
Academic Regulations (University)

The Catalog represents a flexible description of current educational plans, Programs of Study, offerings, and requirements that may be altered from time to time to carry out the purposes and objectives of the University. 

The following are Undergraduate Academic Regulations and Policies: 

Academic Advising
          Women's College
          College of Adult Undergraduate Studies
Academic Clemency
Academic Clemency/Renewal at another University
Academic Standing
          Academic Good Standing
Academic Probation
          Academic Dismissal
          Dean's List
Appeals - Student Policies
Appeals - Final Grades
          Reasons for Appeal
          Process for Final Grade Appeal
Appeals – Academic Dismissal
Attendance Regulations
Catalog Year 
          Catalog Year for degree seeking students
          Catalog Year for transfer students with a Maryland Community College Transfer Associate Degree
Catalog Year – Changing Catalog Year
Classification – Student Class
Contact Information
Consortium Agreements
          Baltimore Student Exchange Program (BSEP)
          Online Consortium of Independent Colleges and Universities
Course Policies - General
Class Size
          Class Attendance
          Final Examinations
          Grade Reports
          Incomplete Grades
          Pass/Fail Grade
Credits and Semester Hours
Credit for Repeated Courses
Credit from Other Institutions
Undergraduate Admissions
         Registrar's Office
         Credit from other institutions – Limitations on Community and Junior Colleges
Credit for Prior Learning
Cumulative Grade Point Average

Declaring Majors, Minors, Concentrations, Options
         Double Majors
         Declaring a Major
         Declaring a Minor
         Second Degree Program
         Certificate Program
Degree Requirements
General Education - Empower and Engage
         Learning Outcomes
Course Requirements
         Important Requirements for Courses
Distance/Online Learning
         Asynchronous Learning
         Synchronous Learning
Eligibility to Represent the University
Final Examination- Conflict Resolution
General Education (Core) - Assessment
Grade Reports
Graduation - General
Graduation Requirements
         Graduation - Application
         Graduation - Honors
         Graduation - Commencement Ceremony Participation Policy
         Graduation Requirements - Earning two degrees simultaneously at NDMU
         Graduation Requirements - Residency
         Graduation Requirements - Second or Subsequent Baccalaureate Degrees
         Honor Societies
Independent Study, Internships, and Academic Service-Learning
Leave of Absence
Lower Division Courses
Matriculant Status
Maximum and Minimum Work
Maximum time towards degree on Catalog
Military Service Mobilization/Activation
Off-Campus Study

Placement Testing
         Registration General
         Registration - Adding Courses for Credit
         Registration - Auditing Classes
         Registration - Changing Sections
         Registration - Dropping Courses
         Requirements for All First-Time Full-Time Freshman
         Penalty for Non-Payment of Tuition
         Change of Registration - exceptions

Roster Verification
Statute of Limitations
Student Handbook
Student Identification Card
Student Status and Course Load - Full-Time/Part-Time Status
Term/Semester Grade Point Average
Time Requirement
Transcript of Record
University Closures
University Discipline
University Success(NDMU course)
Upper Division Courses

Visiting Students

Withdrawal from the University

Academic Advising

Women's College: During the first year, a faculty member who concentrates on understanding the needs of new students advises incoming students. When the Women's College student declares a Major, a faculty member in the Major field is assigned as the academic advisor. An academic advisor helps the student plan the Program of Study. Women's College students confer with a faculty advisor before each registration period.  Women's College students are encouraged to meet with their academic advisor at least once each semester in addition to the mandatory meeting before Registration.

College of Adult Undergraduate Studies (CAUS): Upon admission to the University an enrollment manager/advisor is assigned. This advisor helps students plan their Program of Study and approves course selection. CAUS students should confer with an academic advisor each semester.

NOTE: Ultimately it is the responsibility of the student to plan, register for and successfully complete the courses required for the Program of Study.

Academic Clemency

Academic Clemency is designed for students seeking readmission after an extended absence and whose Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) at NDMU at the time of departure was less than a 2.0. The program provides eligible students the opportunity to renew their studies at NDMU by beginning their cumulative academic averages anew. The program is available to all undergraduate students who attend NDMU in matriculated status, then do not take Notre Dame classes, either matriculated or non-matriculated, for a period of five consecutive calendar years.

The decision to declare academic clemency must be made at the time of re-admission and can be claimed no more than once. Prior to requesting academic clemency, students must show evidence of academic progress by providing passing grades in at least 12 college credits completed at another accredited institution (formerly know as regional accrediting bodies, now known as an institional accreditor).

For those students who elect to participate, they will lose credit for every previous NDMU course they accrued in which a grade below “C” was obtained. Credits earned in courses in which grades of “C” or above were obtained will be retained as “Previous NDMU Credit” and will be treated the same as transfer credit (grade points are not used in the calculation of Cumulative Grade Point Average). No courses and/or grades will be removed from the transcript of participating students; however, their NDMU CGPA will begin “anew” upon their return. Student transcripts will have specific notations for those courses removed as a result of declaring Academic Clemency.

For additional requirements or questions about declaring Academic Clemency, please contact the Registrar's Office at registrar@ndm.edu.

Academic Clemency at another University

A student who has enrolled at another accredited institution of higher education under an academic clemency plan (e.g., academic amnesty or bankruptcy) may be considered for Academic Clemency at NDMU provided:

  1. The Academic Clemency plan at the previous institution meets all the provisions of the Academic Clemency plan at NDMU;
  2. Credits earned since the student entered the program at a previous institution will be evaluated in the same manner as credits for other transfer students; and
  3. The petition for Academic Clemency is submitted for approval to The Office of Admissions and subsequently to the student's Academic College.

Academic Standing

Scholastic regulations embody the academic standards of a University. The application of the following regulations is directed toward upholding the standards of NDMU - specifically, to impose the requirement of satisfactory academic progress. 

The academic regulations set forth the conditions for Academic Good Standing, Academic Probation, and Academic Dismissal. These regulations are intended to be consistent with the following objectives:

  1. To indicate to the student, at an early date and with regularity, that achievement below the standards required for graduation is regarded as unsatisfactory;
  2. To allow the first-time freshman the opportunity to remain a student until he/she has attempted two semesters;
  3. To give the student who performs poorly a warning which may prompt him or her to seek timely help from instructors, counselors, or other appropriate sources;
  4. To provide the student whose record shows that ultimate success in the University is in doubt with a trial period to prove that he/she is able to make reasonable academic progress;
  5. To prevent the student who lacks the required motivation or maturity from building a deficiency of quality points so great that it cannot later be overcome; and
  6. To state the standards and the consequent results of inadequate scholastic performance clearly enough that students, parents, faculty, and administrators can know the academic action (if any) which would follow from a particular academic record.

A student's Cumulative Grade Point Average determines their Academic Standing at the end of each semester.

Academic Good Standing

It is expected that all undergraduate students should maintain a Cumulative Grade Point Average of at least 2.0 on all work attempted at NDMU. The University will, regardless of term GPA, certify a student to be in Academic Good Standing as long as that student has a Cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.0 or higher.

Academic Probation 

A student who does not meet University standards for Academic Good Standing will be placed on Academic Probation. Students records will be reviewed for Academic Probation for every FAll and Spring semester in which they are registered. The purpose of Academic Probation is to provide students who are experiencing academic difficulties with intentional support and supervision to achieve success and gain Academic Good Standing.

A student will be placed on Academic Probation when their Cumulative Grade Point Average falls below a 2.0. Students placed on Academic Probation are required to meet with their Assistant Dean to develop an Academic Contract for Success, which will include referrals to academic support resources and participation in academic support programs. 

Students placed on Academic Probation are required to:

  • Meet with the Assistant Dean on a regular scheduled basis, including at the beginning, midpoint, and end of the semester;
  • Create and submit an Academic Contract for Success outlining the student's goals for the upcoming semester; including a semester Term Grade Point Average goal of at least 2.0, as well as a goal for Cumulative Grade Point Average, determined in consultation with the Assistant Dean; and
  • Attend academic support services as agreed to in the Academic Contract for Success.

A student on Academic Probation who does not comply with these requirements will be Academically Dismissed.

Academic Probation students who meet the terms of their contract and achieve minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average standards as agreed to in the Academic Contract for Success regain Academic Good Standing. Academic Probation students who make progress according to the terms of their Academic Contract, but who still fall below the Cumulative Grade Point Average requirements for Academic Good Standing are placed on Continuing Academic Probation for one additional semester. Normally, students are placed on Continuing Academic Probation for only one semester. Students who fail to regain Academic Good Standing after a semester on Continuing Academic Probation, or who do not meet the terms of their Academic Contract, will face dismissal. 

Students receiving financial aid are required to achieve a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.0. Please refer to the financial aid section of this Catalog for detailed information about the satisfactory progress requirements for financial aid recipients.

Notification of Academic Probation will appear on the student's transcript.

Academic Dismissal 

Failure to meet the expectations of in individualized contract made with the Assistant Dean will result in academic dismissal from the institution.

Notification of Academic Dismissal will appear on the student's transcript.

Dean's List

The Dean's List is published at the end of the fall and spring terms and lists those students who have a 3.5 grade point average for the term, a minimum of 12 graded credits with no incompletes or “F”s in Pass/Fail courses and a cumulative grade point average of 3.2 or higher.

The Dean's List published at the end of the summer term lists those part-time students who have a 3.5 grade point average and a minimum of 18 graded credits for the academic year, with no incompletes and a cumulative grade point average of 3.2 or higher.

At Honors Convocation, the University recognizes full-time students named to the Dean's List for both Fall and Spring semesters in the previous year and part-time students on the Dean's List at the end of the summer term. Student transcripts show each semester in which this honor is achieved.

