
    NUR-150 Gender and Women's Health

    Evaluates the relationship between gender and health outcomes both in the United States as well as globally. Students will become aware of how gender as a social construct influences the health and wellbeing of women. Biological and social processes related to women's health and disease will be explored. Issues such as violence against women, female genital mutilation, infanticide, lack of access to health care and education, health literacy, LGBT and sexual subjugation will be discussed using a women's health lens. Fulfills general education requirement in gender studies. [ 3 credits ]

    NUR-250 Nutrition for Wellness

    This three credit online course focuses on the basic principles of nutrition that will support nursing praxis and their application during the human life span in health and disease. Learners are offered the opportunity to explore the assumptions underlying nutrition for individuals of varying cultural backgrounds, stages of development, and across the wellness-illness continuum. The 14-week course will be offered in seven online modules. [3 credits]

    NUR-300 Foundations of Caring Science

    Explores human caring science as a foundation of the discipline and profession of nursing. In this course RN-BSN students have the opportunity to reflect on lived practice experiences through multiple ways of knowing and examination of caring as a way of being. Implications for transformational practice, education, and research are addressed.  [1 credit]

    NUR-301 Holistic Health Assessment

    Introduces the student to knowledge and skills essential for holistic health assessment. The psychological, physical, environmental, social, spiritual and genetic components of a health assessment will be applied. The student will practice assessment and interviewing skills in a skills laboratory. The student will analyze both subjective and objective data and document findings in the appropriate format. This course has 2 components: theory (3 credits) and practice (1 credit). Junior level traditional undergraduate nursing students only. [4 credits]

    NUR-301CL Holistic Health Assessment Lab

    Integrates NUR-301 Holistic Health Assessment course content into clinical experiences in the Center for Caring with Technology.

    NUR-302 Caring Approaches to Practice

    This three-credit course is designed to explore various aspects of professional nursing practice. Learning experiences will include caring ways of being present to our patients, peers, and families. Students will also engage in the exploration of practice standards, ethical ways of being, linkages between theory/practice, multiple ways of knowing, reflective practice, and current trends in nursing. Upon completion of the course, students will have had the opportunity to refine their abilities to communicate through scholarly writing and informative presentations. [3 credits]

    NUR-303 Nursing Informatics

    Students are introduced to online computer applications used in nursing and health care. Students acquire technical skills needed for the application of patient care technologies and competency in information literacy,information management, and information management systems for the purpose of safe, competent and quality patient care. Prerequisite: Junior level traditional undergraduate nursing students only. [2 credits]

    NUR-304 Healthy Aging

    Explores the multiple dimensions of aging in America and in global societies. The course focuses on the foundations of healthy, successful aging based on national indicators, as well as the personal definitions and meanings of the older adult. Students will learn to support optimal promotion of health and wellness while exploring the care of who might also be experiencing illness, recovery or the end-of-life. The complex relationships among person-health-nursing environment will be examined in depth. Junior level traditional undergraduate nursing students only. [ 3 credits ]

    NUR-305 Foundations of a Caring Profession

    Builds upon previous classes in social and physical sciences, humanities, as well as lived experiences that students bring to the discipline of nursing. In this course, students are introduced to the caring profession of nursing through exploration of philosophical underpinnings, contributions from nurse theorists, and concepts of health and healing.  Students develop ways of thinking and knowing, ways of being in relationships with self and others, and appreciation of providing technological care, compassion, and comfort to persons, families and communities. Through thoughtful integration of theory and reflective lived practice, students deepen understanding of the meaning of caring necessary for compassionate presence and technological skill in the art and science of professional nursing. Students are invited to a call to care and to a life-long commitment to nursing scholarship. This course has two components: theory (3 credits) and practice (2 credits). Prerequisite: Junior level traditional undergraduate nursing students only. [5 credits]

    NUR-305CL Foundations of a Caring Profession Clinical

    This clinical course is a component of NUR-305 Foundations of a Caring Profession.

    NUR-306 Writing for Professionals

    This course is designed for students to develop proficiency in information access and evaluation skills. The principles and techniques of scholarly writing along with other types of writing used by professional nurses will be introduced. Students will transform information into clear scholarly narratives.  [ 1 credit ]

    NUR-307 Research in Nursing Practice

    Introduces students to knowledge and skills that are essential for a consumer of nursing research. Examines use of the research process as a method to enhance scientific inquiry and to develop a knowledge base for nursing practice. Critical appraisal of both qualitative and quantitative methods in published nursing research is emphasized. Includes interpretation of basic
    descriptive and inferential statistics in published studies and evaluation of studies for nursing practice. Prerequisite: NUR-303. Junior level Women's College nursing students only. [ 3 credits ]

