
    LSP-101 Beginning Spanish I

    Develops the ability to understand, speak, read and write in Spanish. Enhances awareness and understanding of the Spanish-speaking world through presentation of authentic material. LSP-101 is for students with no prior experience in Spanish. Laboratory required. [3 credits]

    LSP-102 Beginning Spanish II

    Develops the ability to understand, speak, read and write in Spanish. Enhances awareness and understanding of the Spanish-speaking world through presentation of authentic material. Laboratory required. [3 credits]

    LSP-103 Intermediate Spanish

    Develops the four language skills through a review of grammar and readings based on cultural material. Laboratory required. Fulfills the general education language requirement. Prerequisite: LSP-102 or placement. [3 credits]

    LSP-105 Spanish Language and Culture for Professionals

    This course does not fulfill the general education requirement. [1 credit]

    LSP-106 Spanish Language and Culture: Part 2

    This course does not fulfill the general education requirement.  Prerequisite: LSP-105 or placement [1 credit]

    LSP-107 Spanish Language and Culture III

    Spanish Language and Culture for Professional Settings (Part 3) is a follow-up course to Parts 1 and 2. In this course, the emphasis is heavily on listening and speaking skills. It stresses using the language in practical, conversational situations, drawing on the needs and experiences of the participants. There is a continued use of grammar, especially the use of the subjunctive, in order to increase conversational skills. There will be a continued cultural component that is woven into every class. In addition, there will be a one-time volunteer cultural experience in the Latino community. [3 credits]

    LSP-108 Spanish Language and Culture for Health Settings

    This course fulfills the Spanish requirement for Nursing Majors class of 2022 and before. This course does not fulfill the General Education foreign language requirement for non-nursing students,  may also be  taken as an elective. Prerequisite: LSP-106 or placement [1 credit]

    LSP-150 Beginning Spanish for Heath Professionals

    Practice conversational Spanish in health care settings. Apply simple vocabulary and grammatical structures to ask questions, gather relevant information, be courteous, express emotions, and  give recommendations. In addition to giving a grounding in medical vocabulary, this course explores cultural issues related to caring for Latinx patients. Designed for nursing majors who have a one-class Spanish requirement. LSP-150 cannot be used in place of LSP-101 as a pre-requisite for LSP-102. [ 3 credits ]

    LSP-233 Spanish for Oral Proficiency

    Offers intensive oral-aural practice, with emphasis on the language used in daily life. Serves those who wish to perfect pronunciation and increase fluency in Spanish through extensive use of multimedia materials and interaction with native speakers. Independent lab work required. Fulfills the general education language requirement. Prerequisite: LSP-103 or placement. [3 credits]

    LSP-234 Spanish for Written Proficiency

    Aims to increase proficiency in the written use of the language. Provides a review of grammar and extensive practice based on cultural themes of the Hispanic world. Uses multimedia materials and reading selections from contemporary Latin American authors and publications. Focuses on various issues such as women's roles and human rights. Fulfills the general education language requirement. Prerequisite: LSP-103 or placement. [3 credits]

    LSP-258 Readings in Hispanic Literature

    Introduces students to literary analysis by the reading of selected short works by Hispanic authors. Discussion and writing of short essays in Spanish with emphasis on understanding and appreciating Hispanic literature in its cultural context. Fulfills the general education literature and cross-cultural studies requirements. Prerequisite: LSP-233 or 234 or permission. [3 credits]

    LSP-301 Advanced Spanish Conversation and Composition I

    Gives special attention to the idiomatic use of language and to the finer points of Spanish grammar. Based on writings and media sources dealing with present-day events and cultural issues. Analysis of structure and style. Fulfills the general education language requirement. Required of all majors and minors. Prerequisite: LSP-233 and 234 or equivalent. [3 credits]

    LSP-302 Advanced Spanish Conversation and Composition II

    Gives special attention to the idiomatic use of language and to the finer points of Spanish grammar. Based on writings and media sources dealing with present-day events and cultural issues. Analysis of structure and style. Fulfills the general education language requirement. Prerequisite: LSP-233 and 234 or equivalent. Required of all majors and minors. [3 credits]

    LSP-305 Spanish for Business

    Introduction to the terminology and correspondence techniques of the Spanish-speaking business world. Wide variety of oral and written exercises develop the specialized vocabulary and skills needed for most commercial situations. Especially recommended for international studies majors pursuing business track.