Appeals – Student Policies

When extraordinary circumstances compel a student to request an exception to University Policy or Regulations, the student must petition the Committee for Student Appeals, a standing committee of the Office of Academic Affairs, for exception.

  1. Requests for exceptions must be made within one semester following the end of the semester that is being appealed.
  2. Students may not petition for exceptions after graduating.
  3. All Committee procedures are confidential, respecting the privacy of the student.
  4. Committee decisions are final.

For more information, contact the Registrar's Office.  

Appeals  - Final Grades

Reasons for Appeal

Only final grades may be appealed. A final grade may be appealed if there is evidence that the grade was not given in accordance with the grading policies set forth in the course syllabus or announced syllabus modifications.

The principle of seeking a reasonable, fair, and speedy resolution prevails throughout the process. All information related to the appeal and the appeals process will remain confidential.

Process for Final Grade Appeal

  1. When a student wishes to appeal a final grade, the student must write to the faculty member setting forth the basis for the appeal, evidence documenting the alleged discrepancy between the syllabus grading policy and the grade received, and the remedy sought. The student should also submit a copy of the appeal materials to the Department Chair, or Program Coordinator in which the course is offered. The appeal must be made within two weeks of the official posting of grades on WebAdvisor. The faculty member will respond in writing to the student's appeal within two weeks. 
  2. If not satisfied with the faculty member's response, the student may, within two weeks of the response, appeal to the Department Chair or Program Coordinator. The student makes the appeal in writing, setting forth the basis for disagreement with the faculty member's response. The Chair informs the Dean of the School delivering the course. The Chair also informs the faculty member of the student's appeal and obtains a copy of the course syllabus and the faculty member's written response to the student. The Chair then reviews the written record. The Chair writes a response, including a report on the steps taken in the review process. The written response of the Chair is sent to the student, the faculty member, and the Dean within two weeks of the conclusion of the review process.
  3. If not satisfied with the response made by the Chair, the student or faculty member may appeal in writing within two weeks to the Dean of the School delivering the course. The Dean then asks for a written statement and a copy of all relevant materials. Within two weeks of receiving the appeal, the Dean forwards his or her decision in writing to the student, the faculty member, and the Department Chair. The decision of the Dean is final.
  4. If a grade change is authorized, the Registrar will be directed in writing by the Dean to make the change in grade.

Appeals - Academic Dismissal

In the event that a student is Academically Dismissed from the University, notification of the decision will be sent by certified mail to the priority address on file in the Registrar's office. Upon receiving the notice of impending Academic Dismissal, the student may appeal within seven days of receipt of the notification. A committee composed of the Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs and four faculty members hears the appeal. The decision of the Committee is final.

Attendance Regulations


All students are expected to regularly and punctually attend classes in which they are enrolled. Failure to do so may jeopardize a student's scholastic standing and/or financial aid.

Students are responsible for the effect absences have on all forms of evaluating course performance. The student is responsible for arranging the allowed make-up of any missed work.


Faculty are required to state, in writing, their expectations regarding class attendance in the syllabus.  Faculty are also required to verify attendance each semester upon request from the Registrar's Office for financial aid compliance.

Faculty are expected to work with students to allow for completion of classwork and assignments if the student's absence results from his/her required participation in a University-sponsored activity provided that, prior to the absence, the student makes arrangement to complete all missed work.

Students are usually allowed to make up work and/or tests missed because of serious illness, accident, or death in the immediate family.  Faculty are required to make reasonable and appropriate accommodations when specified by an ADA Letter, whether the disability is permanent or temporary. Accomodations do not change the nature of the class or academic expectations.

Online Courses

All distance education courses (i.e. online, hybrid, blended) align with the credit hour policies. Distance education course learning objectives, assignments, and assessments are comparable to in-seat courses and require at least as many hours of study and provide the same rigor and, thus, result in the same credit hours awarded upon completion. NDMU designates online courses through section codes that include OL or section numbers 90 and above (through 99). OL courses are facilitated on our Brightspace learning management platform (LMS). Undergraduate students must confer with their advisors before they register for an online (OL) course, and are limited to no more than four (4) OL enrollments per degree tenure. Section number 90-99 are also online or hybrid courses and may be available to undergraduate students per request or following approval of their advisor.

Catalog Year

The maximal period of time for which the provisions of any Catalog may be considered valid is seven years.  Students who began a degree program seven or more years prior to the date of their anticipated graduation must consult their academic dean to determine which Catalog must be followed.

The University will make a reasonable effort to honor the requirements in the student's Catalog Year. However, because courses and Programs of Study are sometimes changed, the university shall make the final determination of whether or not degree requirements are satisfied.

Catalog Year for degree-seeking students

Degree-seeking students (new and transfer students) must adhere to the requirements for an undergraduate degree based on the University Catalog at the time of acceptancy/entry into the University. Students who have been withdrawn from the University will be readmitted under a new catalog year.

Catalog Year for transfer students with a Maryland Community College Transfer Associate Degree

Degree-seeking transfer students who have completed a Maryland Community College Transfer Associate Degree may use the University Catalog in effect at the time of their first entry into an approved Maryland Community College.  The transfer to NDMU must be made within three years of their first entry into the community college and provided enrollment has not been interrupted for two or more consecutive regular semesters not including summer sessions.

Catalog Year – Changing Catalog Year

NDMU students may only change catalog year by filing a Waiver of Policy/Requirement form with the approval of the Dean of thier School.

Classification - Student Class

Classification of undergraduate students is made in the Office of the Registrar based on the number of credits earned, and is revised, as may be necessary.

The rules governing the classification of undergraduate students are:

  1. Freshmen: Students having fewer than 30 hours of credit (0 – 29.99).
  2. Sophomores: Students having at least 30 hours of credit (30 – 59.99).
  3. Juniors: Students having at least 60 semester hours of credit (60 – 89.99).
  4. Seniors: Students having at least 90 semester hours of credit  (90+).


Primary communication at NDMU is through assigned email. Every student is given a NDMU email account. All NDMU email can be auto-forwarded to a personal email account. Directions on how to do this are available at portal.ndm.edu. Important information is regularly sent to students via their NDMU email. All students are expected to become familiar with University policies, deadline dates, and information posted in various publications, on our website, and through informational emails sent to student accounts.

Students should refer to this Catalog, WebAdvisor, and the NDMU Homepage for important information regarding registration, graduation application dates, policies/procedures, online payment options, news, and updates from the University community.

Contact Information

Students are responsible for accurately maintaining their demographic contact information via the University's web portal – WebAdvisor. The University considers each student's NDMU email address as the official, formal contact point. All official university correspondence will be sent to this address. Students should further maintain their physical addresses via the registrar's office as there are occasions when students will be contacted via United States Postal Service. The University will consider all correspondence mailed to a student at their email or physical address currently on file to have been received unless it is returned to the sender.

Consortium Agreements

Baltimore Student Exchange Program (BSEP)

Through the Baltimore Student Exchange Program; full-time NDMU students with sophomore, junior, and senior status may take courses at Loyola, Johns Hopkins University, Maryland Institute College of Art, Coppin State University, Morgan State University, Towson University, and Goucher College. These regular program courses can be taken as space is available, during the fall and spring terms. It is the student's responsibility to verify the sart date and the time of the consortium course. Students must register through Notre Dame using a BSEP form; no additional fees are charged. First-year students are not eligible to participate in the consortium.

Full-time matriculants at Notre Dame may apply as concentrators at Loyola University if they wish to Major in a Program of Study not available at Notre Dame.

Students must be enrolled full-time at NDMU to be eligible to participate in this exchange.

Online Consortium of Independent Colleges and Universities

Notre Dame of Maryland University is a member of the Online Consortium of Independent Colleges and Universities (OCICU) partnership, which allows College of Audult Undergraduate Studies students to enroll in some courses offered online. Women's College students seeking to enroll in OCICU courses must seek approval from the Dean of their School. Students complete the registration process through Notre Dame and are awarded Notre Dame credits upon successful completion of the course. Students should consult their academic advisor for more information on OCICU courses.

Course Policies - General

Class Size

Classes at NDMU may be as small as seven and seldom larger than 30 students. Small class size is a great advantage for both students and faculty. Each student is heard, and ideas and opinions are explored. Professors get to know students as individuals and the learning environment is enriched.

Class Attendance

Consistent class attendance and participation are essential to academic success. Students are expected both to attend class and to contribute to discussions and group activities. A student who is absent misses an important educational experience and detracts from the experience of others. In the College of Adult Undergraduate Studies, attendance is expected at all class meetings. Specific policies about the relationship between class attendance and course grades are established by departments and faculty and are explained in departmental handbooks and course syllabi.  Students enrolling in online courses are required to initiate activity in the course within the first 24 hours of the first day of class to verify their participation. If students do not engage in the course, they risk being withdrawn. Courses taught online may require some time on campus.  Students should familiarize themselves with university, departmental, or course (traditional vs. online) policies before the beginning of the semester and plan accordingly. 

Students are advised children are prohibited from attending classes with them. Though the University is sensitive to the needs of parents and the potential for difficulties in providing child care, the campus is not to be used as a playground for children while the parent is attending class. The University denies any liability for injuries sustained by children playing on campus while the parent or supervising adult is in class. 

Final Examinations

Examinations are scheduled at the end of each term. Exam dates are listed on the Registrar's Office page. Students are expected to take exams at the scheduled times. A student who is absent from an examination without instructor approval may receive a grade of zero for the final examination which could result in a grade of “F” for the course. In case of illness or other unforeseen circumstances that could prevent a student from taking final examinations at the posted time, the student must contact the instructor and make individual arrangements to reschedule in advance of the exam.