    NUR-308 Professional Nursing Care: Psychiatric/Mental Health

    Provides opportunities for students to understand and care for persons who are experiencing struggles in human living and major psychiatric and mental health problems. Through directed readings, narrative writing, classroom conversations and engagement with patients in clinical settings students focus on coming to understand what it is like to live through
    selected health states such as depresson, bipolar disorder, anxiety, schizophrenia, psychoactive substance use disorders and more. Emphasis on the lived experiences of persons with psychiatric illness allows for a focus on reflective ways of 'being-with' patients that integrates knowledge of psychobiology, pharmacology, and thoughtful, competent, caring nursing practice. This course has two components: theory (2 credits)and practice (2 credits). Prerequisites: NUR-301NUR-303, NUR-305, NUR-310. Junior level Women's College nursing students only. [ 4 credits ]

    NUR-308CL Professional Nursing Care: Psychiatric/Mental Health Clinical

    This clinical course is a component of NUR-308 Professional Nursing Care: Psychiatric/Mental Health.

    NUR-309 Foundations of Caring Science: Nursing Situations, Scholarly Analysis, and Calls for Justice

    Explores caring science as foundational to the discipline and profession of nursing in the context of circle practice pedagogy. In this course, students have the opportunity to construct lived Nursing Situations and analyze embedded knowledge through multiple ways of knowing, theories of caring, and established professional practice standards. Calls for nursing as a practice of social justice are recognized through examination of societal and health care trends. Implications for transformational practice, education, and research are addressed and disseminated through scholarly writing and oral presentations. Students are encouraged to submit their scholarly course work to the Nancy Kreiter Research Foundation. College of Adult Undergraduate Studies Nursing majors only. First course in the RN to BSN course sequence preferred. [ 3 credits]

    NUR-310 Pathopharmacology

    Combines pathophysiology, the study of altered health status, with pharmacology, the study of medications prescribed to prevent, cure or treat pathophysiological conditions. Major health problems will be highlighted with an emphasis on caring for persons across the lifespan and their individual needs. Major drug classes and prototypical drugs are presented with specific application to nursing care within the nursing process. Junior level traditional undergraduate nursing students only. [4 credits]

    NUR-311 Professional Nursing Care of the Adult I

    Focuses on the integration of caring for adults experiencing commonly occurring health concerns using competencies that are directed toward health promotion, disease prevention and maintenance/restoration of health. Applying specialized knowledge, communication skills and therapeutic interventions, nursing students will develop relationships with patients/families which will foster partnerships directed toward holistic care. Beginning relationships with the intra/interdisciplinary team will be developed. This course has 2  components: theory (2 credits) and practice (2 credits). Prerequisites: NUR-301, NUR-303, NUR-305, and NUR-310. Junior level traditional undergraduate nursing students only. [4 credits]

    NUR-311CL Adult Health Clinical

    This clinical course is a component of NUR-311 Professional Nursing Care of the Adult I.

    NUR-314 Nursing Situations in Palliative Caring

    Grounded in caring science, this three-week online course focuses on promoting holistic patient and family assessment and nursing care in the context of chronic and life-limiting illness. The role of the nurse in communicating with the patient, family, and interdisciplinary team will frame an exploration of personal beliefs and practices that inform the provision of palliative care. The framework of The Nursing Situation, as well as the End of Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC) curricular framework will guide examination of the practice of palliative care, including pain and symptom management, pharmacology and complementary alternative methodologies, ethical issues, communication, and cultural competency will all be explored. The practice of palliative care nursing, within the context of a variety of cultures and among vulnerable populations will be considered.  [ 3 credits ]

    NUR-315 Advocacy, Politics and Power

    This course prepares the student to critically evaluate the ethical, socioeconomic, political, legal, and power considerations influencing health care policy. An emphasis on professional values, advocacy, and political activism assists the student to become influencers in policy formation. Students will create an advocacy toolkit focused on a specific health policy, with the goal of exploring the role of the nurse in identifying, analyzing, and influencing policy at the local, state, federal and/or global levels.  [3 credits] 

    NUR-319 Holistic Health Assessment and Nutrition Across the Lifespan for Professional Nurses

    This course introduces the student to knowledge and skills essential for holistic health assessment through a lens of caring science and an emphasis on social determinants of health. The student will practice assessment and interviewing skills in the Center for Caring with Technology. The student will analyze both subjective and objective data and document findings in an appropriate format. Students will enhance their abilities to conduct a culturally sensitive assessment. Nutrition principles will be reviewed for populations across the lifespan.  [ 5 credits ]

    NUR-320 Honors: Caregiving at the End of Life

    Explores a variety of theories and methods for caregiving at the end of life, and is designed for both nursing and non-nursing students. The course will explore the medicalization of death, structural inequalities in access to medical care, palliative and hospice care for people facing terminal illness, and clinical dimensions of death and dying. Course will focus on contemplative practices that enable caregivers to care for themselves and provide effective support for patients and their loved ones. Course will introduce various religious and spiritual perspectives on dying, death, and the afterlife, and learn about rituals for grief and mourning. Fulfills general education requirement for 300-400 level religious studies.  traditional undergraduate only.  [ 3 credits ]