    LSP-310 Survey of Masterpieces in Latin American Literature I

    Introduces students to Latin American literature and thought in their historical and social dimensions through a close study of selected masterpieces from the 1800s to the present. Prerequisite: LSP-258 or permission. Fulfills the General Education literature and cross-cultural studies requirements. [3 credits]

    LSP-311 Survey of Masterpieces in Latin American Literature II

    Introduces students to Latin American literature and thought in their historical and social dimensions through a close study of selected masterpieces from the 1800s to the present. Prerequisite: LSP-258 or permission. Fulfills the general education literature and cross-cultural studies requirements. [3 credits]

    LSP-322 Survey of Masterpieces in Peninsular Literature

    Introduces students to the major periods of Spanish literature and thought in their historical and social dimensions through a close study of selected masterpieces from their origins to the present time. Prerequisite: LSP-258 or permission. Fulfills the general education literature and crosscultural studies requirements. [ 3 credits ]

    LSP-323 Survey of Peninsular Theatre

    Survey of Spanish theater from its origins in the Middle Ages up to the most recent dramatic works. Historical and social background. Readings from each major literary period.

    LSP-324 Survey of the Spanish Novel

    Survey of the major genres from the Picaresque to the Post Civil War period. Selected readings from each major literary period.

    LSP-352 Siglo De Oro

    LSP-358 Spanish Culture & Civilization

    Surveys the cultural history of Spain through an examination of its most significant physical, intellectual, artistic and sociopolitical aspects. Special emphasis will be given to the development of Spanish art, literature and philosophical thought. Fulfills the General Education cross-cultural studies requirement. [3 credits]

    LSP-359 Latin American Culture and Civilization

    Provides an introductory study of the main features of Latin American political and cultural history. Includes artistic and literary movements. This course is given in Spanish and is designed for students who have advanced knowledge of the language. Fulfills the General Education cross-cultural studies requirement. Prerequisite: LSP-233/234 required, LSP-301 recommended. [3 credits]

    LSP-401 Topics in Spanish

    Studies a central topic in linguistics, culture or literature. Course may be repeated for credit as topics change. Prerequisite: LSP-302 or permission of instructor. [3 credits]

    LSP-411 Topics: Interm Spanish II

    LSP-427 Short Term Academic Experience in a Spanish-Speaking Country

    Visits cities and sites of historical and cultural importance in one Spanish-speaking country. Prior to the tour, students will attend preparatory lectures and complete preliminary readings. Research related to the tour usually will be completed within a month after return. Fulfills the culture and civilization requirement for the Spanish major and minor. [3 credits]

    LSP-458 Capstone Experience in Spanish

    Provides a culminating activity based on the particular interests of the student and is individually designed to demonstrate linguistic, cultural and cross-cultural learning within a global context at home and abroad. A research paper and formal oral presentation are required. Open to majors, minors and native speakers. Prerequisite: LSP-358 or LSP-359. Fulfills the general education cross-cultural studies requirement. [ 3 credits ] Students may choose from the following: 149 LSP-463 Independent Study 149 Independent project under the direction of a faculty member 149 Research project based on study abroad experience 149 Service-learning project with research component 149 IDS-461 Professional Internship with research component 149 IDS-496 Teaching Apprentice (at College of Notre Dame or abroad)

    LSP-463 Independent Study

    Allows the student to undertake an individual program of study in language, linguistics, literature or civilization under the guidance of a member of the department. [3 credits]

    LSP-501 Topics in Spanish

    Studies a central topic in linguistics, culture or literature. Course may be repeated for credit as topics change. Recent topics have included Hispanic Women's Voices in Film, Sociolinguistics, Spanish dialects and magical Realism in Literature and Film. [ 3 credits ]

    LSP-502 Spanish for Teachers of Other Languages

    This upper-level course, taught entirely in Spanish, is designed to survey the components of oral language. We will discuss the social, phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic aspects of Spanish as a language system. Students will be introduced to language variation, phonetic transcription, phonemes, morphemes, syntactic order, linguistic change, dialects of Spanish, and Spanish as a phenomenon in the United States. This course, designed specifically for teachers of other languages, prepares students to take the Praxis exam for certification in Spanish. [ 3 credits ]