Grades represent the instructor's evaluation of a student's achievement in the course. Each letter grade is ascribed a meaning and a numerical value (grade points) as follows:

Grade   Grade Points
A Excellent 4.0
B+ Superior 3.5
B Above average 3.0
C+ Average 2.5
C Satisfactory 2.0
D Just passing 1.0
E Danger of failing (Given only at mid-semester)  
F Failure 0.0
W Official withdrawal 0.0
I Incomplete* 0.0
P Passed** 0.0

An Incomplete becomes an F if not resolved within the designated time frame; see Incomplete Grades below for more information. 
** See Pass/Fail for more information.

The Grade Point Average (GPA) is calculated by dividing the total grade points earned by the number of credits attempted (exclusive of any Pass grades). Transfer or withdrawal credit is not calculated in the Grade Point Average.

Grade Reports

Students can access their grades through WebAdvisor as soon as they are posted by faculty and officially verified by the Registrar's Office. Students may request a hard copy grade report by emailing registrar@ndm.edu.

Incomplete Grades

A semester officially ends at the close of the examination period. An Incomplete grade (I) can be granted only for reasons beyond the student's control and under the following circumstances:

• The request must be made by the student to the instructor. It is the instructor's decision to accept or deny the request; 
• The student request must be based on a serious illness, emergency, or military service preventing the student from completing the work for the course; and
• The student must have satisfactorily completed at least half the coursework at the time the Incomplete is requested.

Incomplete grades at the end of the term in which they are accrued are calculated as if the grade earned is "F."  It is imperative students move prudently to clear any incomplete grades as they will negatively impact the student's Grade Point Average, and may impact a student's financial aid.

The final determination of the Incomplete grade is the responsibility of the instructor. It is the student's responsibility to submit all the required work to the instructor so that a grade may be provided by the due date, which is typically mid-term in the following Fall or Spring. Work not submitted to the instructor on time will result in the grade being converted to an “F.” Instructors will submit the final grade to the Registrar.

Students are advised not to carry an Incomplete grade from one semester to the next semester. If personal circumstances/emergencies necessitate a student carry more than one course with an Incomplete grade, the University reserves the right to limit the number of credits the student may take in the succeeding term. In such reviews, a student may be precluded from registering or be limited to part-time status until the Incomplete grade(s) is resolved. An Incomplete grade cannot be removed through re-registration for the course or through “credit-by-examination.”

Pass/Fail Grade

A student may choose to take one graded elective course in any semester for a Pass/Fail grade with a maximum of four Pass (P) grades which can be used for graduation. A Pass grade for the course is not computed in the student's grade point average, but the credits earned are counted as credits toward graduation; however, a Fail (F) grade for the course will be included in the student's grade point average. In order to graduate with Honors, a student may not carry more than four courses with Pass grades (petitioning for credit, standardized testing and transfer credit are not counted toward this limit). Notification of the choice to take a course for a Pass/Fail grade must be filed with the Registrar before the end of the Drop/Add period. The Pass/Fail option is irrevocable.


Students may choose to audit a lecture course if they wish to broaden their academic exposure but do not need to take the course for credit. Students must register for audited courses, which appear on the student's official transcript but carry no academic credit. Notification of the choice to audit a course must be filed within the Registrar's Office before the end of the Drop/Add period. Courses taken as audit carry the same credit cost as a course taken for a grade. The decision to audit a course is irrevocable. Students cannot receive financial aid for audited courses and audited courses do not count toward the credits required for a full-time load for financial aid purposes.

Once a student has audited a course they are not eligable to receive academic credit by advanced standing examination or advanced placement. Student are allowed to enroll and receive academic credit for previously audited work by enrolling in the course for academic credit. Students are not allowed to audit courses in which they previously earned academic credit.

Credits and Semester Hours

Notre Dame of Maryland University confirms its commitment to quality learner experiences as well as compliance with regulations put forth by the Department of Education (DOE), Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE), the Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC), and Maryland discipline specific standards for all academic courses offered at Notre Dame of Maryland University.


NDMU awards academic credit to students who demonstrate they have met the learning objectives and outcomes specified in a course syllabus during the term of the course. Assurance that academic courses fulfill the workload expectations outlined in this policy is the responsibility of the faculty course developers and the Chair or Dean to whom the faculty reports.



A credit-hour is an amount of work represented in the learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established equivalency that reasonably approximates not less than:

  1. One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out of class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester or trimester hour of credit, or ten to twelve weeks for one quarter-hour of credit, or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time; or
  2. at least an equivalent amount of work as required in paragraph (1) of this definition for other academic activities as established by the institution including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, online instruction, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours.

NDMU follows the Carnegie unit of measure for assigning credits to undergraduate and graduate academic courses: One hour of ‘faculty-directed instruction’ (instruction provided by a faculty member, may be live or online) is no less than 50 minutes long. To earn one “credit- hour” in a traditional 15-week semester, an NDMU student must receive at least 50 minutes of direct instruction and spend 100 minutes preparing for each session of direct instruction, per week for 15 weeks.

An equivalent amount of work is required in accelerated or compressed-term courses and other academic activities where classroom instruction is not the primary mode of learning, including online courses, hybrid courses, laboratory work, independent study, internships, practica, and studio work. See Table 1.

Table 1

Minimum student engagement/ prep. Time






















Faculty-Directed Instruction

Direct instruction is defined as faculty led or assigned activities that lead to student learning.  This may include but is not limited to traditional lecture, facilitating seminars, giving feedback on individual or group projects, reflection/feedback of student work, feedback on group work, individual or group project feedback/facilitation, reviewing drafts of papers, or projects and other activities that engage the students in learning the material. This description will be noted in the course syllabus.

Student Preparation Time

Students are expected to prepare for faculty instruction at a ratio of two hours per every one hour of instruction as noted above in Table 1. This expectation will be noted in the course syllabus.  This is any activity the student does to prepare for engagement and assessment of the course.  Activities include reading, researching and writing for papers, developing projects, practicing techniques and skills, and other activities that engage the students in learning the material.


Application of Federal Credit-Hour Policy to NDMU Instruction

Accelerated Sessions: Courses offered within the standard semester in which the credit hours offered are the same as standard semester courses. The content and substantive learning outcomes are the same. These courses have the required 2250 contact minutes, and/or meet in hybrid or onine format.

Lecture/Seminar: Course focuses on principles, concepts or ideas, lecture, discussion, and demonstration. A semester credit hour is earned for fifteen, 50-minute sessions of direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of student preparation time outside of class per week throughout the semester. A typical three-credit hour course meets for three, 50-minute sessions or two, 75-minute sessions a week for fifteen weeks. Most lecture and seminar courses are awarded 3 credits.

Laboratory: Practical application type courses where the major focus includes “hands on” experience to support student learning (use of equipment, activities, tools, machines generally found in a laboratory).  1- 2 Laboratory credits represents a minimum of 1 hour per week of lecture or discussion plus a minimum of 2 – 4 hours of scheduled supervised or independent laboratory work.

Internship/Field Experience: Courses developed for independent learning and the development and application of job related or practical skills in a particular discipline. These courses allow for observation, participation, and fieldwork, and are generally offered off campus.  Internship time includes a combination of supervised time by approved experts outside the university, student assignments, and time supervised by a university instructor.  A 3 credit internship equals a minimum of 150 hours.

Practicum/Student Teaching:  Courses developed for independent learning and the development and application of job related or practical skills in a particular discipline. These courses allow for observation, participation, client evaluation, fieldwork, and are offered off campus.  Internship time includes a combination of supervised time by approved experts outside the university, student assignments, and time supervised by a university instructor.  Practicum/Student Teaching hours comply with professional accreditation (ACEN/NCATE requirements).

Clinical Placement:  Supervised experiences where students are afforded an opportunity to apply skills and techniques acquired from assessment and intervention-oriented course material. The number of hours varies by academic program based on clinical placement, accreditation requirements, site hour requirements, and student assignments. 

Independent Study: Courses that permit a student to study a subject or topic in considerable depth beyond the scope of a regular course. Students meet periodically, as agreed upon with the faculty member for the duration of the course. University faculty provides guidance, criticism, and review of the student’s work. Students demonstrate competency through the completion of a final assessment either by submitting a final paper, project, or portfolio, etc. as required by the faculty member. Credit hours are assigned based on the amount of activity associated with the course, faculty supervision, and amount of student outside work.  Credits conform to the standard  minimum of 50 minutes of student work per credit hour, per week, for the course of the term or the semester.  For a 15-week semester, this would be equal to 112.50 hours for a 3-credit independent study.

Hybrid: A course that is composed of both online learning and classroom learning to meet the learning objectives of the course is considered hybrid. In a hybrid course, approximately half of the course is scheduled as face-to-face, and 49% or less of the course is to be scheduled through distance education.Or, the hybrid course includes mor than 49% distance education but less than 99%. Hybrid courses stypically run synchronously and are aligned to the face-to-face schedule.

For a three-credit 15-week course that is scheduled to be less than 49% distance education, up to 76.50 minutes (1.275 hours) a week are scheduled face-to-face and up to 73.50 minutes (1.225 hours) per a week are scheduled online equaling a total of 150 minutes of instruction per week.

Distance Education - Online: Approved online courses must demonstrate instruction and student learning through asynchronous interactive methods to include tutorials, group discussions, virtual study/project groups, discussion boards, chat rooms, etc. Credits hours assigned to a course delivered online must equal the number of credit hour equivalency for the same course delivered face-to-face.  Quality Matters standards for the design and delivery of online courses are often used in online course development and faculty who teach online courses have been trained in online teaching pedagogy.

Credit for Repeated Courses

A student may repeat any course in which she/he has earned a grade of D or F.

A course may be repeated only once. Only the higher grade will be counted in the student’s cumulative GPA, and only the credits for the most recent attempt for the course will be counted toward the credits needed for graduation. However, both grades appear on the student’s official transcript. The repeated course must be taken at NDMU.

