
Online Learning

Online learning

Online learning at Notre Dame of Maryland is facilitated across two course/learning management systems (C/LMS): Joule and Moodle.

Joule facilitates online courses and online programs with course sections beginning with 90 and ending with 99. Therefore, when a student registers for a course with a section in the 90s they should be aware that this course would be facilitated as either a hybrid or fully online course using Joule. Students will need to obtain a Joule username and password and navigate to Joule.

Moodle facilitates online courses and online programs with course sections designated with OL. Therefore, when a student registers for a course with a designation OL, they should be aware that this course would be facilitated as either a hybrid or fully online course using Moodle. Students will need to obtain a Moodle username and password and navigate to Moodle.

Students who are enrolled in fully online programs are typically using the Moodle system and students engaged in both online and on-campus courses that are hosted as a campus program typically will use Joule. This will be designated by the student classification. OL student classifications are Moodle users, non OL student classifications are Joule users.

On a limited occasion a student may be permitted to cross modalities, meaning an OL student may be permitted to enroll in a 90s section or an on-campus face-to-face course, or an on-campus student permitted to enroll in an OL course section. Such cross modality enrollments are limited to four (4) during a student’s program tenure. Students are required to obtain permission to cross modalities from their advisor, chair, or academic dean. Once a student crosses modalities four times, the Registrar will place a modality hold on their account. This modality hold will halt any further cross modality enrollments.

Students may change student type only one time during their academic program tenure. This means that an OL student may request to change their classification and become an on-campus student or an on-campus student may request to change their classification and become an on OL student. Once a student type is changed, it cannot be changed back until the program is completed or a student fully withdrawals (separates) from the University for more than one academic year.

The student classification determines the tuition charged for enrollment, despite modality. Meaning, an OL student who crosses modalities and enrolls in an on-campus course will be charged the OL credit hour tuition for the on-campus course, or the on-campus student who elects to enroll in an OL course will be charged the on-campus tuition for the OL course. The Business Office charges tuition based upon student type.

If a student decides to change student type moving from an OL classification to an on-campus classification or on-campus classification to a OL classification, the student is required to work with an advisor and the registrar’s office to ensure these changes are recorded in the student account resulting in proper tuition and registration charges. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure his or her student classification is accurately coded in WebAdvisor.