    LSP-503 Spanish and Technology

    A study of the expanding types of technological literacies required for teaching and learning, with a concentration on digital information and media literacies as they relate to Spanish education. Core information skills underscore emerging technologies as they relate to teaching Spanish. Special attention is given to connecting learners to networks of learners and integration of technology into the Spanish language classroom. Problem-based learning and the 21st Century Skills Map serve as models to connect language to technology. Good working knowledge of Spanish required. [ 3 credits ]

    LSP-510 Survey of Masterpieces of Latin American Literature I

    Highlights literary movements from its inception to 1800. Focuses on developing students knowledge of literary forms and movements from the first indigenous works on record to the appearance of Western hemisphere literature in Spanish. Students will develop the technical vocabulary needed to describe and debate literary issues. Four basic literary genres remain the center of discussion: narrativa, poes?a, drama y ensayo. [ 3 credits ]

    LSP-511 Survey of Masterpieces of Latin American Literature II

    Highlights Latin American literature since 1800. Discusses poetry, essays, short stories, novels and plays. Begins with Romanticism, follows Modernism and Post-modernism and finishes with the literary boom in the Western hemisphere. [ 3 credits ]

    LSP-522 Survey of Masterpieces in Peninsular Literature

    Provides a survey of Spanish literature from the first vestiges in the vernacular to the modern novel. Genres include theater, poetry, drama, essay, short story and the novel. [ 3 credits ]

    LSP-524 Survey of the Spanish Novel

    Surveys the development of the Spanish novel from the Quijote to modern novelists. Examines most literary movements and styles. [ 3 credits ]

    LSP-526 Hispanic Women Writers

    Focuses on major female Spanish-language authors throughout history. Incorporates scholarship by and about women. Explores women writers from both Spain and Latin America and their place in the literary canon. Studies a variety of literary genres and styles. [ 3 credits ]

    LSP-527 Exploring Cuban Society

    LSP-528 Hispanic Linguistics

    Surveys language and studies how language works. Discusses the social, phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic and pragmatic aspects of Spanish as a language system. Introduces students to language variation, phonetic transcription, phonemes, morphemes, syntactic order, linguistic change, dialects of Spanish and Spanish as a phenomenon in the United States. [ 3 credits ]

    LSP-530 Perspectives on Spanish As a World Language

    Looks at Spanish as a world language that permits variation among its various dialects. Emphasizes linguistic and sociolinguistic phenomena throughout the history of Spanish that continue to be present. Students will gain an understanding of what underlies the difference among dialects of Spanish in today's world. [ 3 credits ]

    LSP-532 Contemporary Spain: Literature and the Arts

    Explores literature, art, film, music and sculpture as a means of gaining an understanding of Spain today. Journeys through the past to discern the various cultural, religious and academic movements that have helped shape today's Spain. [ 3 credits ]

    LSP-542 Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean: Literature and the Arts

    Explores literature, art, film, music and sculpture as a means of gaining an understanding of Central America and the Caribbean. Journeys through the past to discern the various cultural, religious and academic movements that have helped shape the various countries in this region. [ 3 credits ]

    LSP-543 Hispanic Women's Voices in Film and Literature

    This course is designed to survey films from Latin America and Spain that provide dimensions of women's voices. Six major films derived from literary works will be studied and analyzed. Background research by students is fundamental to critical viewing of the material. Good working knowledge of Spanish required. [ 3 credits ]

    LSP-558 Span Thought and Cultur

    LSP-559 Contemporary Hispanic World

    Focuses on global issues and concerns from the perspectives of various Spanish-speaking populations in the world today. Through guided research and the use of authentic print and multimedia materials, students will explore notions of "Hispanic" culture and worldviews, as they analyze issues of global importance from multiple cultural perspectives. [ 3 credits ]

    LSP-560 Advanced Oral Communication in Spanish (Praxis Prep)

    Focuses on oral and written language production, including a study of phonetics as a means of understanding non-native utterances. Students can expect to increase their technical vocabulary in Spanish, to understand the system of Spanish as a whole and to review advanced grammatical forms. Prepares students to take the Praxis exam for certification in Spanish. [ 3 credits ]

    LSP-601 Top/Sp: Magical Realism