BIO-101 Zoology
Explores the diversity of animal life, with a focus on both invertebrate and vertebrate animals, emphasizing fundamental biological principles such as evolution, adaptation, and ecology. Topics include the classification, structure, function, behavior, and ecological roles of animals, as well as their evolutionary relationships and the importance of conserving their diversity. Designed for non-science majors, this course fosters an appreciation of the natural world and the interconnectedness of life. [ 3 credits ] College of Adult Undergraduate Studies students only.
BIO-104 Chesapeake Bay
Explores the Chesapeake Bay, the largest estuary in the United States, providing a unique habitat for the region's wildlife. The course will examine the physical, geological and chemical factors that affect the rich variety of plants and animals in the bay. Students will study the bay's ecosystem and the external and natural factors that affect the health of the bay. Field work on location is required. Three hours lectures and three hours lab. Co-requisite BIO-104L. Fulfills general education requirement in natural sciences. [4 credits]
BIO-104L Lab: Chesapeake Bay
This lab is a co-requisite for BIO-104. [ 0 credits ]
BIO-107 Human Biology
Focuses on how the major body systems are organized and function. Examines various major health concerns, such as cardiovascular health, cancer, diabetes and obesity, and explains their relationship with proper body function. Emphasizes how well-informed decisions about lifestyle can keep body systems operating at their best. Laboratory exercises include application of key principles of structure and function for major body systems. Three hours lecture and three hours laboratory. Fulfills general education requirement in natural science and scientific reasoning. Designed for non-science majors. Co-requisite: BIO-107L. [ 4 credits ]
BIO-107L Lab: Human Biology
This lab is a co-requisite for BIO-107. [0 credits]
BIO-110 Exploring Concepts in Biology
Prepares first year students who plan to continue taking courses in biology, but who would benefit first from a focus on the integration of chemistry and mathematics. Students will develop concepts, design experiments, and analyze data to solve problems encountered in various branches of biology. Three hours lecture and three hours lab. Co-requisite: BIO-110L. A grade of at least C in BIO-110 is a prerequisite for subsequent enrollment in BIO-111. First year traditional undergraduate students only. For STEM majors only. Fulfills general education requirement in natural science. [4 credits]
BIO-110L Lab: Exploring Concepts in Biology
This lab is a co-requisite for BIO-110.
[ 0 credits ]
BIO-111 Fundamentals of Biology
Focuses on the structure and function of the fundamental unit of life, the cell. Examines basic biological molecules, membrane structure and function, basic metabolism, photosynthesis, cellular reproduction, evolution, genetics and introductory systematics. In weekly laboratory exercises, students design and conduct experiments to answer scenario-based questions. Includes independent small-group laboratory research project that culminates in a student research symposium. Three hours lecture and four hours laboratory. Designed for students with a strong high school background in biology, chemistry and mathematics. Prerequisite: Satisfactory score on the NDMU Placement Exam or BIO-110 with minimum grade of C, or permission or chair. For STEM majors only. Fulfills general education requirement in natural sciences. [4 credits]
BIO-111L Lab: Fundamentals of Biology
This lab is a co-requisite for BIO 111.
BIO-114 Environmental Science for Educators
BIO-115 Environmental Science
Evaluates the relationships between human populations and the natural environment. Introduces the fundamental science needed to critically analyze claims, arguments and evidence related to environmental concerns. Analyzes environmental problems and issues in terms of the underlying basic physical, chemical, and biological sciences and integrates concepts and information from many fields to support an understanding of the ecology of our planet, how we interact with it, and how our species affects the earth and its life-support systems. Laboratory sessions introduce field techniques for investigating environmental questions. AN INDEPENDENTLY DESIGNED AND EXECUTED RESEARCH PROJECT IS COMPLETED IN THE LABORATORY. Three hours lecture and three hours laboratory. Fulfills general education requirement in Scientific Reeasoning. Designed for non-science majors.Co-requisite: BIO-115L. [ 4 credits ]
BIO-115L Lab: Environmental Science
This lab is a co-requisite for BIO-115.