    NUR-400 Information Systems for Caring Practice

    In this RN to BSN course, learners will explore the relationship between nurse and technology. Information systems used in nursing and healthcare and their application to patient safety and quality improvement through the lens of caring science will be introduced. Learners acquire technical skills needed for this application of patient care technologies and competency in information literacy, information management, and information management systems for safe, competent, and quality patient care.  [3 credits]

    NUR-408 Professional Nursing Care: Maternal and Newborn

    Focuses on holistic caring of childbearing families during pregnancy, labor and delivery, post-partum as well as care of the newborn. Students learn and apply evidence-based nursing theoretical concepts in the nursing care of women, newborns, and families in a variety of environments. The course builds upon courses in social and physical sciences, humanities and professional nursing care and provides opportunities for clinical ethical reflection. This course has two components: theory (2 credits) and practice (2 credits). Prerequisites: NUR-304, NUR-311, NUR-307, NUR-308. Senior level  traditional undergraduate nursing students only. [ 4 credits ]

    NUR-408CL Maternal and Infant Nursing Clinical

    This clinical course is a component of NUR-408, Professional Nursing Care: Maternal and Newborn Clinical. [ 0 credits ]

    NUR-409 Professional Nursing Care of the Adult II

    Builds on concepts from NUR-311 in caring for adults experiencing complex health concerns using competencies related to health, illness, dying and death. Nursing students will apply advanced levels of knowledge, communication and interventions as they support patients/families experiencing more severe  alterations in health. Relationships with intra/interdisciplinary team members will be integrated into individual nursing practice. This course has two  components: theory (2 credits) and practice (2 credits). Prerequisites: NUR-304, NUR-311, NUR-307, NUR-308. [4 credits]

    NUR-409CL Care of the Adult II Clinical

    This clinical course is a component of NUR-409, Professional Nursing Care of the Adult II. [ 0 credits ]

    NUR-411 Healthy Aging for Professional Nurses

    In this course, students will explore healthy aging through the lens of caring science. The course will provide an examination of theories, trends, and research related to aging and nursing care of older adults, with an emphasis on health promotion and health disparities of aging. Students will be encouraged to become advocates for older adults within healthcare and the greater community, examining economic and policy implications that shape models of care. Students will gain knowledge that will better enable them to eliminate health disparities among older adults, and develop nursing care strategies that improve the care and health of older adults within the acute healthcare system, institutionalized settings, and in the community.  The course will also prepare students to develop nursing care strategies that promote healthy aging for individuals throughout the lifespan. [3 credits] 

    NUR-412 Population Health Through a Caring Lens

    Grounded in caring science, this course focuses on promoting and protecting the health of the public using health promotion, risk reduction, and disease management and control strategies.  Community assessment, epidemiologic, change, political action, and case-management frameworks are used to guide evidence-based nursing care delivery to persons, families, and populations in community settings.  The role of social determinants of health will be explored; cultural competency, social justice, and advocacy will be discussed as strategies for the elimination of health disparities.  [4 credits]

    NUR-417 Professional Nursing Care: Children and Families

    Focuses on caring for children and adolescents, and their families, who are experiencing physiological and psychosocial alterations in health as well as promoting health and wellness. Students engage in theory based, evidence based reflective nursing practice with children and adolescents in a variety of places to include inpatient pediatric units, outpatient clinics and home. The course builds upon courses in social and physical sciences, human growth and
    development, humanities, and professional nursing care and offers opportunities to reflect on ethical issues concerning children and adolescents. This course has two components: theory (2 credits) and practice (2 credits). Prerequisites: NUR-304, NUR-311, NUR-307, NUR-308. Senior level Women's College nursing students only. [ 4 credits ]

    NUR-417CL Professional Nursing Care: Children and Families Clinical

    This clinical course is a component of NUR-417, Professional Nursing Care: Children and Families. [ 0 credits ]

    NUR-420 Nursing Research for Professional Nurses

    This course introduces learners to knowledge and skills essential for a consumer of nursing research. It examines use of the research process as a method to enhance scientific inquiry and to develop a knowledge base for nursing practice.  Critical appraisal of both qualitative and quantitative methods in published nursing research is emphasized. Research on caring will be the central theme. [3 credits]

    NUR-431 Community Health Nursing

    Focuses on and explores theory, concepts, and practices of community/public health nursing from a culturally sensitive perspective with an emphasis on vulnerable populations. Learners explore specific issues and societal concerns that affect public health, including healthcare needs of populations at risk. A reflection on nursing care of communities as social justice is explored. Using assigned service learning settings, learners will assess community health needs, plan health promotion and disease and injury prevention interventions through the application of selected behavioral change theories. This course has two components: Theory (3 credits) and practice (2 credits). Prerequisites: NUR-417, NUR-406, and NUR-409. Senior level traditional undergraduate nursing students only. [ 5 credits ]

    NUR-431CL Community Health Clinical

    This clinical course is a component of NUR-431, Community Health Nursing. [ 0 credits ]

