Deborah Calhoun, M.B.A., Ph.D, Chair
Ademar Bechtold, Ph.D.
Larry Beyer, C.F.A, M.B.A.
Charles E. Yoe, Ph.D, Coordinator
The business and economics department of the School of Arts and Sciences offers a minor in economics to students in the Women's College. Economics is the study of the way individuals and societies choose to use scarce resources in both the private and public sectors. Economic concepts are applied to nearly every aspect of human activity from ensuring food safety; supporting transportation systems and health care services; shaping international trade policy, government monetary and fiscal policy; and evaluating political, social, environmental and other issues. As an indication of the importance of economics, it is the only social science for which a Nobel Prize is awarded.
Women's College and College of Adult Undergraduate Studies
Economists use their knowledge and skills to advise business firms, banks and other financial institutions; government agencies; international organizations; environmental organizations; special interest groups and others. The overarching goal of the economics program is to enable students to "think like an economist." Thinking like an economist requires problem-solving skills and creative thinking.
Economics graduates from Notre Dame have used their education and internship experiences as avenues to careers in local, state and federal government agencies, as well as in the private sector. Many also have used their classroom and practical experiences as stepping-stones to advanced degrees in economics, law, business and a variety of other fields. Our graduates are employed by organizations such as Motorola, Inc.; Legg Mason; and the Federal Reserve Bank. Several own their own companies. Students have earned graduate degrees at institutions such as Johns Hopkins University, Virginia Polytechnic University, Georgetown University, the University of New York, and the University of Brussels, Belgium.
The following economics courses satisfy the general education requirement in social sciences: ECO-211, ECO-212 and ECO-220. ECO-404 fulfills the general education requirement in cross-cultural studies. Economics minors must have a minimum grade of C in all courses to satisfy the minor.
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Required Courses for the Minor in Economics
ECO-211 Introduction to Macroeconomics (3)
ECO-212 Introduction to Microeconomics (3)
ECO-311 Applied Macroeconomics or ECO411 Topics in Economics or ECO463 Independent Study in Economics (3)
ECO-402 Money and Banking (3)
ECO-404 International Economics (3)
ECO-440 Economics of the Environment and Natural Resources
ECO-330 Honors: Food Safety Risk Analysis (3)
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ECO-211 Introduction to Macroeconomics
Focuses on the United States economy and its relations with the world. Examines how interactions among consumers, businesses, government and the rest of the world impact economic growth, inflation, unemployment and business cycles. Investigates the impact of monetary and fiscal policies on the overall performance of the economy. Fulfills general education requirement in social science. [3 credits]
ECO-212 Introduction to Microeconomics
Examines the manner in which prices are determined and limited resources are allocated efficiently through mastery of basic supply and demand. Considers the behavior of producers and consumers under various competitive conditions. Assesses the role of government in responding to market failures. Fulfills general education requirement in social science. [3 credits]
ECO-311 Applied Macroeconomics
Examines data related to economic, finance and international indicators. Applies macroeconomic theory to assess the current state of the economy and to forecast economic activities in the near future. Evaluates current economic policies in light of the economic forecast. Prerequisite:
ECO-211. [3 credits]
ECO-330 Honors: Food Safety Risk Analysis
Analyzes the extent and significance of food-borne diseases in the United States and around the world. Examines the most important hazards to food safety, including food additives and pesticides, microbial hazards, irradiation, and food defense as well as science-based solutions to their management. Considers the interdisciplinary risk analysis paradigm as a modern approach to food safety systems in considerable detail. Prerequisite: Morrissy scholar or permission. [3 credits]
ECO-402 Money and Banking
Examines the interactions between the United States financial system and the wider economy. Studies current developments in monetary policy and financial markets and explores the impact of money on the productive sector of the economy. Analyzes current economic, financial and international issues and tracks a variety of economic indicators to predict the actions of the Federal Reserve. Prerequisite:
ECO-211 or permission of instructor. [3 credits]
ECO-404 International Economics
Examines international trade theory, international trade policy and international finance from multi-country and multicultural perspectives. Applies economic models to explain the benefits from trade and its effect on the distribution of income among different groups within a country. Studies the impact of protectionist policies on the standard of living of both importing and exporting countries. Describes the balance of payments and develops models of exchange rates. Investigates international capital and finance issues in light of the current economy. Fulfills eneral education requirement in cross cultural studies. Prerequisite:
ECO-211 or
ECO-212. [3 credits]
ECO-440 Economics of the Environment and Natural Resources
Develops mastery of the theory of externalities, common property resources, alternative pollution-control measures, limits to economic growth, problems of exhaustible and renewable resources and water resource economics. Applies this theory to problems of environmental uality and management, ecosystem restoration and to problems relating to the wise use of natural resources. Prerequisite:
ECO-211. [3 credits]