A student who has earned a "C or better" in a course may not repeat that course unless:

  1. The Catalog description indicates that the course may be repeated for credit; or
  2. The student's Dean gives prior approval for documented extenuating circumstances.

Credit from Other Institutions

Through the Office of Academic Affairs, the University Registrar, and the Vice President for Enrollment Services share responsibility for the admission of transfer students and the acceptance of transfer credit as applicable toward the degree at the NDMU.

Undergraduate Admissions

An undergraduate transfer applicant should request each college or university she/he has attended to send a transcript to the Office of Admissions. Upon receipt of all transcripts, the previously earned credit is reviewed and a Cumulative Grade Point Average is determined for purposes of admission. Once admission has been determined, those credits are then evaluated for application toward those courses making up the degreed Program of Study. NDMU will only apply the credit earned from the transferring institution and not the quality points of the credit earned from the transferring institution toward the calculation of the NDMU Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) used in the calculation of Satisfactory Academic Progress.

Registrar's Office

Courses evaluated by NDMU for credit earned from accredited institutions (formerly known as regional accrediting bodies, now known as an institional accreditor) will carry no grade. Technical and vocational credits are not accepted, credits for varsity sports, or credits from non-accredited institutions are not accepted. 

Students must submit Official Transcripts to NDMU for evaluation for the acceptance of transfer credits from other institutions no later than mid-semester of the succeeding term in which they enrolled/earned this credit.  Failure to submit Official Transcripts to NDMU for evaluation later than the succeeding term could result in students being required to complete these credits at NDMU.

The extent to which any transfer courses may be applied toward a degree at NDMU is determined by the Academic Dean of each College.  

Students who wish to transfer credits to NDMU which were earned in a nontraditional manner (i.e., College Level Examination Program Subject or General Examinations, Advanced Placement, or Departmental Examinations) will have these evaluated by the Office of Admissions in conjunction with the Registrar's Office.  Credit will be granted for Departmental Examinations and College Level Examination Program Examinations if the course(s) are listed on the student's official transcript/score with a passing grade or the equivalent and are within the policies for credit at NDMU.  Advanced Placement credit will be given in areas in which NDMU normally grants such credit.  

Transfer students who have question(s) concerning their transfer evaluation may request a review of the evaluation by their academic dean, their department head, the Director of Admissions, and/or the head(s) of the department in which the course(s) are offered at NDMU. Requests must be made in writing to the Director of Admissions and must list the specific course(s) in question. The student may be required to furnish course descriptions and may be required to appear before the appropriate college or department personnel.

In order to facilitate a more efficient transfer of courses among public colleges and universities, the Maryland Higher Education Commission has established a Master Course Articulation Matrix. This matrix indicates transfer equivalences of courses among Maryland's public college and universities, and may be accessed through the MHEC webpage. It remains, however, the prerogative of the receiving institution as to whether a course will count toward a particular Major, whether a particular grade is required, or whether the course will satisfy General Education Requirements. Students should therefore always contact NDMU prior to transferring courses.

Credit from other institutions – Limitations on Community or Junior Colleges

All academic hours earned at a community or junior college will be posted on the NDMU transcript upon the student's transfer. However, the maximum number of hours transferable from a community or junior college for degree credit is sixty-eight. Only under specific, defined agreements will credit earned at a community or junior college be articulated at the upper division level (300 or 400 course level). NDMU will only apply the credit earned from the transferring institution and not the quality points of the credit earned from the transferring institution toward the calculation of the NDMU Cumulative Grade Point Average used in the calculation of Satisfactory Academic Progress.

Credit for Prior Learning

Please see the Admissions section of the University Catalog for more information on Credit for Prior Learning including Credit by Examination (AP, IB, CLEP, etc.), Credit by Prior Learning Assessment (Portfolio Assessment and Course Challenge Exams), and Credit for Military Education.

Cumulative Grade Point Average

A student's Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is calculated by dividing the total number of quality points earned by the total number of semester hours attempted. 

Declaring Majors, Minors, Concentrations, and Options

Students must declare an academic Major by the time they earn 45 credit hours. Transfer students must declare an academic Major within one semester of enrolling in the University.

Students who choose to pursue a Minor or Concentration must declare their at least one academic semester prior to the semester in which they intend to graduate.

Notre Dame reserves the right to decline a full-time student's request to declare a particular Major, second Major and/or a Minor. This situation might occur when the student cannot complete the needed courses in accordance with University policies prior to the anticipated graduation date. Students must declare all Majors/Minors before their final semester to ensure completion.


Admitted students declare their Major intentions during the admissions process.

Students may pursue degrees in the fields of study listed in their catalog. Students in the Women's College may also enroll in pre-professional programs in Dentistry, Engineering, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy or Veterinary Medicine as part of an appropriate Major or a dual-degree Program of Study. In addition, a Women's College student may plan a personally designed Major in consultation with appropriate Chairs and with the approval of the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs. Requirements for the Major fields of study are listed in their respective sections of this Catalog. Not all Majors are offered in both Women's College and CAUS.

Double Major

Students in the Women's College may pursue a Double Major through the Sister Mary Meletia Double Major Program, which provides highly motivated, goal-oriented students with the opportunity to complete a Double Major in four years. The Program is named in honor of Sister Mary Meletia Foley, the first Dean of Notre Dame, whose wisdom and initiative were largely responsible for making Notre Dame the first Catholic college in the United States to award the baccalaureate degree to women. In keeping with that legacy, the Sister Mary Meletia Program provides the challenge of broad interdisciplinary studies to students who are driven toward academic rigor and challenge.

The Meletia Double Major Program allows students to enhance their learning by completing two Programs of Study and helps them to gain cross-disciplinary knowledge and practical experience essential to success. Students in the Meletia Program will be assigned two advisors, one in each majoring department; both Majors should be declared by the completion of students' second year at Notre Dame.

The Meletia Program offers several routes to completing a Double Major. Students may combine any two fields of study and take the required courses for each Major. Students may also choose from among pre-planned Double Majors which have been designed to offer a more streamlined and focused curriculum. Carrying a Double Major limits the number of general electives students are able to select and, in some cases, may require more than 120 credits for the degree. For more information on the Program, please consult the academic advising counselor.

Declaring a Major

A full-time student frequently declares a Major in the spring semester of the first year or in the fall semester of the sophomore year. To ensure sufficient time for completing the degree requirements, it is recommended that a full-time student declare a Major before registration for the spring semester of the sophomore year (completion of 45 credits).

Part-time students and most transfer and adult students declare a Major during the admission process. To ensure sufficient time for completing the degree requirements, it is required that CAUS students declare a Major upon completing 18 Notre Dame credits. A cumulative GPA of 2.0 is required to declare a Major. Changes or additions to the declared program require an academic advisor's signature and must be processed using the proper form.

Students may obtain Declaration of Major forms from the Registrar's Office or the NDMU website, and return completed forms to the Registrar's Office for processing. The Declaration of Major form must also be used to make changes or additions to the declared Program of Study.

The Chart Your Course Program, offered to students in the Women's College, is designed for students who are exploring which Program of Study stimulates their greatest interest and is most compatible with their aptitudes and abilities. Each student works with the academic advising counselor to develop a personalized package of tools and resources to help her select a Major. Depending on the needs of the student, the package can include major exploration workshops, career interest inventories, internship and volunteer opportunities, academic support services, individualized and group counseling sessions, and alumna networking.


Minors are available in various fields of study. Normally, a minimum of 18 credit hours is required; of these, no more than 9 credits can be transfer credits. Not all Minors are offered in both Women's College and CAUS.

Declaring a Minor

If a student desires to declare a Minor, that declaration should be made before the completion of 90 credits. A student who intends to declare a Minor should have confirmation from the appropriate department that it is possible to complete all courses listed on the Declaration of Minor form. Full-time students should be able to complete all of the courses by the anticipated graduation semester without adding an unnecessary burden to the academic course load—for instance, having to exceed 18 credits in the fall–spring semesters. The form for declaring a Minor is available in the Registrar's Office or the NDMU website.

Second Degree Program

The second bachelor's degree program is designed for students who have perviously earned a bachelor's degree and wish to seek a second degree in a new academic field. To receive a second bachelor's degree, students fulfill the following requirements:

• Hold a bachelor's degree from an accredited four-year college (90 credits from the first degree will be applied to the second bachelor's degree);
• Fulfill the Major requirements of the department chosen for the second bachelor's degree;
• Earn a minimum of 30 credits in graded coursework toward the second degree at Notre Dame; and 
• Maintain a Cumulative Grade Point Average and a Major Grade Point Average of 2.0. Departments may designate courses within the Major in which students must receive a minimum grade of C.

Certificate Programs

Certificate Programs of Study consist of a specific sequence of courses leading to the awarding of a Certificate of Completion. Students must be admitted to and enrolled in a Certificate Program at least one term prior to the term in which the credential is to be awarded. 

Degree Requirements

In accordance with Middle States Commission on Higher Education standards (MSCHE), NDMU organizes undergraduate degree requirements into three categories: 1) General Education (Core) Requirements, 2) Other (elective or prescribed elective) requirements, and 3) Major requirements.

  • General Education courses are mandated by the Maryland Commission on Higher Education (MHEC) and should generally be taken at the Freshman and Sophomore level. Specific requirements related to general education courses are explained in more detail within the Catalog.
  • Other coursework requirements vary according to the degree pursued. In general, courses in this category include college-specific requirements for the Program of Study, program-specific requirements for the Program of Study, and elective courses that serve as a prerequisite for other courses included in the Major requirements of the selected program of study.
  • Major requirements comprise a minimum of 25% of the total credit hours required to complete the Program of Study although each Program of Study determines the number of credit hours required in this category. This category of degree requirements consist of a specified group of courses in a particular discipline(s) or field(s). A minimum of 50% of the courses included in the Major requirements must be at the 300+ level. A minimum of 50% of the credit hours used to satisfy the Major requirements must be taken at NDMU.