    NUR-440 Caring Nursing Leadership for Professional Nurses

    This course integrates previously learned nursing knowledge and skills of caring and contemporary leadership and management theories and processes, enabling learners to define more clearly their roles as baccalaureate-prepared nurses.  Learners analyze health care environment challenges of changes in focus to population health, economic realities, opportunities for continued professional development, and leadership/management challenges created by increasingly complex healthcare environments.  Knowing one’s-self, appreciating the diversity of the workplace and communities, caring for vulnerable and marginalized populations, and using caring science as a basis for leadership in nursing and healthcare are woven throughout the course.  [3 credits]

    NUR-441 Caring Approaches in Nursing Leadership and Practice

    This course integrates the role of nursing leadership within the context of contemporary issues and challenges of the healthcare system and professional nursing practice. Students will draw on theories of nursing and leadership to gain a working knowledge of organizational behavior, evidenced-based practice, and professional standards with practical applications for the workplace. The knowledge gained will allow students to analyze the implications of professional nursing practice in an evolving healthcare system. Prerequisites: All 300-level courses. Senior level students only. [ 4 credits ]

    NUR-450 Capstone Experience

    Building on previous learning in the curriculum and blending with leadership experiences, students will use the lens of caring science to analyze their current way of being with patients, colleagues, employers and the community at large. Being present in these relationships, students will use scholarship to investigate an area where relationships or processes could be improved with a focus on self-care, quality and/or safety. Each student will design a project that, if implemented, could improve praxis and advocate for change in the workplace. Using leadership skills, the student will determine the best way to communicate the proposed project. Reflective practice will be used throughout the course to focus on the program outcomes of presence, praxis, advocacy, scholarship, self-care, and leadership as it relates to their project.  [2 credits]

    NUR-461 Clinical Practicum

    This course engages students in a comprehensive clinical practice with patients in one of a variety of practice settings. Opportunities are provided for students to assume responsibility, in the context of theory-based, evidence-based reflective practice, for the holistic care of assigned patients in a select health care setting. With the guidance of a preceptor who is on staff in the facility, the student collaborates with all members of the health care team in the planning and care of her patients and transitions from nursing student to entry-level professional nurse. Practice settings include, but are not limited to, care of persons in emergency departments, medical-surgical units, homeless shelters, outpatient clinics, critical care units, and labor and delivery units. The focus of the practicum is on intentionally bringing together knowledge and understanding of pathophysiology, social justice, ways of being in care with persons, families and communities. A final, clinically-based culminating project is completed in the practicum setting and presented in symposium format at the end of the course. The student will complete intensive preparation for the National Council Licensing Exam (NCLEX) throughout the course. 6 credits: 30 theory hours and 180 clinical hours. Prerequisites: All 3rd semester clinical courses: Professional Nursing Care of the Adult II, Professional Nursing Care: Children and Families; Professional Nursing Care: Maternal Newborn. Co-requisites: Community Health; Caring Approaches in Nursing Leadership and Practice. [ 6 credits ]

    NUR-500 Introduction to Scholarly Caring Inquiry

    This course explores foundations of scholarly inquiry in nursing within the context of caring science through the structure and process of circle practice. Students in both administration and education concentrations engage in shared leadership and attend to the well-being of the group. The course emphasizes the scholarly practices of closely reading text, making connections with scholarly literature and lived experience, synthesizing scholarly thought, and writing. Students strictly adhere to the rules of style of the American Psychological Association (APA) for guidance in the writing process, including ethics of authorship. [3 credits]

    NUR-501 Theoretical Foundations of Nursing

    Focuses on the exploration of nursing knowledge development to include philosophy, theories, and conceptual models designed to guide patient care, inform health care delivery system decision-making, educational programming and nursing administration. A first course in the program, grounding learners in nursing science. [ 3 credits ]

    NUR-502 Technology in Nursing Education: A Caring Presence

    This course cultivates instructional creativity and pedagogical engagement through an introduction to a variety of tools and strategies. The future MSN educator will consider applications for face to face student engagement, simulated learning activities, and online/hybrid course experiences. Being a caring presence with students in learning experiences is at the heart of this course. Students will explore how to strengthen relationships with in the classroom by providing an environment that embraces technology and nurtures engagement with course content.  [3 credits]

    NUR-503 Assessment of Student Learning in Nursing Education

    This course focuses on student assessment and evaluation practices in nursing education. Students will explore the theoretical basis for evaluation, in addition to practical applications and strategies. Student will be prepared to utilize both traditional and non-traditional methods of assessment to assess student learning outcomes.  This course includes content on providing meaningful feedback; test construction and psychometric evaluation; the development and grading of written assignments; evaluation in the clinical performance; and the use of self-assessment.  Current trends in assessment and evaluation within nursing education will be explored, in addition to the tension between traditional and emancipatory pedagogies.  [3 credits]

