
    EDUC-250 Bonner Leaders Professional Development

    This Bonner course will enable Bonners to identify, develop and integrate their passion for and involvement in service through leadership and professional training. Students will broaden and deepen their knowledge, learn and develop various skills and grow in appropriate values and attitudes enableling them to take an additional responsibilities and leadership roles as they advance in the Program. These skills will be in the area of interpersonal development, civic engagement, international perspective, community building, diversity, social justice and spiritual exploration. [ 1 credit ]

    EDUC-501 The 21st Century Elementary Classroom

    This course will provide participants with an overview of current and emerging technologies in education, so that they can develop the ability to align instructional technology to standards based instruction; teach problem-solving and higher-order thinking skills; promote cooperative learning; and use reflective teaching and inductive approaches to assessment to increase student achievement. [ 3 credits ]

    EDUC-507 The Pedagogy of Creative Writing

    Can creative writing by taught? And if so, how can we help students develop productive writing habits and utilize their own life experiences? This course will review advantages and disadvantages of various ways of organizing creative writing units and of evaluating student writing. Students will learn about techniques to help students become expert readers and engage in exercises to help writers become more self-aware, craft-conscious, and self-critical. [3 credits]

    EDUC-510 Introduction to Cultural Competency and Educational Equity

    This course challenges candidates to reflect on their individual beliefs in relationship to social justice teaching. Candidates will gain a comprehensive understanding of the historical struggles for equity and excellence. Using Freire's (1970) philosophy of social justice teaching as a context, candicates will analyze their relationship to issues related specifically to race, class and language diversity and examine how these categories intersect to reproduce inequality. The concepts of social justice, race, ethnicity, culture, privilege, institutional racism, poverty and wealth will be explored. In addition, the course will examine the ffect of public school students' self-perceptions in relation to how they are institutionally disenfranchised. This course will explore several theoretical frameworks related to social justice teaching, and use approached such as multiple perspective-taking, and self-actualization to help candidates develop new approaches to their teaching and interactions that facilitate a positive reframing of student self-perception. [ 3 credits ]

    EDUC-511 Culturally Relevant Pedagogy

    This course challenges candidates to evaluate curriculum, pedagogy, and the school environment to determine how curricular and pedagogical choices can reproduce inequalities or promote success for all students. [ 3 credits ]

    EDUC-512 Research/Cultural Relev Pedagogy

    This course seeks to integrate concepts learned in earlier courses and provides candidates with tools to forward their practice as culturally competent practitioners of social justice teaching. Candidates will learn how to use educational research methods to develop their own plans to promote educational equity and excellence. [ 3 credits ]

    EDUC-513 Practicum: Engaging Students: Heart, Mind and Body

    This course examines strategies designed to increase both student engagement and student thinking in the classroom. Participants will investigates elements fundamental to true engagement, classroom activities which foster higher order thinking, and questioning strategies which will enable teachers to probe the thinking of each learner. [ 3 credits ]

    EDUC-514 Critical Race Theory in Education

    This course focuses on the development of Critical Race Theory as a theoretical framework to investigate how race and racism are organized and operate within the educational systems in the United States. Candidates will examine the foundational scholarship upon which the theory is based, and study the central tenants used as lenses to evaluated present practices in schools and school systems. This course will provide an historical overview of Critical Race Theory and consider the following inter-related questions: How are racial, gender, socioeconomic, and orientation inequalities produced, re-produced and maintained in education and society? In what ways is Critic al Race Theory used as an analytic tool to explain policy, reform and practice? [ 3 credits ]

    EDUC-515 Coaching for Equity to Support Radical Instructional Change

    This course focuses on principles of effective coaching to actualize equitable access for students in PK-12 schools. Candidates will explore an assessment of their personal levels of critical consciousness as this impacts the ability to effectively interact with normalized systems of oppression in teaching and learning.  Using the theory of intersectionality, candidates will assess their ability to develop transformational relationships that sustain challenging conversations about racism, ableism, gender exclusion, classism, etc. for the purposes of de-centering dominant practices that marginalize students experience in schools.  additionally, candidates will examine a step-by-step framework for agenda setting as they onboard the coaching relationship. Confidentiality, assessment of
    progress, and maintaining multiple relationships of accountability with integrity will also be explored. [ 3 credits ]

