Exceptionalities Certificate
The Certificate in Exceptionalities offers advanced learning in the pedagogy and process of understanding exceptional learners, building and delivering curriculum, and supporting the success of these learners in their classroom and school.
This 15-credit, 5-course certificate is to be completed over four terms (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer).
Required Courses
SPE 518 - Behavior is Language (3)
SPE 530 - Attention Deficit Disorder (3)
SPE 531 - Autism and Asperger’s (3)
SPE-581 Evidence Based Practices to Support Students with Dysgraphia (3)
SPE-582 Evidence Based Practices to Support Students with Dyscalculia (3)
SPE-583 Evidence Based Practices to Support Students with Dyslexia (3)
SPE-650 Enhanced Structured Literacy Opportunities within the Learning Environment (3)