Major requirements may include a Concentration or Option, depending on the specific Program of Study addressed. A Concentration is an alternative track of courses within a Major or Option, accounting for at least 30% of the Major requirements. An Option is an alternative track of courses within a Major, accounting for 50% to 80% of the Major requirements. Specific requirements for the Concentrations and/or Options offered at NDMU may be found in the degree requirements explanation for a specific Major.

Students pursuing a Major cannot earn a Minor in the same field simultaneously or subsequent to the Major, if it has been previously earned. Similarly, students pursuing a Minor cannot earn a Major in the same field simultaneously or subsequent to the Minor, if it has been previously earned.

Some degree Programs of Study include additional requirements such as satisfactory performance on one or more assessments, licensing examination scores, completion of an internship or capstone experience, or other elements included in the Program. Specific requirements may be found in the appropriate section of the catalog describing a specific Major. For majors leading to professional licensure and out-of-state licensure standards, please refer to the compliance disclosure page on the University Website for specific programs of study (https://www.ndm.edu/about-us/consumer-information/professional-licensure).

A student graduates under the General Education Requirements and Major Requirements that are in effect at the time of matriculation (see Catalog Year).

Student Responsibilities

Students are expected to familiarize themselves with the Undergraduate Catalog and satisfy all published degree requirements. Failure to do so does not provide a basis for exceptions to academic requirements or policies. Students will receive assistance from advisors, but students must assume full responsibility for completing published degree requirements.

Students must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Complete a minimum of 120 credits in the areas of General Education studies, Other (elective) requirements, and Major requirements;  
  • Earn a minimum of 30 credits in graded coursework at NDMU. This policy applies to all students, including transfer students. To earn Honors at graduation, students must complete a minimum of 60 credits in graded work at NDMU. This excludes all credits earned in Pass/Fail courses including internships, petitioning for credit and standardized testing;
  • Earn their final 30 credits in coursework at NDMU;
  • Maintain a minimum CGPA of 2.0 in all courses taken to complete the requirements of the Major. Departments may designate courses within the Major in which students must receive a minimum grade of C. All transfer students must complete a minimum of five courses in the Major discipline at NDMU, regardless of the number of credits accepted in transfer; and
  • Complete NDMU-100 First Year Seminar with a passing grade. This graduation requirement applies only to students who matriculate as first-time Women's College students and transfer students who enter with fewer than 12 credits.

General Education - Empower and Engage: Liberal Arts in the 21st Century

The purpose of the General Education curriculum is to provide a coherent yet broad intellectual experience of study in the liberal arts tradition. Liberal arts courses allow students to develop the skills that are highly sought after by employers:  critical thinking, complex problem solving, creativity, and written and oral communication.

Empower and Engage courses have been designed to inspire a free spirit of inquiry through observation, analysis and reflection proper to all intellectual work regardless of academic major. Students will have the opportunity to engage in Service Learning through NDMU 100 or NDMU 200, as well as additional opportunities for Experiential Learning in other Gen Ed and major courses.  Experiential learning is not just about learning by doing, but it involves purposeful reflection so that the student gains insight into their view of the world and themselves.  Experiential learning may include a second service-learning course; general career exploration internships; practicum assignments within the major; clinical work or School-designated professional internships; independent research; or short-term and semester-long study abroad.  All Women’s College students will participate in at least one experiential learning opportunity before they graduate.

Through the study of the history of ideas, the value of human knowledge, the interrelatedness of the matters and methods of the academic disciplines, and the practice of clear communication and critical thinking, the student is led into the worlds of serious thought and scholarship where they will explore questions concerning the nature of person and knowledge, the nature of society and human institutions, as well as the nature of the natural world and God.

Empower and Engage Learning Outcomes

Empower and Engage:  Liberal Arts in the 21st Century courses are developed around 6 broad areas of thought and study:

  • Thinking Critically and Analytically (7 credits/2 courses)

    • Students will evaluate and interpret information; examine and defend arguments; and think constructively and critically to solve real life problems

    Communicating Creatively and Effectively (9 credits/3 courses)

    • Students will develop proficiency in written and oral communication and artistic expression across disciplines

    Investigating through Scientific and Quantitative Reasoning (7-8 credits/2 courses)

    • Students will analyze and produce quantitative or symbolic models; select and employ quantitative methods to solve applied problems; use scientific methods to investigate questions in the natural world; evaluate scientific arguments based on their data, methods and assumptions, and pose evidence-based solutions

    Pursing Meaning, Purpose and Well-Being (7 credits/3 courses)

    • Students will develop and evaluate their ethical values, explore spirituality and faith, and embrace strategies and practices promoting holistic wellness

    Understanding and Valuing Diverse Identities and Perspectives (9 credits/3 courses)

    • Students will develop a global mindset and language skills that help them operate comfortable across borders and cultures; and will analyze the impact of diversity (in particular, race, ethnicity, religion, and gender) on the individual and society

    Becoming an Engaged Citizen (3 credits/1 course)

    • Students will cultivate civic commitment as global citizens; develop tools of engagement to assess and act on 21st century issues; and engage in teamwork in the service of engaged citizenship

    Course Requirements

    To ensure a solid foundation of general knowledge and a broad liberal arts background, NDMU requires students to take approximately one-third of their coursework in Engage and Empower courses.  In areas where students have options to select from approved classes offered by more than one department, students will be advised that their selections in these areas must satisfy the following additional requirements over the course of their General Education studies:

    1. One course in a social and behavioral science designation
    2. One course with a fine art[s] designation
    3. One course with a history designation
    4. One course with a literature designation
    5. One 200 level or higher RST or PHL course.

    Thinking Critically and Analytically (7 credits/2 courses)

    • One 4-credit First Year Seminar (NDMU 100 and lab) for first year Women’s College students; an alternative Collegiate Seminar (NDMU 200) for transfer and adult students
    • One additional approved course in this area

    Communicating Creatively and Effectively (9 credits/3 courses)

    • One written communication course (ENG 101)
    • One oral communication course (COM 106)
    • One artistic expression course

    Investigating through Scientific and Quantitative Reasoning (7-8 credits/2 courses)

    • One 4-credit science course
    • One quantitative reasoning course

    Pursing Meaning, Purpose and Well-Being (7 credits/3 courses)

    • One religious studies course (RST 105)
    • One philosophy course (PHL 201)
    • One 1-credit Wellness course

    Understanding and Valuing Diverse Identities and Perspectives (9 credits/3 courses)

    • One foreign language course at the 102 level or above
    • One intercultural course
    • One diversity course

    Becoming an Engaged Citizen (3 credits/1 course)

    • One approved course 

    Important Requirements for Courses

    No course taken may be used to meet more than one of the “course requirement” groups.

    No courses may be used for the major (except toward completion of a second major or a minor).

    Native speakers who are bilingual should consult with the Chair of the Language Department (Dr. Rachel Burk) for guidance regarding the language requirement:

    Non-Native Speakers of English
    International students may fulfill the General Education Foreign Language Requirement in one of three ways:

    TOEFL Exam: At entrance, provide evidence of a score of 550 or higher on the TOEFL exam, or 213 or higher on the TOEFL: BT Test or 80 or higher on the IBT Test.

    Language Department Placement Exam: At entrance, score on the advanced level on all parts of the language department's English Placement Test.

    Language Department Placement Exam: Complete LEF-203">LEF-203LEF-204">LEF-204LCL-331">LCL-331 or LCL-332">LCL-332, based on the results of the English Placement Test.

    All departments will designate a course within the major that will satisfy the Technological Competency requirement that will be assessed as part of General Education assessment.

Distance/Online Learning

Distance Learning is a formal educational process in which the majority of instruction (interaction between instructors and students) occurs when students and instructors are not in the same physical location. Distance Learning courses may employ the internet, broadcast, audio, video, or recordings. Instruction may be asynchronous or synchronous. NDMU designates online courses through section codes that include OL or section numbers 90 through 99. Online courses are facilitated on Brightspace. 

Asynchronous Learning uses online learning resources to facilitate instruction outside the constraints of time and location, meaning students may take courses to accommodate their busy schedules. Asynchronous course content at NDMU is available through Brightspace learning management system (LMS). Distance Education online degree programs and their courses are generally asynchronous.

Synchronous Learning refers to instruction that occurs at a designated class time through synchronous tools such as Adobe Connect, WebEx, Zoom, and Skype. Synchronous instruction requires students to attend web-based classes on a regular schedule.

To protect the integrity of its educational courses and programs, the University takes measures to ensure a student awarded academic credit is the same student who successfully completes course requirements. Students enrolled in any distance learning course may be required to participate in authentication methods such as: a) secure login and pass code; b) proctored examinations; or c) new or other technologies and practices that are effective in verifying student identification. There may be additional charges associated with proctored examinations or other verification processes. If applicable, this authentication requirement and associated fees will be clearly stated on the course syllabus or registration materials.

To learn more about online learning at NDMU or to view lists of online degree programs and courses, please visit NDMU Online.

Eligibility to Represent the University

No student will be permitted to represent the University unless she/he is classified as a full-time student. Students may participate as members, substitutes, or officers so long as they are enrolled for at least six semester hours unless otherwise indicated by a particular unit or organization. Organizations may include dramatic, literary, musical or other types including Student Government.