[ 0 credits ]
BIO-116 Conservation Biology
Analyzes the causes and repercussions of the rapid, devastating, and global extinctions of plants and animals, chiefly as a result of human activities. This course examines the range of cultural, biological and environmental factors that contribute to the loss of biodiversity and the new, integrated science of conservation biology that has developed in response to the challenge of saving species and remediating the environment. Classroom discussions will treat the essential concepts and practical knowledge necessary to ensure the perpetuation of our planet's flora and fauna. Three hours lectures and three hours lab. Fulfills general education requirement in natural science. Designed for non-science majors. [4 credits]
BIO-116L Lab: Conservation Biology
This lab is a co-requisite for BIO-116. [ 0 credits]
BIO-150 Principles of Evolution
BIO-201 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
Integrates the study of structure with function of the human body. As a suite of courses, BIO-201 and 202 are intended for students interested in satisfying requirements for pharmacy, nursing, and various allied health programs. The content and level of delivery of both BIO-201 and 202 are structured so that they are compatible with similar courses offered by cooperating institutions. BIO-201 includes discussion of cellular, tissue, integumentary, skeletal, muscular and neural systems. Includes laboratory study of anatomical models of humans and skeletal components, and dissection of a cat. BIO-202 includes discussion of endocrine, circulatory, immunological, digestive, urinary and reproductive systems. Strongly emphasizes study of physiological functions that includes monitoring of body systems with analog and digital hardware. Each course includes three hours lecture and three hours laboratory. A competency exam covering basic chemistry and biology may be administered at the first class meeting and weighed in the final grade. To begin the course sequence, the student must complete BIO-111 or the equivalent with a minimum grade of C or obtain permission of the instructor. BIO-201 with minimum grade of C is a prerequisite for BIO-202. [ 4 credits each term ]
BIO-201L Lab: Human Anatomy/Physiol I
This lab is a co-requisite for BIO 201.
BIO-202 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
Integrates the study of structure with function of the human body. As a suite of courses, BIO-201 and 202 are intended for students interested in satisfying requirements for pharmacy and various allied health programs. The content and level of delivery of both BIO-201 and 202 are structured so that they are compatible with similar courses offered by cooperating institutions. BIO-201 includes discussion of cellular, tissue, integumentary, skeletal, muscular and neural systems. Includes laboratory study of anatomical models of humans and skeletal components, and dissection of a cat. BIO-202 includes discussion of endocrine, circulatory, immunological, digestive, urinary and reproductive systems. Strongly emphasizes study of physiological functions that includes monitoring of body systems with analog and digital hardware. Each course includes three hours lecture and three hours laboratory. A competency exam covering basic chemistry and biology may be administered at the first class meeting and weighed in the final grade. To begin the course sequence, the student must complete BIO-111 or the equivalent with a minimum grade of C or obtain permission of the instructor. BIO-201 with minimum grade of C is a prerequisite for BIO-202. [ 4 credits each term ]
BIO-202L Lab: Human Anatomy/Physiol II
This lab is a co-requisite for BIO 202.
BIO-208 Bio-Diversity
Examines the remarkable diversity of life on Earth, focusing on key biological principles such as evolution, adaptation, and ecological interactions. Topics include the classification, structure, function, and ecological roles of plants, animals, fungi, and microorganisms, their evolutionary relationships, contributions to ecosystems, and the current threats to their survival. Designed for non-science majors, this course inspires and appreciation of life's richness and highlights the importance of biodiversity conservation. [ 3 credits ] College of Adult Undergraduate Studies students only.
BIO-210 Biology Lab - Special Topics
Introduces biology laboratory information, techniques, and analysis, by allowing students to enroll in lab sections of existing 200-level Biology courses. This is intended as a pathway for transfer students to take the companion lab section for a 3-credit lecture-only course, where a companion lab was not offered. Students must have already completed the lecture, earning at least a C. Students must earn at least a C in this course in order to combine it with their transfer class to count as an NDMU equivalent. Interested students must get permission of the instructor and/or department chair. Enrollment is restricted to transfer students. [ 1 credit ]
BIO-230 Unity and Diversity of Life
BIO-230L Lab: Unity and Diversity of Life
This lab is a co-requisite for BIO 230.
