
    LCL-303 Women in the Ancient World

    Studies the contributions of women to the making of the ancient world through examination of their lives and writings. Emphasizes outstanding individuals, for example, Hatshepsut of Egypt; Sappho of Lesbos; Aspasia in Athens; Cornelia, Hortensia and Fulvia in Rome. Fulfills the general education requirement in gender studies. [3 credits] 

    LCL-331 The Making and Meaning of Words

    Studies Greek and Latin word elements as an aid to better understanding and use of English. Recommended for all students. Fulfills the general education language requirement for nonnative speakers of English. [3 credits]

    LCL-333 Medical Terminology

    Instructs the student on the identification of the four common word elements (prefix, suffix, root word and combining vowel), in a medical word in order to understand the medical term as a whole entity. This course will facilitate the understanding of the Latin and Greek language basis of medical terminology. [3 credits] 

    LCL-334 Roman Drama in Translat

    LCL-358 Thought/Culture Greece

    LCL-370 Honors: Classical Mythology in Literature, Art and Music

    Examines the major myths of Greece and Rome with emphasis on the impact they have had on the post-classical world, primarily the influence of specific myths in literature, art and  music. Prerequisite: Morrissy Honors students or permission of Morrissy Honors Program director. Fulfills general education requirement in intercultural knowledge. [3 credits]

    LCL-371 Classical Mythology (cross-listed with English)

    Explores the major myths and legends in Greek thought, their origins, transmission in literature and their influence on later literature, art and music. Fulfills the general education literature requirement. May be used as a required course in an English major or minor. [3 credits]

    LCL-372 Classical Archeology (cross-listed with History)

    Studies the archeological remains of the civilizations of ancient Greece and Rome. [3 credits]

    LCL-378 Epic Tradition West Lit

    LCL-393 Study Tour of Greece

    LCL-427 Study Tour

    LCL-441 Classical Myth/Influence

    LCL-463 Independent Study

    Allows the student to undertake an individual program of study in language, literature or civilization under the guidance of a member of the department. [3 credits]

    LCL-465 Directed Readings

    Allows the student intensive examination of an area of special interest under the guidance of a member of the department. [3 credits]

    LCL-527 Study Tour

    LCL-541 Classical Mythology and Its Influence

    Examines the major Greek and Roman myths and the impact they have had on the post-classical world. Each student will trace a particular myth or mythical theme through later literature, art or music and share the research in a formal paper and an oral presentation. Students will become acquainted with the ancient literary sources of the myths and a variety of modern interpretations. [ 3 credits ]

    LCL-542 The Classical Tradition

    LCL-543 The Golden Age of Greece

    Presents the history, literature, art and architecture of Athens in the fifth century B.C.E. Students will read selections from Herodotus, Thucydides, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides and Aristophanes and view several examples of Attic drama and examine current scholarship on these works. Through examination of these primary sources and related current scholarship, students will become familiar with the contribution of this period to the intellectual development of the western world. [ 3 credits ]

    LCL-544 History of Classical Scholarship

    Introduces students to the contributions of leaders in the field of classical scholarship through an examination of their methods and interpretation in several areas of classical scholarship. Includes textual criticism, historiography, ancient art and archaeology, epigraphy, paleography, philosophy and mythology. Also considers current issues in classical scholarship. Students will complete several short projects involving a variety of scholarly topics and methods. [ 3 credits ]

    LCL-555 Cinema and the Classics

    Discusses several of Hollywood?s epic films in relation to the description of the same events and historical characters portrayed in ancient Roman literature and history. Films include The Sign of the Cross, Quo Vadis, Spartacus, Ben Hur and The Fall of the Roman Empire. Several episodes of the television series I, Claudius will also be examined and compared with the ancient sources. [ 3 credits ]

    LCL-572 Archeology of Roman Italy

    This course will examine the material remains of some of the major sites of the ancient Roman world through lectures, readings and guided site visits in and around Rome and in Campania. Visits to the excavations at such sites as Pompeii, Herculaneum, Ostia, and Alba Fucens will give the student an understanding of the plan of the ancient Roman city and its essential public spaces, including Forum, bath, theater, temples and cemeteries, as well as private living spaces both wealthy villas and insulae or tenements of the lower classes. Visits to the Roman Forum, the Imperial Fora, the mausolea of Augustus and Hadrian, and temples suich as the Pantheon will provide an opportunity to study the major monuments of ancient rome. Visits to the National Archeological Museum in Naples and the site museums will make available to students a large number of artifacts, both practical household items and examples of Roman sculpture, frescoes and mosaics. Through library and internet research students will examine the remains of the ancient world and trace the history of its discovery and continued excavation. An oral presentation and research paper will be required. 3 credits.