
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in English Literatrue


William A. Davis Jr., Ph.D., Chair
Kate Bossert, Ph.D. 
Jeana DelRosso, Ph.D
Gene Farrington, Ph.D.
Margaret Ellen Mahoney, SSND, Ph.D.

Degrees offered



Main Campus

The Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in English Literature focuses on breadth of content, providing broad surveys of English, American, and World Literature while also requiring a depth of knowledge in literary research, history, and interpretation. Students will hone their critical thinking and writing skills as they master the concepts and theories central to the study of literature.

While comprehensive in scope, our curriculum has a distinct emphasis on gender. Notre Dame's mission focuses on women's ability to transform the world through education, and all courses in this program include literature by women and issues of women in literature.

Curriculum (15-credits)

Required Courses

Select one of the following courses:

ENG 501 - Research Methodologies of Literary Criticism (3)
ENG 508 - Contemporary Literary Theory (3)


Students also complete four additional courses from among the following. The courses in Literary Movements provide breadth in literary history. Topics courses provide depth in a particular significant area.

Literary Movements Courses

ENG 518 - Medievalism (3)
ENG 519 - Renaissance and Neoclassicism (3)
ENG 528 - Romanticism (3)
ENG 529 - Realism and Victorianism (3)
ENG 538 - Modernism and Postmodernism (3)
ENG 547 - New Woman Literature (3)

Topics Seminars and Other Courses

ENG 507 - Pedagogy of Creative Writing (3)
ENG 511 - Topics in Literature (3)
ENG 527 - London Theatre Tour (3)
ENG 548 - Classical World Literature (3)
ENG 549 - Modern World Literature (3)
ENG 551 - Literary Utopias (3)
ENG 558 - Multicultural American Literature (3)