
    ECO-211 Introduction to Macroeconomics

    Focuses on the United States economy and its relations with the world. Examines how interactions among consumers, businesses, government and the rest of the world impact economic growth, inflation, unemployment and business cycles. Investigates the impact of monetary and fiscal policies on the overall performance of the economy. Fulfills general education requirement in social science. [3 credits]

    ECO-212 Introduction to Microeconomics

    Examines the manner in which prices are determined and limited resources are allocated efficiently through mastery of basic supply and demand. Considers the behavior of producers and consumers under various competitive conditions. Assesses the role of government in responding to market failures. Fulfills general education requirement in social science. [3 credits]

    ECO-220 Honors: Economics and Contemporary Issues

    Applies economic principles and methodologies to the decision-making process of individuals, businesses and governments. Evaluates current political, social and economic events using basic economic theories and principles. Prerequisite: Morrissy scholar or permission. Fulfills general education requirement in social science. [3 credits]

    ECO-230 The End of Food (Food Economics)

    Learn the economics of food production and consumption in an increasingly global market. Are our food production systems the next looming crisis? If so, can we get back on a sustainable course? Fulfills general education requirement in social science. [ 3 credits ]

    ECO-311 Applied Macroeconomics

    Examines data related to economic, finance and international indicators. Applies macroeconomic theory to assess the current state of the economy and to forecast economic activities in the near future. Evaluates current economic policies in light of the economic forecast. Prerequisite: ECO-211. [3 credits]

    ECO-330 Honors: Food Safety Risk Analysis

    Analyzes the extent and significance of food-borne diseases in the United States and around the world. Examines the most important hazards to food safety, including food additives and pesticides, microbial hazards, irradiation, and food defense as well as science-based solutions to their management. Considers the interdisciplinary risk analysis paradigm as a modern approach to food safety systems in considerable detail. Prerequisite: Morrissy scholar or permission. [3 credits]

    ECO-342 Introduction to Public Finance

    Analyzes the role of local, state and federal government in meeting the demands of the public through examination of government's expenditure and taxing policies. Examines the theory of public goods, public expenditures, taxation, public choice, fiscal federalism, budgeting and benefit-cost analysis along with their application in public policy. Prerequisite: ECO-211 or ECO-212. [3 credits]

    ECO-348 Economic Theory of Management

    ECO-402 Money and Banking

    Examines the interactions between the United States financial system and the wider economy. Studies current developments in monetary policy and financial markets and explores the impact of money on the productive sector of the economy. Analyzes current economic, financial and international issues and tracks a variety of economic indicators to predict the actions of the Federal Reserve. Prerequisite: ECO-211 or permission of instructor. [3 credits]

    ECO-404 International Economics

    Examines international trade theory, international trade policy and international finance from multi-country and multicultural perspectives. Applies economic models to explain the benefits from trade and its effect on the distribution of income among different groups within a country. Studies the impact of protectionist policies on the standard of living of both importing and exporting countries. Describes the balance of payments and develops models of exchange rates. Investigates international capital and finance issues in light of the current economy. Fulfills eneral education requirement in cross cultural studies. Prerequisite: ECO-211 or ECO-212. [3 credits]

    ECO-411 Topics in Economics

    Provides opportunities to pursue special topics of current interest in the field of economics. [3 credits]

    ECO-463 Independent Study in Economics

    Provides opportunities for a student to study a topic of special interest in economics under the guidance of a faculty member. [3 credits]

    ECO-481 Directed Research in Economics II

    A continuation of the directed research begun in ECO-480. Prerequisite: economics major or minor, ECO-365 or ECO-366, or permission of the instructor. [ 3 credits ]

    ECO-511 Special Topics in Economics

    Examines special topics and issues in economics. Course content changes to address contemporary thinking and issues. Course may be taken more than once under different topics. [ 3 credits ]

    ECO-548 Economic Theory in Management

    Examines the economic environment in which firms operate. Introduces microeconomic and macroeconomic concepts and techniques to help managers "think like economists" when dealing with tactical issues or deciding on strategic directions for their firms. Provides the macroeconomics foundations for successful business decisions in a global economic environment while exposing students to a broad array of economic issues. [ 3 credits ]

    ECO-550 Managerial Economics

    Introduces economic methodologies to managerial decisions. Examines consumer demand, production costs, and output/price combinations that maximize firms' goals under different market structures. Applies basic math and statistics tools to evaluate business choices. All statistics and mathematics used in the class are explained in basic terms at the point of first usage. [ 3 credits ]

    ECO-560 Risk Analysis

    Covers risk analysis as an evolving paradigm for decision-making in uncertain situations. Risk analysis consists of three tasks: risk management, risk assessment and risk communication. This course introduces the language, models and methodologies of risk management, assessment and communication with an emphasis on the need for addressing uncertainty in all phases of decision-making. [ 3 credits ]