    EDUC-516 Restorative Justice in Education

    Restorative justice and practices create the space for "transformative learning communities offering unique opportunities to practice freedom, justice, and democratic engagement that transforms participants' ways of engaging and relating to other participant stakeholders (Winn, 2018, pg. 48)." This course provides an introduction and exposure to the principles and practices of restorative justice in the education grounded in the wisdom of the African Diaspora and American Indian peoples. It explores the needs and roles for key stakeholders (i.e. people's roles in circle, communities, education, and justice systems), examines the values and assumptions of the movement, including its spiritual and religious roots, and introduces current restorative justice and practice programs at community, state and international levels. Students will evaluate the potential of restorative justice to transform school
    communities by exploring research on restorative justice in education; implementation strategies; use of circles' and restorative approaches adapted
    by school leadership. Students will adopt a race conscious apprach to restorative justice in addressing interpersonal conflict/harm marked by white supremacy, capitalism, imperialism, and patriarchy which often results in human conflict, oppression, power imbalance, and harm (i.e. adultification of Black youth, hate crimes, etc.). Finally, students will examine the empirical evidence for restorative justice and practice, identify critical issues including gaps in theory or practice, and critique its integrity and overall direction in supporting the transformation of education-based communities and their members. [ 3 credits ]

    EDUC-517 Leading for Inclusion and Systems Transformation

    This course focuses on principles of equity leadership in the context of 21st century environmental challenges. From interrupted education to artificial intelligence (A.I.) to significant trends in population migration, school leaders are navigating significant complexity as they endeavor to support a quality learning environment for students. Using an intersectional racial equity lens, candidates in this course will consider the aforementioned factors and others as
    we de-construct traditional practices which marginalize and exclude many student groups. Candidates will explore equity principles such as power sharing, forming community that is collectivist in orientation, moving from practices that reinscribe scarcity over those that support opportunity abundance and other critical tenets of cultural transformation that support inclusion. Candidates will explore ways of being essential to leader competency when engaging in  transformative practices. [ 3 credits ]

    EDUC-520 Coordination of Work-Based Learning

    The mission, trends, and current practices in work-based learning programs will be examined in this course. A variety of methods and techniques of work-based coordination in comprehensive and part-time programs at the secondary and adult levels are studied. Types of WBL programs, career development, all aspects of the industry, SCANS, Skills for Success, training plan, V-TECS, safety, marketing WBL programs and career portfolios are some of the topics covered in this comprehensive course. Emphasis will be placed on the new Career Research and Development program in Maryland. [ 3 credits ]

    EDUC-521 Instructional Analysis and Curriculum Development

    This course is intended for career and technology education (CTE) teachers and work-based learning (WBL) coordinators to learn strategies that support career and college readiness for all students. This performance-based course assists learners in designing unit and lesson plans founded on the research-based, instructional methods called Universal Design for learning (UDL), Understanding by Design (UBD) and Defferentiated Instruction (DI). Emphasis is on integrating appropriate standards from the Maryland Common Core State Standards (MCCSS) for Literacy Integration, CTE Programs of Study (POS), the Maryland Career Development Framework (MCDF) and the Maryland Skills for Success (SFS) including 21st Century Skills. [ 3 credits ]

    EDUC-522 American Industry and Global Competition

    This course is designated to be highly interactive. With presentations and site-visits to many industrial sectors, participants learn the triumphs and challenges of entrepreneurship, management, maintaining a highly skilled work-force and making sure the bottom line increases. The ever-challenging process of identifying and keeping qualified employees will remain a mantra throughout the course. Leadership, human resource management, organizational performance, strategic planning and customer satisfaction are major themes throughout the site-visits and class presentations. A strong emphasis is placed on employees' skills for success. By the end of the course, participants will become thoroughly familiar with the skills that all employers need to operate a successful and profitable business. [ 3 credits ]