Final Exam - Conflict Resolution

When a student is scheduled for more than one final examination in one exam period, the student may request rescheduling of one of the examinations through his/her Dean. If one of the exams is a group final exam, then attempts to reschedule non-group exams should be made first.  The Dean, Department Chair, and faculty member will make every effort to accommodate the student when such a request is made. Final examinations for classes meeting at times other than those posted by The Registrar's Office will be scheduled during the week of finals at a time agreed upon by the faculty member and students. The Registrar's Office in conjunction with the Office of Academic Affairs are the final authority should agreements not be reached at the departmental level.

General Education (Core) - Assessment

Educational assessment is the systematic collection, analysis, and use of data related to academic programs. The General Education Assessment is designed to measure the extent to which students have attained those competencies identified by the university. Data collected will be used for program improvement purposes rather than determination of individual student progression through a program of study. Participation in assessment activities related to general education goals is a requirement for all undergraduate students.

Grade Reports

The University reports grades at the end of each semester for all students. Only the grades reported at the end of the semester (final grades) are used in the computation of the student's Grade Point Averages and Academic Standing. Mid-term grades are given for Women's College students and are simply an indication of a student's progress.

The University does not mail final grade reports. Students may access their grades through WebAdvisor.


The University awards degrees and certificates in May, August and December. A Commencement ceremony is held once a year in May. Students must complete all degree requirements and apply for graduation by the published due date. All graduating students for the academic year (August, December and May) are invited to participate in the May ceremony. 

Graduation Requirements

A student must meet all the requirements for a degree in their Catalog. A student is assigned their Catalog (by year) corresponding to their acceptance to the University. All undergraduate degrees at NDMU require a minimum of 120 credits.  A student who withdraws, or is withdrawn from the institution (either voluntary or by compulsion) is assigned a new Catalog (by year) upon readmission to the University. A student may elect to change their Program of Study/Major at any time during their academic tenure (with the exception of thier final semester); their Catalog (by year) will not change. Students may not change their Major, Minor, Concentration, or Option in the term of their graduation. Students may not graduate in the term they are accepted.

There are several requirements which must be completed by all students prior to graduation.

The student must:

  1. Complete all academic requirements for a degree based on their Catalog. This includes the General Education requirements, Other requirements, and Major or Minor requirements of the particular Program of Study in which the student is enrolled;
  2. Attain a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.0 (note: some Programs of Study require a higher minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average or a minimum Grade Point Average for the Major requirements);
  3. Ascertain, through the College of the Major, that her/his academic record is accurate and complete. This should be done not later than one semester prior to graduation;
  4. Submit an application to the Registrar's Office by the published deadline. The student will be required to make this formal application and state the exact name to appear on the diploma;
  5. Pay the graduation application fee. A student who has previously paid a diploma fee, but who failed to graduate at the time expected, must re-apply and pay the diploma fee again;*
  6. Satisfy all assessment requirements associated with the student's Program of Study;
  7. Satisfy all financial indebtedness to the University cleared prior to graduation; and
  8. Complete an exit interview for Financial Aid, if applicable.

*on occassion a graduation application maybe moved to the next semester for graduation and the previoulsy paid fee is advanced and credited toward graduation fee.

A student who does not follow and complete the above requirements and procedures will not be allowed to graduate.

Graduation - Application

All students must file a Graduation Application with the Registrar's Office to initiate the graduation process. This application is required irrespective of the student's intent to participate in the Commencement Ceremony. Filing a Graduation Application will initiate a formal review of credits and requirements by the both the School and Registrar's Office staff. Students earning a certificate must also file a Certificate Completion Application with the registrar's office to initiate the formal review of earned credits. Both forms are available on the website.

The deadlines for submitting this Application are as follows:

          May Commencement ……………………………… October 15

          August Commencement …………………………… April 15

          December Commencement ……………………… June 15

Failure to submit the Application by the above published deadline will result in postponement of the conferring of the degree until the next graduation period.

The NDMU Commencement Ceremony is held each May. All August and December graduates are invited to participate in May Commencement Ceremony.

A Grade Point Average of 2.0 on a 4-point scale is required for graduates. Diplomas are withheld until the graduate's account is paid in full. Graduates may purchase tams, gowns and hoods at the campus bookstore.

A student with an outstanding financial obligation to the University will not receive their diploma or an official transcript until all obligations have been met.

Graduation - Honors

Degrees with Latin Honors are conferred to undergraduate students who achieve the following Grade Point Average based on work at Notre Dame of Maryland University:

               3.90 for the distinction          Summa Cum Laude
               3.70 for the distinction          Magna Cum Laude
               3.50 for the distinction          Cum Laude

To earn Honors at graduation, students must earn a minimum of 60 credits in graded coursework at NDMU. This excludes credits earned in Pass/Fail courses (including standardized testing, petitioning for credit and transfer). 

Because Latin Honors are not conferred until degrees are earned, those honors identified in the Commencement Program for May graduates are anticipated based on the student's last term prior to the term of their graduation.

Graduation - Commencement Ceremony Participation Policy

Undergraduate students within two courses of completing their requirements toward their degree may ask permission to participate in Commencement. Requesting students must be in Academic Good Standing. They must also demonstrate their remaining coursework can be completed at NDMU in time to fulfill requirements for August graduation. Students seeking credit through the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), Excelsior College Examinations, NDMU challenge exams or petitioning for any other credit must provide documentation of successful completion of these credits before the end of the spring semester preceding Commencement. Students may not participate in Commencement with CLEP, Excelsior, challenge exam or petitioned credits pending.

Students requesting permission to participate in the Commencement Ceremony before completing graduation requirements must submit their request, along with the Graduation Application, no later than February 15 to the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs.  The Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs will consider the request and deny or approve it.  No appeal is permitted.  For students granted the right to participate, announcement of their names in the Commencement Program will be followed by an asterisk indicating an anticipated, later graduation date. Since Latin Honors are not conferred until degrees are earned, there will be no Latin Honors noted in the Program for students participating in Commencement before degree completion.

Graduation Requirements - Earning two degrees simultaneously at NDMU

Students who wish to earn two baccalaureate degrees at NDMU simultaneously may do so, provided the Majors have different degree designations (e.g., Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, etc.) and they:

  1. Complete all requirements for both degrees;
  2. Meet all quality point average and grade requirements applicable to both degrees;
  3. Develop degree plans with both colleges if the two degrees being sought are in different Colleges;
  4. Meet the requirement for each degree Major (typically, the last 30 or 25% of the earned credit hours must be taken at NDMU – students should check with their College for specific requirements); and
  5. Students cannot declare a Minor in the area in which the other baccalaureate is being earned.

Graduation Requirements - Residency

For all undergraduate students, the last 30 credits must be taken at NDMU. A transfer student or a student who enters with advanced standing from another university and becomes a candidate for a bachelor's degree at NDMU must fulfill a minimum requirement of two semesters (Fall, Spring or Summer) at NDMU and must earn at least 30 credit hours required for the degree through instruction offered by the University. A minimum of 50% of the courses included in the Major requirements in a NDMU Program of Study must be taken at Notre Dame University Maryland. No credit earned at a community or junior college may be used for credit at the 300 or 400 course level unless the course is specificaly designed as part of an Official Articulation or Memorandum of Understanding between institutions. Additional restrictions may apply. 

Graduation Requirements - Substitutions and Waivers of Degree Requirements

A substitution is defined as a course that is outside of the prescribed curricula that is used to substitute for a course that is within the prescribed curricula. At NDMU, no more than five (5) courses may be substituted at the Major level within a prescribed curriculum.

A waiver is defined as an exception to a required Program of Study component. In addition, some Programs of Study require external benchmarks such as meeting a minimum score on a required test and/or other courses or series of courses to satisfy a particular Learning Objective.  Students are encouraged to discuss any deviation of prescribed coursework with their advisor. Waivers of degree requirements must be approved by the Academic Advisor, the Dean of the College, and the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs.  A Waiver does not waive credit hour requirements toward total credits required for Graduation (e.g., 120). Waiver and Course Substitition Forms are available on the University Registrar's Website.

Honor Societies

Membership in the following honor societies is open to students whose academic performance in the subject area is outstanding.
Alpha Phi Sigma National Criminal Justice Honor Society.
Beta Beta Beta National Biological Honor Society (Alpha Xi Chapter).
Delta Mu Delta National Honor Society in Business Administration (Epsilon Rho Chapter).
Eta Sigma Phi National Classical Honor Society (Beta Kappa Chapter).
Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society in Education (Phi Xi Chapter).
Kappa Mu Epsilon National Mathematics Honor Society.
Phi Alpha Theta National History Honor Society (Nu Pi Chapter).
Phi Beta Delta International Honor Society (Epsilon Iota Chapter) for promoting international understanding.
Pi Sigma Alpha National Political Science Honor Society (Alpha Delta Nu Chapter).
Phi Sigma Iota International Foreign Language Honor Society (Epsilon Zeta Chapter).
Psi Chi National Honor Society in Psychology.
Sigma Tau Delta National Honor Society in English.
Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society in Nursing (Mu Eta Chapter).
Theta Alpha Kappa National Honor Society for Theology and Religious Studies.
Theta Sigma Pi Association for Women in Communications, Inc.

Membership in two national Catholic honor societies is open to Notre Dame students, one for juniors and one for seniors. Only those students with a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher are eligible for nomination. Membership is determined by faculty vote. These societies are:
Delta Epsilon Sigma National Scholastic Honor Society (Alpha Delta Chapter) and Kappa Gamma Pi National Honor Society for Graduates of Catholic Schools.

Membership in Alpha Sigma Lambda (Delta Chi Chapter), a national honor society for continuing higher education students, is open to the top 20 percent of adult matriculants who have completed a minimum of 30 course credits at Notre Dame. At least 12 of these credits must be in the liberal arts/sciences and outside the student's major field. Students must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher.