    NUR-504 Holistic Approaches to Transforming Direct Care

    This course provides students with the opportunity to explore their direct care role from a caring holistic approach. Students will integrate advanced level health assessment, physiology, pharmacology, and holistic nursing practices to support their role as nurse educator. Students will apply these advanced concepts to their chosen direct care focus. Students are challenged to transform their nursing practice and outcomes of those they serve from a holistic lens.  [ 2 credits ]

    NUR-510 Contemporary Leadership in Nursing

    Provides opportunities to critically examine multiple leadership theories, styles and approaches in nursing with emphasis on the interrelationships among leaders, followers and the entire multi-disciplinary team. In addition, excellence in nursing leadership will be explored along with the implications and responsibilities of the nurse leader for shaping today's changing educational and health care environments. [ 2 credits ]

    NUR-512 Issues and Trends in Nursing Education

    Uses a case-study and seminar format to help students explore contemporary issues and trends in nursing education. Students will be introduced to fundamental legal and ethical principles which influence the quality of public and private education. They will become acquainted with the American legal process, basic legal terminology, selected precedents, and landmark cases in nursing education. Students will also have the opportunity to self-select trends in education for in-depth exploration and construct strategies to meet common challenges within diverse practice settings. [ 3 credits ] 

    NUR-513 Curriculum and Evaluation Grounded in Caring

    Introduces students to the history, theories, education taxonomies and critical thinking that influence curriculum development both in academia and the clinical setting. Students  will learn to develop a formal plan of study that provides the philosophical underpinnings, goals and guidelines for the delivery of RN educational programs, including associate, baccalaureate, master's degrees and staff development. Systematic curriculum and program evaluation
    will be examined through the lens of educational evaluation models and accreditation in the academic and practice setting. Prerequsites: NUR-500, NUR-501, NUR-502, NUR-503, NUR-535, NUR-537, NUR-512, NUR-542, NUR-504. [ 4 credits ]

    NUR-513C Curriculum and Evaluation Grounded in Caring (Certificate)

    This course introduces students to philosophical paradigms that ground and guide curriculum thinking and pedagogical practice. A major focus of the course is to offer students opportunities for critical analysis of curriculum work, including evaluation, and to transform visions for nursing education. Throughout the course, epistemological and ontological questions raised through technical, practical/interpretive, and critical perspectives are pursued during guided
    readings and classroom conversation. Students will envision and plan thoughtful curriculum work grounded in caring for enactment in their 
    teaching practica settings. Open only for students enrolled in the Post Master's Nurse Educator Certificate program. Prerequisites: NUR-502, NUR-512. [ 3 credits ]

    NUR-515 Issues and Trends in Nursing Administration

    Examines ethical and legal issues in nursing administration and applies relevant principles to increasingly complex practice problems. Through the case study method, learners become acquainted with the American legal process, basic legal terminology and the diversity of legal issues that affect nurse administrators. [ 3 credits ]

    NUR-516 Nursing Administrative Theory and Practice

    Applies administrative theory and management principles and processes to roles in management/ administration in health related organizations.
    Additionally, a framework for strategic planning is used to consider assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of strategic initiatives applicable to nursing leadership. Prerequisites: NUR-500, NUR-501, NUR-510, NUR-515, NUR-542, NUR-520, BUS-521, NUR-518, BUS-522, BUS-523, BUS-521. [4 credits ]

    NUR-516C Nursing Administrative Theory and Practice (Certificate)

    This course uses caring science and administrative theory and management principles and processes to examine management/administration roles in healthcare organizations. Students use frameworks for decision making, change management, and strategic planning to consider assessment, planning,
    implementation, and evaluation of strategic initiatives applicable to nursing leadership. This course will consider the perspectives of various stakeholders involved in operational and strategic decision-making and strategies for communication. Open only for students enrolled in the Post Master's Nurse  administrator Certificate. Prerequisites: BUS-521, NUR-518, BUS-522 or BUS-523. [ 3 credits ]

    NUR-518 Health Policy

    Examines historical and current health policy issues related to socio-political environment, economics of health care, legislative and regulatory influences and how these apply to the practice of the nurse leader. Considers the various stakeholders involved in health policy and their perspectives and strategies.  [3 credits].