    EDUC-523 Executive Functioning and Critical Thinking Skills for College and Careeer Readiness

    This course is focused on a deep understanding of executive functioning and critical thinking skills. We will explore various definitions and perspectives including development and problems associated with deficits. The main perspective will be an educational approach in order to apply strategies to support and strengthen skill development with an emphasis on helping children to achive college and career readiness. Through course activities and assignments, participants will have the opportunity to practice and experience effective instructional approaches. [ 3 credits ]

    EDUC-530 Coaching and Mentoring for School Administrators

    Examines the purpose, role, skills, and objectives associate with coaching and mentoring aspiring school leaders. The first of a two-course sequence, students will review the major theories and research on coaching and mentoring. Coaching and mentoring models and strategies will be critically examined for their applicability to the school setting. Through observation and self-reflection, students will analyze their potential to serve as a coach and mentor. Obstacles that may impede and resources that may foster coaching and mentoring in the school setting will be discussed. [3 credits]

    EDUC-531 Coaching and Mentoring for School Administrators II

    Builds from the knowledge and insights gained in the first course of a two-course sequence on coaching and mentoring for school administrators. Students will construct an understanding of coaching and mentoring as it applies to developing the leadership potential of aspiring school leaders in their school. Students will select an aspiring school leader to coach or mentor for the duration of the course. In their coaching or mentoring relationship, students will apply their understandings and skills and identify school leadership opportunities for their aspiring school leader and journal their experiences. Students will reflect on their experiences to analyze their skill level and role as a coach and mentor. Informed by the literature on past and present coaching and mentoring programs, students will formulate a proposal for a coaching and mentoring program initiative in their school. [3 credits]

    EDUC-600 National Board Certification and Component 1: An Overview of the Certification Process and Content Knowledge in C1

    This course has been designed to guide students through the basic process of National Board Certification. Component 1, the NBCT Content Knowledge assessment, will also be  discussed. Specifically, processes of navigating NBCT requirements will be a key focus and candidates  will have the opportunity to explore portfolio requirements and specific content standards that address individual content area focus for achieving National Board Certification. [ 1 - 3 credits ]

    EDUC-601 National Board Certification and Component 2: Diving into Differentiation of Instruction

    This course has been designed to guide students through the basic process of National Board Certification and Component 2: Differentiation of Instruction. Specifically, processes of navigating NBCT requirements will be a key focus and candidates will have the opportunity to explore portfolio requirements and specific content standards that address individual content area focus for achieving National Board Certification. [ 1 - 3 credits ]

    EDUC-602 National Board Certification and Component 3: Teaching Practice and Learning Environment

    This course has been designed to guide students through the basic process of National Board Certification and Component 3: Teaching Practices and Learning Environment. Specifically, processes of navigating NBCT requirements of this Component will be a key focus and candidates will have the opportunity to explore portfolio requirements (required videos of lessons and written commentary) and specific content standards that address individual content area focus for achieving National Board Certification. [ Variable credit 1-3 ]

    EDUC-603 National Board Certification and Component 4: Effective and Reflective Practitioner

    This course has been designed to guide students through the basic process of National Board Certification and Component 4: Effective and Reflective Practitioner. Specifically, processes of navigating NBCT requirements of this Component will be a key focus and candidates will have the opportunity to explore portfolio requirements (knowledge of students and collaboration with others to advance student learning and growth) and specific content standards that address individual content area focus for achieving National Board Certification. [ Variable credits 1-3 ]

    EDUC-808 Internship/Higher Education Leadership Part 2

    The Internship in Higher Education course is intended to help students integrate theoretical and research coursework with the practice of higher education administration and to reflect on their own development as educators and professionals. Prerequisite: Ph.D. student status.[ 3 - 9 credits ]