BIO-239 Genetics
Considers the mechanisms by which biological information is stored, accessed, and passed on from one generation to the next from both Mendelian and molecular genetic perspectives. Introduces basic techniques of molecular biology such as bacterial transformations, gel electrophoresis, DNA sequencing and sequencing analysis. Includes the use of online databases such as Pub Med and sequence analysis tools such as BLAST. Three hours lecture and three hours laboratory. Prerequisites: BIO-111 and CHM-110, each with a minimum grade of C or permission of instructor. [ 4 credits ]
BIO-239L Lab: Genetics
This lab is a co-requisite for BIO 239.
BIO-250 Biology Lab - Special Topics
Introduces biology laboratory information, techniques, and analysis, by allowing students to enroll in lab sections of existing 200-level Biology courses. This is intended as a pathway for transfer students to take the companion lab section for a 3-credit lecture-only course, where a companion lab was not offered. Students must have already completed the lecture, earning at least a grade of C. Students must earn at least a C in this course in order to combine it with their
transfer class to count as an NDMU equivalent. Interested students must obtain permission of the instructor and/or department chair. Enrollment is restricted to transfer students.
BIO-253 General Microbiology
Presents basic concepts of bacteriology, virology, mycology and parasitology with a special focus on bacteria and viruses. The structure, morphology and genetics of microbes will be investigated, as well as their requirements for and patterns of growth. Other topics will include the human microbiota, mechanisms of pathogenicity, basic host defense mechanisms, antimicrobial chemotherapy and the development of microbial drug resistance. Finally, the epidemiology of infectious diseases, along with the characteristics and methods utilized in the control of classic and emerging pathogens will be addressed. In the laboratory, students will learn basic aseptic transfer, staining and culture techniques required for the isolation, identification and enumeration of microbes, and will investigate various factors affecting microbial growth, including antiseptics, disinfectants and antimicrobial drugs. Three hours lecture and three hours laboratory. Pre-nursing students only. Prerequisites: BIO-111 with a minimum grade of C. [ 4 credits ]
BIO-253L Lab: General Microbiology
This lab is a co-requisite for BIO 253.
BIO-260 Genetics & Genomics for Clinical Practice
Considers the basics of molecular and Mendelian genetics and how they apply to human medical conditions. Uses specific examples to demonstrate general principles of human diseases and conditions with genetic causes to demonstrate general principles of Mendelian and molecular genetics. Discusses medical applications of emerging genetic technologies. Introduces emerging concepts in the genetic and epigenetic causes of human disease. Pre-nursing students only. Prerequisites: BIO-111 with a minimum grade of C or permission of instructor. [3 credits]
BIO-273 Introductory Biological Research
Investigates a topic of current interest in the biological sciences under guidance of Biology Department faculty. Includes a literature search, design and execution of original laboratory research, and data analysis. Culminates in written paper or scientific poster to local and/or regional student symposia. Designed for first-and second-year students. Permission of instructor required. Can be taken for credit multiple times. [ 1-3 credits ]
BIO-307 Ecology
BIO-307L Lab: Ecology
This lab is a co-requisite for BIO 307.
BIO-311 Evolution
Examines the basic processes of organic evolution, including the production of genetic variation, selection mechanisms, adaptive radiation, other evolutionary mechanisms, and speciation. The course integrates macroevolutionary patterns found in the fossil record and phylogenetics with microevolutionary processes at the molecular level. Students will explore a range of readings from molecular evolution to classic evolutionary theories. Laboratory sessions are designed to
reinforce theoretical knowledge, demonstrating how genetic and genomic data contribute to our understanding of evolution, linking microevolutionary changes to macroevolutionary trends observed in nature. Three hours lecture and three hours laboratory. Prerequisites: BIO-239 Genetics and CHM-111, each with a minimum grade of C or permission of instructor. [ 4 credits ]
BIO-311L Lab: Evolution
This lab is a co-requisite for BIO 311.