    NUR-520 Nursing Informatics

    This course will prepare the graduate nursing student to evaluate and use current technologies to deliver and coordinate care across multiple settings, analyze point of care outcomes, and communicate with individuals and groups, including the media, policymakers, other healthcare professionals, and the public. In addition, it will foster an attitude of openness to innovation and continual learning and a deep understanding of the ethical implications of rapidly growing healthcare data management systems. Students will be able to educate key stakeholders using current technologies and understand the principles related to the safe and effective use of care and information technologies.  [ 2 credits ]

    NUR-521 Topics in Healthcare Economics

    Healthcare managers, particularly those in nursing leadership roles, must have a foundational understanding of healthcare economics to effectively guide their organizations in addressing challenges related to efficiency and effectiveness in healthcare delivery. This knowledge is essential as healthcare systems
    strive to provide quality care while managing costs and resources. In this course, students will gain an understanding of the critical role health insurance plays in the financing and delivery of healthcare services, including its impact on consumer demand for care. The course will explore how health insurance payment models influence provider behavior, with a focus on how nursing professionals can adapt to these changes in care delivery. Students will also examine key
    provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and current trends in healthcare transformation, exploring how these policies impact nursing practice and patient outcomes. Additionally, discussions will cover topics such as competition within the healthcare system, the role of government regulations, and the challenge of measuring value in healthcare outcomes, with a focus on how nurses can contribute to improving care quality and efficiency. Topics like cost shifting and the relationship between healthcare spending and patient health outcomes will also be addressed. This course may be substituted for BUS-521 for students enrolled in the MSN Program, Leadership in Nursing Administration concentration. [ 3 credits ]

    NUR-528 Study Abroad: MSN Practicum

    Study Abroad is encouraged for MSN students who are designing practicum experiences. Opportunities for practicums in advanced clinical practice, nursing education or nursing administration are available. Experiencing another culture allows learners a chance to grow personally, increase cultural understanding and broaden their education and knowledge of the world. This global experience promotes compassion in the delivery of nursing care to the culturally diverse populations that we currently serve and contributes to global citizenship. Students will co-register for NUR-603 or NUR-520 as appropriate. [ variable credits ]

    NUR-535 Advanced Health Assessment for Nurse Educators

    The course expands on undergraduate skills in systematic health assessment across the life span. The student will learn advanced health assessment skills in specialty advanced nursing practice. Integration of skills and techniques in collecting health assessment data towards appropriate decision-making and clinical assessments in select populations are emphasized in this didactic course.  Particular attention will be paid to teaching strategies for health assessment.  [3 credits]

    NUR-537 Advanced Pathophysiology and Pharmacology for Nurse Educators

    This course introduces and integrates general principles of pharmacology with pathophysiological phenomena. It is designed to provide future nurse educators with a holistic and advanced understanding of disease as disordered normal body physiology. As such, students will have an enhanced ability to teach the disease process and related potential sequelae. This course will explore the mechanism(s) related to the production of signs, symptoms, complications, treatments, and interventions of different disease states and specific health problems. Innovative teaching strategies for selected alterations in health are used with emphasis on pathophysiological concepts and pharmacological interventions. Nurse educator students will experience being the learner using a variety of teaching learning methods. This course does not meet requirements for prescriptive authority.  [3 credits]

    NUR-542 Advancing Caring Science through Scholarly Inquiry

    This course provides the opportunity for graduate nursing students to engage in enhanced critical inquiry activities as they analyze, interpret, and evaluate research studies. There will be an emphasis on problem identification; design principles; and accessing, analyzing, disseminating and applying nursing research. Students will explore current evidence to guide the development of a research proposal grounded in caring science in their area of interest.
    Prerequisite NUR-500. [ 3 credits ]

    NUR-545 Family Theory and Dynamics

    The course focuses on advancing knowledge, skill, and valuing of family as a critical aspect of the Family and Adult-Gerontology Nurse Practitioner roles. Family Nursing Situations for advanced practice are analyzed through the lens of select theoretical and philosophical frameworks. Family Systems Theory, Family Assessment models and Nursing as Caring Theory along with other select caring science and family science theories are applied to guide understandings of family as the unit and context of care in a variety of Family Situations in Primary Care. Situations of health promotion, family crises related to addictions, poverty, violence, homelessness, mental illness, chronic illness, and trauma offer opportunities for exploration of complex family "calls" for nursing. Compassionate family interview, holistic assessment of family health, ilness, and suffering, discerning what matters most to families, and scholarly engagement in relational inquiry allows for reflective family practice grounded in theory. [ 2 credits ]

    NUR-546 Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning

    This course helps students acquire knowledge and skills in the conduct of a comprehensive health assessment including the physical, psychological, social, functional and environmental aspects of health. Data collection, interpretation, documentation and dissemination of assessment data is studied. Techniquest of interviewing, observation, percussion, palpation,  inspection and auscultation in assessing clients across the lifespan are reviewed in simulated and learning environments. Students develop clinical reasoning skills to begin to formulate differential diagnoses. Prerequisites: NUR-500, NUR-501NUR-545. Corequisite: NUR-547. [ 3 credits ]

    NUR-547 Pathophysiology for Advanced Practice

    Provides students an understanding of pathophysiology related to human illness, disease prevention and treatment within a systems framework. Utilizing knowledge of the basic sciences and clinical nursing experience, critical thinking processes are used to analyze diverse client presentations of selected illness for symptomatology, pathophysiology and health care implications. Current research and theories that deal with physiologic and pathophysiologic topics are included. Pre-requisites: NUR-500, NUR-501, NUR-545. Co-requisite: NUR-546. [ 3 credits ]