Independent Study, Internships, and Academic Service-Learning

Independent Study

Most academic departments allow students to complete an independent study project in their discipline under the guidance of a full-time faculty member of the department. This project is a serious commitment by a student to explore a topic or area not covered in a course taught at the University. Students with junior or senior status may enroll in an independent study course. Independent study courses require the completion of the Independent Study Authorization Form. The Form is available in the Registrar's Office. The Form must be completed with the details of the project and signatures of the student, faculty supervisor, and advisor. The Form must be submitted with the Course Registration and is subject to the approval of the academic advising counselor.


Internships broaden the undergraduate experience, add a valuable off-campus dimension to learning, and complement and enhance classroom and laboratory instruction. These individually-designed study experiences provide an opportunity for students to test their interests, explore various career options, and acquire professional work experience. Credit-bearing internships may be taken any semester (fall, winterim, spring and summer). They are available to students in every Major and placements can be arranged in almost every occupational field. Out-of-state and international internships also can be arranged. An internship may be taken as early as the summer after a full-time student's first year or after earning 30 credits as a part-time student.

In order to enroll in a credit-bearing internship, students are required to attend an internship orientation, obtain the academic advisor's approval, register for the internship, and submit an Internship Application the semester prior to the internship experience. Students may earn up to 12 internship credits. 

Academic Service-Learning

Academic Service-Learning at NDMU integrates academic coursework with community service, thus enriching the learning process for students and contributing valuable resources to the greater Baltimore region. Service-learning provides opportunities for students to apply theories learned in class in practical settings. Service-learning courses are available in multiple disciplines and programs. 

Leave of Absence

Matriculants may request a Leave of Absence for up to one academic year with permission from the academic advising counselor (Women's College) or the CAUS enrollment manager. A Leave of Absence is a temporary interruption in a student's Program of Study.  It may be requested only by students who intend to return and complete their studies. NDMU's Leave of Absence policy does not meet guidlines established by the US Department of Education and is therefore not officially recognized by the Office of Financial Aid. A student who is on leave maintains status as a matriculant and therefore is not eligible to earn credit at another college during the absence from NDMU. 

Military Leave of Absence

When a student in the U.S. Reserves or in the National Guard is called to active duty or when an international student is called to active duty in his or her home country, the student must notify the advisor and provide proof of deployment prior to being deployed. The proof may be emailed, mailed, or hand-carried to the OAVPSL, which will ensure that the information is valid and conveyed to the registrar’s office. It may take the form of general orders cut by the company commander.

When a student is activated during the semester, the university will:

  • Excuse tuition for that semester. Any payment made will be credited to the student’s account.
  • Post a leave of absence for the semester to hold a place for the student when he or she returns.

If a student is called to active duty near the end of the semester, the student and faculty members may determine that incomplete (I) grades are more appropriate. In this case, tuition will not be waived.

When a student returns to the university after completion of the tour of duty, he or she will notify their advisor, which will in turn notify the registrar’s office. The advisor will assist the student with reentry and registration.

Lower Division Courses

Lower Division Courses are those courses at NDMU taught primarily at the Freshman and Sophomore level. These courses are generally identified in the course numbering rubric as '100' or '200' level.

Matriculant Status

A Matriculant is a student who has been officially admitted by the University as a candidate for an academic credential. Matriculants are guaranteed that NDMU will provide the courses required to fulfill the requirements for the credential. In order to maintain matriculant status, a student must maintain consistent enrollment. The Catalog (Catalog Year) in effect when a student matriculates contains the policies and requirements under which the student must satisfy to graduate. 

Non-Matriculant Status (College of Adult Undergraduate Studies)

An individual registering/enrolling in courses without applying for admission to the University may do so as a Non-matriculant. A Non-matriculant may take courses for credit or audit. The same tuition and fees apply to Non-matriculants as to Matriculants. A Non-matriculant may accumulate no more than 18 undergraduate credits from NDMU; at this point, they must seek admission and matriculate as degree-seeking students. Academic advisors are available for non-matriculants who need assistance with course selection planning. Students taking courses as non-matriculants are not eligible for financial aid.

Maximum and Minimum Work

The normal full time student schedule in a regular semester should range between 12 and 18 credits. The normal freshman schedule in a regular semester should range between 12 and 15 credits. Short sessions, Session A or Session B in any given full term (Fall, Spring, or Summer), contain courses offered on compressed timeframe and students should be aware there is an advanced pace in a compressed format. Students are encouraged to consult their academic advisor to determine a course load that best meets their academic preparation. Students with an at-risk Cumulative GPA may be advised to limit their academic load to fewer than 15 hours. Students on Academic Probation are limited to enrolling in 13 hours in Fall or Spring semester and 7 hours in Summer.

Students may enroll for more than 19 semester hours of courses only with permission of their Dean and provided they have maintained an overall 3.0 (B) Cumulative Grade Point Average and have not fallen below a grade of C in any subject during the preceding semester; but in no case will any student be permitted to register for more than 21 credit hours of degree credit. Students who register for fewer than 12 credit hours or drop below 12 credit hours of work (6 in the summer session) will not be considered full-time.

In the Summer term, six semester hours is the minimum full-time load, and the maximum load permitted is 12 semester hours. In the Session A or Session B, students may enroll in up to 6 hours.

Maximum time towards degree on Catalog

The maximal period of time for which the provisions of any Catalog may be considered valid is 7 years.  Students who began a degree program seven or more years prior to the date of their anticipated graduation must consult their academic dean to determine which Catalog must be followed.

Military Service Mobilization/Activation

Notre Dame University Maryland is committed to supporting its students qualifying for institutional services because of mobilization or activation.  Students called to active duty or mobilized for any reason should contact the Office of Veteran's Affairs (even if they aren't receiving VA benefits) for information and further instruction.


A Minor is that part of a Degree program which consists of a specified group of courses in a particular discipline or field, consisting of a minimum of 15% or more of total hours required in the Program of Study. A minimum of 50% of the courses included in the Minor requirements must be at the 300+ level. A minimum of 50% of the credit hours used to satisfy the Minor requirements must be taken at NDMU.

Off-Campus Study

A student who has been accepted at Notre Dame and is a matriculant may not take courses at another college without prior permission. Students who wish to study at another accredited college must file an off-campus permission form and receive approval from the academic advisor and the Dean before registering for courses. Courses taken off campus may be taken for elective credit only. 

A student may not take courses from other colleges during the regular academic year if Notre Dame offers or will offer the course during the student's enrollment at NDMU. Approved courses with a grade of “C” or higher will be considered for transfer credit.

Placement Testing

Entering Women’s College first year students, and transfer students without an Associate's degree, will take placement tests in Math, English, and Language before registering for their first semester courses.  These tests may be administered online prior to the student’s first semester or during Orientation of the first week of classes. These tests are required, and results will be used for first year course placements.  Students wishing to submit AP, SAT, or ACT test scores may request to waive taking placement tests.


Registration - General

New students plan their courses and register in consultation with an academic advisor prior to the beginning of their first semester. New part-time students must make an appointment with their academic advisor to obtain information on the Program of Study they plan to pursue and have transfer credits reviewed. Once these procedures are completed, new part-time Women's College and College of Adult Undergraduate Studies (CAUS) students are eligible for registration. 


A student's NDMU email account is the primary vehicle for communicating administrative or transactional information to students. See the Academic Calendar for registartion deadlines. Registration may be done online or in person. Confirmations of registration are found on the student's WebAdvisor/Self-Service account. Copies of schedules are not sent to students via mail.

A registration fee must be paid at the time of registration. A complete bill is generated for all students upon registering for courses through their student portal, Self-Service. Bills are not sent to students and must be reviewed and verified through their student portal, Self- Service. It is imperative students check their NDMU email regularly to make sure they do not miss deadline dates for payment, registration, drop/add, withdrawal or graduation. Payment of fees and tuition is due approximately one month before the start of the full term start date for each term.

No one may register in any semester, summer session, or winterim after the official registration period indicated in the Academic Calendar. The University does not guarantee that during a given semester a student will be able to schedule every class which she/he might be required to take or wish to enroll. No student will be permitted to remain in class unless the instructor has received evidence of proper registration.

Registration - Adding Courses for Credit

Courses may be added for credit only during Registration (Drop/Add) period for a given term. Students are required to monitor the official Academic Calendar for all dates surrounding registration changes and charges associated with these changes.

Registration - Auditing Classes

Regularly enrolled students at NDMU may audit a class by obtaining written permission from the Chair of the Department in which the course is taught and the Dean of the College in which they are enrolled. Others must obtain official admission to the University in addition to obtaining permission, as indicated. The fee for auditing a course is the same as for enrolling for credit. Auditing fees are not refundable.

Once a student has audited a course, they will not receive university academic credit by any means of advanced standing, examination, or advanced placement on previously audited work. Students are allowed to enroll and receive academic credit for previously audited work by enrolling in the course for academic credit.  

Students are not allowed to Audit courses in which they previously earned academic credit. 

Students may not change from audit to credit after the last day to add a course. With permission of their Dean, they may change from credit to audit within the first 15 class days of the semester (7 class days in the summer).

Registration - Changing Sections

Section changes, if permitted, are subject to the same time limitations as the adding or dropping of courses. A section change requires dropping and adding a course and therefore falls under the same fee structure. Please consult The Catalog for charges associated with dropping and adding courses.

Registration Concurrent Registration

A student registered at NDMU may not automatically receive degree credit at NDMU for any work taken concurrently at another college or university or by correspondence study. Any work taken concurrently at another college or university would be subject to NDMU's transfer articulation policies and evaluation criteria. Students must complete a Request for Off Campus Study form and obtain the rquired signatures before seeking concurrent enrollment.