BIO-340 Microbiology
Examines the world of microorganisms and their occurrence and roles in nature. Focuses on the study of structure, growth, pathogenicity and genetics of microbes as well as their interactions in microbiome and biofilm communities. In the laboratory, students will learn sterile technique, staining, and culture techniques required for the isolation, identification, and enumeration of microbes, microbial metabolism, microbial genetics and will investigate various factors affecting microbial growth, including antiseptics, disinfectant, and antimicrobial drugs. An independently designed and executed, small-group research project is completed in the laboratory and culminates in a student research symposium. Three hours lecture and four hours laboratory. Prerequisite: BIO-239 and CHM-111, each with a minimum grade of C or permission of the instructor. [ 4 credits ]
BIO-340L Lab: Microbiology
This lab is a co-requisite for BIO 340.
BIO-341 Vertebrate Anatomy
Examines the major evolutionary trends in structure and function of the vertebrates. Analyzes the anatomy of fishes, amphibians, reptiles and mammals in the context of phylogeny, ecology and the physical and chemical environment. Laboratory exercises involve examination of commercially prepared specimens to develop the skills for dissection. Three hours lecture and three hours laboratory. Prerequisite: BIO-230 Unity and Diversity of Life with a minimum grade of C or permission of the instructor. [ 4 credits ]
BIO-341L Lab: Vertebrate Anatomy
This lab is a co-requisite for BIO 341.
BIO-343 Animal Behavior
BIO-343L Lab: Animal Behavior
This lab is a co-requisite for BIO 343.
BIO-345 Nutrition
BIO-403 Immunology
BIO-410 Cell and Molecular Biology
BIO-410L Lab: Cell and Molecular Biology
This lab is a co-requisite for BIO 410.
BIO-411 Special Topics in Biology
Explores, in depth, a focused topic in biology based on instructor's expertise. Topic will change from year to year and to reflect trends and developments in biology. Prerequisite: Will be noted for specific course, based on topic. [ 3 credits ]
BIO-413 Neurobiology
BIO-413L Lab: Neurobiology
This lab is a co-requisite for BIO 413.
BIO-415 Developmental Biology
BIO-415L Lab: Developmental Biology
This lab is a co-requisite for BIO 415.
BIO-421 Environmental Physiology
Investigates how physiological functions and processes in organisms are influenced by and adapt to environmental conditions. Focuses on the interplay between biochemical, cellular, and organ system mechanisms, highlighting evolutionary modifications across diverse species. Emphasizes comparative physiology, exploring how environmental factors shape survival strategies in various ecosystems. Includes hands-on projects where students independently design, execute, analyze, and present semester-long research in a simulated symposium format. Three hours lecture and three hours laboratory. Prerequisites: BIO-307 0r BIO-311 and CHM-211, each with a minimum grade of C, or permission of the instructor. Corequisite: BIO-421L. [ 4 credits ]
BIO-421L Lab: Environmental Physiology
This lab is a co-requisite for BIO-421, Environmental Physiology. [ 0 credits ]
BIO-425 Biochemistry I
Focuses on biomolecules, enzyme kinetics, the biochemistry of energy production, and a description of basic metabolic pathways as well as their regulation and integration in functioning organisms. Three hours lecture and three hours laboratory. Prerequisites: BIO-111, CHM-211 each with a minimum grade of C or permission of instructor. [ 4 credits ]
BIO-425L Lab: Biochemistry I
This lab is a co-requisite for BIO 425.
BIO-426 Biochemistry II
BIO-426L Lab: Biochemistry II
This lab is a co-requisite for BIO 426.
BIO-431 Animal Physiology
BIO-431L Lab: Animal Physiology
This lab is a co-requisite for BIO 431.
BIO-451 Senior Seminar
BIO-463 Independent Study
BIO-473 Biological Research
Investigates a topic of current interest in the biological sciences under guidance of Biology Department faculty. Includes a literature search and design and execution of original laboratory research project. Culminates in a written paper or scientific poster. Course is designed for students of Junior or Senior class status. Permission of instructor required. Can be taken multiple times. [4 credits; may be split over successive semesters.]
BIO-560 Biology for Teachers Grades K-8
This course presents an introduction to fundamental concepts and practical applications of biology. Students will learn engaging, inquiry based strategies to explore matter, energy, and organization in living systems; cellular biology; the molecular basis of heredity; and mechanisms for evolution. Mathematical content and skills are integrated throughout. [ 4 credits ]