    NUR-548 Advanced Clinical Pharmacology

    Advanced study of the actions and effects of drugs on the human system throughout the life cycle. Examines the pharmacotherapeutic properties of all
    broad categories of agents with a focus on pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics principles, therapeutic and adverse effects, drug interactions, cost, and evidence-based prescribing guidelines. Enables students to safely, and appropriately select pharmacologic agents for the care of persons and diverse populations with common acute and chronic health problems. Pre-requisites: NUR-500, NUR-501, NUR-545, NUR-546, NUR-547. Co-requisite: NUR-542. [ 3 credits ]

    NUR-549 Population Health for Advanced Nursing Practice

    This seminar course engages the instructor and students in mutual learning while critically examining social justice and public health issues. Principles of genetics, genomics, epidemiological data, and patterns of knowing are considered for design and delivery of evidence-based, culturally relevant clinical prevention and health promotion stragegies and interventions. This course also  explores health information and technology that allows for the exploration of the distribution and determinants of health and disease. Emphasis is placed on building awareness and understanding of the advanced practice nurse's involvement in the ecology of health. Pre-requisites: NUR-500NUR-501, NUR-545, NUR-546, NUR-547, NUR-548NUR-542. Co-requisites: NUR-630, NUR-635. [3 credits]

    NUR-605 Teaching in Nursing Education Seminar and Practicum

    Provides an internship in the appropriate educational setting that complements the intended career path of each learner. Students will deliver didactic and clinical instruction under the guidance of a selected nurse preceptor. Opportunities to attend curriculum and evaluation meetings and to participate in
    advising will be provided. Part of this course will include an integration seminar. Prerequisites: NUR-500, NUR-501, NUR-502, NUR-503, NUR-535, NUR-537, NUR-512, NUR-542, NUR-504. [ 4 credits ]

    NUR-605C Teaching in Nursing Education Seminar and Practicum (Certificate)

    This course provides opportunities for Post Master's students to deepen understanding of nursing curriculum through thoughtful enactment of caring emancipatory pedagogical practice in a variety of settings. Reflection on the lived experience of being-with students as a teacher and critical readings in pedagogy and practice allows for celebration of education as transformation. Open only for students enrolled in the Post Master's Nurse Educator Certificate
    Program. Prerequisites: NUR-502, NUR-512. [ 3 credits ]

    NUR-620 Leadership and Administration in Nursing Seminar and Practicum

    Applies administrative theory and management principles and processes to roles in management/administration in h ealth related organizations. Additionally, a framework for strategic planning is used to consider assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of strategic initiatives applicable to nursing
    leadership. Prerequisites: NUR-500, NUR-501, NUR-510, NUR-515, NUR-542, NUR-520, BUS-521, NUR-518, BUS-522, BUS-523, BUS-521. [ 4 credits ]

    NUR-620C Leadership and Administration in Nursing Seminar and Practicum (Certificate)

    This course focuses on exploration of theory through participation, research, and observation of organizational functioning and nursing leadership. Students co-design practicum objectives with a nursing administrator preceptor in a clinical setting. Through the lens of Caring Science, emphasis is on organizational and departmental structure. Open only for students enrolled in the Post Master's Nurse Administrator Certificate program. Prerequisites: BUS-521, NUR-518 or BUS-522 or BUS-523. [ 3 credits ]

    NUR-630 Primary Care I: Adults in the Community

    This seminar course engages the faculty and students in mutual learning while critically examining theoretical and practical foundations of acute problems encountered by adults in a primary care setting. It includes primary health care of women. Emphasis is placed on a holistic approach to health promotion, disease prevention, early detection, and management of common acute and chronic health conditions of adults with special attention to care of the reproductive age female patient. The focus is on pathophysiology of the condition, etiology, incidence, clinical findings, and differential diagnosis. Evidence-based research will drive healthcare decision making, pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical management to promote health of adults in primary care settings. Caring between nurse practitioner and patient is valued and explored. Pre-requisites: NUR-500, NUR-545, NUR-501, NUR-546, NUR-547NUR-548, NUR-542. Co-requisites: NUR-635 and NUR-549. [ 3 credits ]

    NUR-631 Primary Care II: Adolescents to Adult Gerontology

    This seminar course engages the instructor and students in mutual learning while critically examining advanced practice nursing in the care of adolescents and adults with an emphasis on assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of common health problems among culturally diverse populations. Research and principles of evidence-based practice are used to apply health promotion and disease prevention strategies for adolescents and adults. What matters most to the adult and adolescent is considered and caring between nurse practitioner and patient is essential and explored. Pre-requisites: NUR-500NUR-501, NUR-545, NUR-546, NUR-547, NUR-548NUR-542, NUR-630, NUR-635, NUR-549. Co-requisites: NUR-636 and NUR-632. [ 3 credits ]

