
Post-Master's Nurse Educator Certificate


Degrees offered



Main Campus

The Post-MSN Nurse Educator Certificate concentrates on developing increased knowledge and skills in a specific area of content for nurses who educate professional nurses in a variety of settings, including classrooms, clinics, simulation sites, laboratories and other learning environments.


Required Courses

          NUR-512   Trends in Nursing Education and Policy (3)
          NUR-513C Curriculum Development and Evaluation in Nursing Grounded in Caring (Certificate) (3)
          NUR-605C Teaching in Nursing Education Seminar and Practicum (Certificate) (3)
          NUR-502   Technology in Nursing Education (3)

          Total Credits: 12


The 12-credit Post-MSN Nurse Educator Certificate is available to students already holding a MSN, DNP, or PhD or currently enrolled in a MSN program at NDMU.


NUR-502 Technology in Nursing Education: A Caring Presence

This course cultivates instructional creativity and pedagogical engagement through an introduction to a variety of tools and strategies. The future MSN educator will consider applications for face to face student engagement, simulated learning activities, and online/hybrid course experiences. Being a caring presence with students in learning experiences is at the heart of this course. Students will explore how to strengthen relationships with in the classroom by providing an environment that embraces technology and nurtures engagement with course content.  [3 credits]

NUR-512 Issues and Trends in Nursing Education

Uses a case-study and seminar format to help students explore contemporary issues and trends in nursing education. Students will be introduced to fundamental legal and ethical principles which influence the quality of public and private education. They will become acquainted with the American legal process, basic legal terminology, selected precedents, and landmark cases in nursing education. Students will also have the opportunity to self-select trends in education for in-depth exploration and construct strategies to meet common challenges within diverse practice settings. [ 3 credits ] 

NUR-513C Curriculum Development and Evaluation in Nursing Grounded in Caring (Certificate)

This course introduces students to philosophical paradigms that ground and guide curriculum thinking and pedagogical practice.  A major focus of the course is to offer students opportunities for critical analysis of curriculum work, including evaluation, and to transform visions for nursing education.  Throughout the course, epistemological and ontological questions raised through technical, practical/interpretive, and critical perspectives are pursued during guided readings and classroom conversation. Students will envision and plan thoughtful curriculum work grounded in caring for enactment in their teaching practica settings. Open only for students enrolled in the Post Master’s Certificate in Nursing Education program.  [3 credits]

NUR-605C Teaching in Nursing Education Seminar and Practicum (Certificate)

This course provides opportunities for Post Master’s students to deepen understanding of nursing curriculum through thoughtful enactment of caring emancipatory pedagogical practice in a variety of settings. Reflection on the lived experience of being-with students as a teacher and critical readings in pedagogy and practice allows for celebration of education as transformation.   Open only for students enrolled in the Post Master’s Certificate in Nursing Education program.  [3 credits]