regulations promulgated there. Students and others who want specific information regarding their rights of access to institutional educational records maintained in their names should contact the registrar’s office.

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File Confidentiality and Availability

The official academic records of all students, past and present, are housed in the registrar’s office. The official transcript contains identifying information, a complete record of all coursework, transfer credits, academic status and any degree(s) or certificate(s) granted. The transcript is kept as a permanent record of the University. The student’s academic folder, which is kept for matriculated students, includes the degree requirement checksheet, application for admission, high school transcript(s), standardized test score reports, and transcript(s) from college(s) attended. The admission application is also kept as a permanent record.

For non-matriculated students, only a permanent record of course work completed at Notre Dame is retained.

These files, including the permanent record, are open for student review upon request. Members of the faculty or administration also have access to the files if they have a legitimate interest in the material and demonstrate a need to know.

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Additional Academic Files

The College of Adult Undergraduate Studies (CAUS) office maintains advising files on each matriculated CAUS student. These files include a summary of the information provided on the student’s application materials, copies of relevant registration-related forms, waiver forms and copies of correspondence to the student. These files are retained for use of the CAUS office only and are not official records or documents.

Academic advisors have access to the academic records of their advisees. They also maintain a checksheet of the student’s progress toward degree requirements. These files are retained for the advisor’s use only and are not official records or documents.

Any additional academically related files held by individual members of the faculty and/or administration are for the use of the individual holder only.

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Other Records

The director of financial aid maintains files on students applying for and receiving financial aid. Financial records of students who receive aid are maintained for a period of four years after graduation or withdrawal.

Health records of Women’s College students are maintained for the use of health service personnel only. The student may request that a professional of her choice (medical doctor, psychiatrist) examine the health records. Such a request will be honored by the University health service.

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Address of Record

All correspondence from the University offices is sent to the student’s priority address on file in the registrar’s office. Any change to this address should be reported to the registrar’s office as soon as possible. Failure to keep this address up to date may result in delays in receiving important information. It is the student’s responsibility to provide the University with correct address information.

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Release of Records

Grade Reports

Semester grade reports are available through the student’s personal WebAdvisor account at the end of each semester. The grade report is also available to the student’s academic advisor. Grade reports cannot be released until all financial obligations have been met.


No transcript will be issued without written authorization from the student. No telephone, email or third-person requests will be honored. Transcript requests should be made at least one week in advance of expected delivery. Transcripts will not be released until all financial obligations to the University are met.

Transcript request forms are available online or in the registrar’s office. A processing fee is required at the time the request is submitted.

When a student graduates from Notre Dame, a student copy of the transcript is typically sent to the student’s home address. This transcript should be reviewed carefully and any questions directed to the registrar’s office within four weeks of the completion of the degree. This does not include any grade appeals – that process is outlined in the grade appeals section of this catalog.

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Background Checks

Government agencies conducting background checks on potential government employees are provided information upon presentation of a written release from the student. A copy of the release with the agent’s name is retained in the student’s file. Agents are given information from the file by a member of the registrar’s staff, but are not given access to the file itself.

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Court Requests

The University will honor court subpoenas for information from the official files, if the court has jurisdiction over the University. An attempt will be made to notify the student, at the last known address, of the court’s and the University’s actions. If the student so requests, copies of the subpoenaed information will be provided.

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Placement Records

The Academic and Career Enrichment Center assists students in the preparation of resumes and in the compilation of recommendations, which the student may have sent, upon written request, to prospective employers. Notre Dame does not operate a permanent, ongoing placement service for its graduates.

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Records of Deceased Students

The records of deceased students may be released to survivors under the following circumstances. The order of succession for requests is first for the surviving spouse, parent, executor of the estate and eldest surviving child; then the eldest surviving sibling and then any surviving descendent. The requestor must provide as much of the following information as possible: name of the student, social security number, date of attendance at Notre Dame and a copy of the death certificate. The requestor must provide the following personal information: name, address, evidence of qualification to receive the records (see order of succession above), phone number, signature and date of the request.

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Directory Information

Notre Dame of Maryland University considers the following to be directory information: name, date and place of birth, address and phone number, classification, degrees and awards received, major/concentration/minors, dates of attendance and participation in official activities/sports. Directory information may be released to the general public without prior written consent of the student.

To prevent the release of directory information, the student must present a written request to the registrar’s office before the first Friday of each semester. This information release hold is valid for one semester and must be submitted at the beginning of each subsequent semester. If a hold is placed on the release of information, that hold prohibits release of all items of directory information to all outside persons, organizations or agencies.

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Photo Release

Notre Dame of Maryland University has the right to the use and reproduction of photographs taken of students while they are enrolled, for present and future use in University publications and marketing efforts, without compensation to the student. A student who does not wish to have a photo used must submit a signed statement to the registrar’s office before the first Friday of each semester.

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