    NUR-632 Role Transition for the Advanced Practice Nurse

    This seminar course engages the instructor and students in mutual learning while critically examining advanced practice nursing roles, grounded in caring science, including past and present trends relevant to understanding leadership functions., organization of health care delivery systems, and the political climate surrounding advanced practice and regulatory and reimbursement processes. Pre-requisites: NUR-500NUR-501, NUR-545, NUR-546, NUR-547, NUR-548NUR-542, NUR-630, NUR-635, NUR-549. Corequisites: NUR-631 and NUR-636. [ 2 credits ]

    NUR-633 Advanced Primary Care of Infants and Children

    This is an interactive seminar course where students and faculty engage in mutual learning while critically examining issues in the primary care of infants and children, with an emphasis on wellness promotion, illness prevention, and treatment of common health problems among culturally diverse populations. Research and principles of evidence-based practice will be  used to promote the health and wellbeing of infants and children. Caring between the nurse practitioner and family is essential and explored. Pre-requisites: NUR-500, NUR-501, NUR-545NUR-546, NUR-547, NUR-548, NUR-542, NUR-630NUR-635NUR-631, NUR-636, NUR-549, NUR-632. Co-requisite: NUR-637. [ 2 credits ]

    NUR-634 Advanced Primary Care of the Frail Elderly

    This course builds on the management of acute and chronic illness to focus on the health care needs of the older adult with chronic illness in the primary care setting. A holistic approach to promoting wellness, maintaining function, and self-care is emphasized. Evidence-based research will drive healthcare decision making, pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical management to promote quality of life with older adults. Ethical dilemmas that impact the care of older adults such as palliative care measures, supportive measures, and family care  living at end of life are integrated. Pre-requisites: NUR-500NUR-501, NUR-545, NUR-546, NUR-547, NUR-548NUR-542, NUR-630, NUR-635, NUR-631, NUR-636NUR-549, NUR-632. Co-requisite: NUR-637. [ 2 credits ]

    NUR-635 Advanced Primary Care Practicum I

    This is the first practicum experience for nurse practitioner students. Students will have a supervised clinical experience in which they will provide caring science-based holistic assessment and treatment with a variety of patients from diverse populations in the areas of wellness and health promotion, illness prevention, and symptom management. Students will use critical thinking reflective practice, and evidence-based practice to develop skills at the novice level in formulating clinical impressions, differential diagnoses, treatment, and evaluation plans. Requires 130 hours of supervised clinical practice, simulation, and clinical conference. Pre-requisites: NUR-500, NUR-501, NUR-545NUR-546, NUR-547, NUR-548, NUR-542. Co-requisites: NUR-630 and NUR-549. [ 2 credits ]

    NUR-636 Advanced Primary Care Practicum II

    This is the second practicum experience for nurse practitioner students. Students will have a supervised clinical experience in which they will provide caring science-based holistic assessment and treatment with a variety of patients from diverse populations in the areas of wellness and health promotion, illness prevention, and symptom management. Students will use critical thinking reflective and evidence-based practice to develop skills at the advanced beginner level in formulating clinical impressions, differential diagnoses, treatment and evaluation plans. Requires 195 hours of supervised clinical practice, simulation, and clinical conference. Pre-requisites: NUR-500, NUR-501, NUR-545NUR-546, NUR-547, NUR-548, NUR-542, NUR-530NUR-549. Co-requisites: NUR-636 and NUR-632. [ 3 credits ]

    NUR-637 Advanced Primary Care Practicum III

    This is the third practicum experience for nurse practitioner students. Students will have a supervised clinical experience in which they will collaboratively manage the care of a variety of patients from diverse populations in the areas of wellness and health promotion, illness prevention, and treatment. Students will use critical thinking, reflective caring science-based and evidence-based practice to develop skills at a competent level in formulating clinical impressions, differential diagnoses, treatment, and eveluation plans. Requires 195 hours of supervised clinical practice, simulation, and clinical conference. Pre-requisites: NUR-500NUR-501, NUR-545, NUR-546, NUR-547, NUR-548NUR-542, NUR-630, NUR-635, NUR-549NUR-631NUR-636, NUR-632. Co-requisites: NUR-633 and NUR-634. [ 3 credits ]

    NUR-638 Advanced Primary Care Practicum IV

    This is the fourth practicum experience for nurse practitioner students. Students will have a supervised clinical experience in which they will collaboratively manage the care of a variety of patients from diverse populations in the areas of wellness and health promotion, illness prevention, and treatment. Students will use critical thinking, reflective caring  science-based and evidenced-based practice to develop skills at a proficient level in formulating clinical impressions, differential diagnoses, treatment, and eveluation plans. Requires 260 hours of supervised clinical practice, simulation, and clinical conference. Pre-requisites: NUR-500NUR-501, NUR-545, NUR-546, NUR-547, NUR-548NUR-542, NUR-630, NUR-635, NUR-549, NUR-631NUR-636, NUR-632, NUR-637, NUR-633 or NUR-634. Co-requisite: NUR-510. [ 4 credits ]