Registration - Dropping Courses

Courses may be "dropped" during the Registration, Drop/Add period for a given term. Students are required to monitor the official Academic Calendar regarding scheduling dates and their particular access to registration via their WebAdvisor/Self-Service portal. Students should be aware there are differing dates and associated fees for registration actions (adding vs. dropping vs. auditing courses). Please consult The Catalog for charges associated with dropping and adding courses.

Students should be aware there could be financial aid implications for dropping a course.  Students are encouraged to contact the Office of Financial Aid before dropping courses. 

Students will not be allowed to drop a course after the published end date. Students who fail to drop courses by the published final date for such action will be retained on the class rolls even though they may be absent for the remainder of the semester.

A student may be dropped, at the discretion of the Dean of the College, from any course for which the student is ineligible.

Failure to attend class does not constitute a course drop. Withdrawn courses reduce a student's enrolled hours, but not the student's financial obligation (see section on Withdrawal from the University).

Requirements for All First-Time Full-Time Freshman

All first-time full-time freshmen are required to enroll and successfully pass in NDMU 100 during their first year of enrollment.

All students having earned less than 30 credit hours are required to be advised by their Academic Advisor. Students are encouraged to meet with their college Advisor at their earliest convenience.

Penalty for Non-Payment of Tuition

Students who do not complete payment of tuition by the date specified each semester may be withdrawn from the class at the discretion of the Business Office. Non-payment is not a means of dropping a class. Re-registration is possible before class begins, on a space available basis, with payment of an additional registration fee.

Change of Registration - exceptions

Changes in registration/enrollment must be made before the end of the Drop/Add Period. Once the Drop/Add Period is complete, students may not add a course or change sections of the same course.

To withdraw from a course after the Drop/Add Period, the student must do so on WebAdvisor or by completing a Course Withdrawal Form and obtain their advisor's signature, where needed. The completed form is filed with the Registrar's Office. The deadline for withdrawing from a course is published in the academic calendar. Students who stop attending class, and do not officially withdraw, will be assigned a grade of “F” and are financially responsible for the full tuition charged for the course.

Undergraduate students receiving federal financial aid must maintain 9 credits per semester to remain eligible for funding. Students receiving institutional scholarships or state scholarships or grants must maintain 12 credits per semester. Some State of Maryland Grants require students to complete 30 hours of credit per year.  Students must visit the financial aid office before dropping below the required number of credits and before they withdraw from their last course in any term. It is the student's responsibility to follow financial aid guidelines.


Please see Graduation Requirements – Residency.


Resignation is reserved for students who for medical reasons, need to withdraw from a semester after the end of the withdraw period and before the last day of the semester.  To determine eligibility for resignation please contact the Office of Accessibility and Health Promotions.

Failure to attend classes does not constitute a resignation or withdraw. Resignation eliminates a student's enrolled hours, but not the student's financial obligations.

Caution: Withdrawing from courses may have an adverse effect on financial aid, scholarships, loan deferments, athletic eligibility, health insurance, veteran's benefits, degree requirements, or other areas. Students considering course drops or resignation should first check with their advisor, College, and Enrollment Services to determine if this is really their best option.


Roster/Enrollment Verification

At the start of each new semester and part of term within a semester, following add/drop period, all faculty assigned to courses that bear credits, are required to verify student enrollment and participation.

Roster/Enrollment Verification (REV) is a process for checking student enrollment in courses at the start of the semester and verifying their attendance.  All students need to attend and participate in their courses within 24-72 hours of the course start date, or contact their professor to make attendance arrangements.

Roster/Enrollment Verification (REV) is tied to student’s eligibility for Federal financial aid and to ensuring there is not financial aid fraud taking place. In short, if students are not enrolled and attending classes, they are not eligible for Federal financial aid. Faculty should make sure student attendance is accurately verified on or before the REV deadline. If a faculty member verified attendance at the start of the REV period, they should double-check that all students’ attendance and participation has been accurately recorded on the last day to ensure they do not miss a student an recorded them inaccurately. 


The choice of military service as a profession is possible for Notre Dame full-time matriculants through participation in the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) Advanced Course program at Loyola University. Those students who successfully complete this program are tendered commissions in the United States Army Reserve. Students must register for ROTC courses through the Co-op Program (Registrar's Office). Details about the ROTC program, including scholarship information, are available from the office of military science at Loyola.

Statute of Limitations

In the absence of any designated time limits in documents on policies or procedures, the University imposes a time limit of one year for the initiation of any request for an exception to its rules or regulations.

Student Handbook

The Notre Dame Maryland University Student Handbook is an official student policy.  The NDMU Student Handbook describes what is expected of a student with respect to behavior and conduct in the NDMU community and outlines the procedures to be followed when these expectations are not met.  The Student Handbook includes the Code of Student Conduct as well as other rules, regulations, and policies governing student life. Please refer to the following site:

Notre Dame of Maryland University - University Student Handbook

Student Identification Card

Each student is issued a permanent identification card, including a photograph, and a student number. This card will be used for the entire duration of the student's enrollment at the University. The card is required for borrowing library books, cashing personal checks, admission to athletic and social events, selling used textbooks, Testing Services, meal plans, and other official purposes. Fraudulent use of the ID card is a violation of the Honor Code and will result in disciplinary action. The card is issued to the individual student and must not be loaned to another person for any reason. Any University official having just cause has the right to request that a student show the identification card for identification purposes. Upon such a request by a University official, the student is required to comply.

Student Status and Course Load - Full-Time/Part-Time Status

Full-time status requires an undergraduate student carry a minimum of 12 credits. Students carrying 12 or more credits are full-time and must pay full-time tuition. The normal course load for a full-time student is 15-18 credits during the fall and spring terms. A student who has permission from the academic advisor to carry an overload basis must pay the per credit fee for any credits 19 and over.

Students are limited to a maximum course load of nine credits during the summer term. 

Students are limited to a maximum course load of four credits during the winterim term.

Students carrying 11 credits or fewer are part-time and pay tuition on a per-credit basis for all credits taken. The College of Adult Undergraduate Studies is a part-time program and is not designed to accommodate a full-time credit load.

Term/Semester Grade Point Average

A student's Semester/Term Grade Point Average is calculated by dividing the total number of quality points earned in the semester by the total number of hours attempted in the semester. (See Overview of the Undergraduate Grading System in this chapter for the quality points assigned to each final grade.)

Time Requirement

Most full-time students require completing 30 credit hours per academic year, four years to complete their Program of Study. Part-time students plan their own time-schedule for the degree. All students must complete their final 30 credits in coursework at NDMU.

Transcript of Record

The official permanent academic records for all NDMU students are in the custody of the Registrar's Office. Release of these records is protected by the "Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act'' (FERPA). Transcripts of the academic record may be secured by the individual personally or will be released on the student's written authorization. Transcripts cannot be issued until the student or former student has settled all financial obligations to the University and has submitted all required transcripts from other colleges attended. A fee will be charged for each copy of the transcript. 

University Closures

If the University must close due to unexpected circumstances, faculty and students will have to make up missed class and laboratory time. In some circumstances resulting in closure of the University, the Provost will determine how classes will be made up. In other circumstances, the methods for making up missed classes and laboratories will be with extra assignments and readings, additional days of class or laboratory, additional class time, or in other manners to be determined.

University Discipline

Notre Dame Maryland University expects of its students a high degree of honor in all phases of college life. It is the responsibility of all students to familiarize themselves with the rules and regulations governing student conduct as published whether in print or on the web, in the NDMU Student Handbook and other official publications.

The authority structure for administrating the judicial code is the President, through the Associate Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students to the Associate Dean for Inclusion and Community Standards. Please refer to the NDMU Student Handbook for more details.

University Success (NDMU Course)

NDMU 100 is a letter-graded course required for all first time full time freshman. Students will meet in groups led by an experienced faculty or staff member and a peer mentor (an experienced student) for an in-depth review of skills and issues relevant to academic and personal success at the University. Topics include time management, effective note-taking and test preparation, campus diversity, and university resources. Enrollment is restricted to students with less than 30 hours of credit only. Enrollment is optional for transfer students within their 30 hours of credit at NDMU. 

Upper Division Courses

Upper Division Courses are those courses at NDMU taught primarily at the Junior and Senior level. These courses are generally identified in the course numbering rubric as '300' or '400' level.

Visiting Students

NDMU allows individuals to enroll as non-matriculants in a non-credential-seeking status.  These are students who have not been formally admitted to the university as credential-seeking candidates but who are registered for courses either part-time or full-time, for academic credit, or for audit.  These individuals may accrue no more than a total of 18 academic credits.    Non-matriculants in specified, approved graduate Programs of Study (certain Certificate Programs of Study) are eligible for financial aid; however, students should consult with their Academic Advisor and the Office of Financial Aid for further details.

Non-matriculants must apply to NDMU upon completion of no more than 18 credits.



This accelerated mini-term is offered at the begining of January and provides unique opportunities to explore new educational experiences by concentrating on one course, traditional or non-traditional. During Winterim, students may:

• Take traditional courses in a concentrated form, allowing the student to focus in depth on one body of subject matter;
• Gain work experience through an internship or practicum;
• Explore and analyze aspects of our own or other cultures through travel; and
• Engage in independent study or research.

Winterim registration is limited to a maximum of four credits. Credit earned during Winterim is applied to the required number of credits for graduation. Attendance at every class is required because of the concentrated format of the Winterim sessions.

Withdrawing from the University

The University reserves the right to request at any time the withdrawal of a student for reasons of poor scholarship or unsatisfactory conduct or non-attendance. Students who voluntarily withdraw from the University must submit an institutional withdrawal form.  An institutional withdrawal can only be processed after a student has been dropped, withdrawn, or graded for all registered sections.