
    NPM-411 Topics in Nonprofit Management

    Provides students an opportunity to study a variety of current issues related to nonprofit management. Recent topics have included: grant writing, nonprofit marketing and fundraising strategies, and planning for service. [3 credits]

    NPM-501 Strategic Planning in the Nonprofit Sector

    Explores strategic and operational planning in the nonprofit sector, its similarities to and differences from the for profit and public sectors. Based on this examination of the sector environment, learners engage in strategic planning for the specific nonprofit program of their choice. Corequisites: NPM-510, NPM-531. [ 3 credits ]

    NPM-502 Introduction to Nonprofit Management

    This course is designed to provide current and future nonprofit managers and leaders with the competencies needed to run effective nonprofit organizations, which include: Legal and Regulatory Contexts; Leadership and Governance; Human Resource Management and Volunteerism; Fundraising; Planning and Evaluation; Information Management; Advocacy, Public Policy, and Social Change; Communications, Marketing, and Public Relations; Financial Management and Social Entrepreneurship. Course projects and discussions expand students' management skills, analytical tools, and knowledge of nonprofit management core competencies. Students take the perspectives of nonprofit managers, volunteers, board members, policy makers, donors, and clients and complete a consulting project for a nonprofit organization. [3 credits ] NOTE: take within first 15 credits of the program, Co-requisite NPM-545.

    NPM-510 Leadership and Organizational Development in Nonprofits

    Compares and evaluates leadership and organization development theories to the nonprofit sector. Learners expand their organizational development skills through exploring the differing needs and cultural perspectives of staff, volunteers, board members, donors and consumers. Compares and contrasts leadership in the for-profit and nonprofit sectors. Learners focus on assessing their leadership strengths and weaknesses through textural readings, assessment tools and case studies. [ 3 credits ]

    NPM-511 Topics: Nonprofit Mgmt

    Provides students an opportunity to study a variety of current issues related to nonprofit management. Recent topics have included: grant writing, nonprofit marketing and fundraising strategies, and planning for service.  [3 credits]

    NPM-517 Negotiation & Conflict Resol

    Development of a working knowledge of the nature, strategies, tactics and skills needed in contract negotiation and conflict resolution. His course helps students develop an effective  approach to analyzing and managing the negotiation process. The class is highly interactive and provides hands-on experience through a series of simulation exercises. 3 credits.

    NPM-520 Board Development and Human Resource Management in Nonprofits

    Examines the unique human resources challenges in nonprofits including strategic workforce planning, hiring,training, personnel evaluation and compensation. Recruiting, developing and managing a volunteer Board of Directors is reviewed along with broader concepts of volunteer management. Learners select and apply these concepts to a portfolio of practical, useful Human Resource applications. [ 3 credits ]

    NPM-525 Starting a Nonprofit Organization

    Engages learners determining whether they should create a new 501 (c) (3) nonprofit corporation. Learners explore the nuts and bolts of what would be involved from the Articles of Incorporation to the ways to dissolve a nonprofit. Engages learners in comparing the legal structures of nonprofit versus for profit entities, exploring state and federal requirements for creating a nonprofit, and learning how to develop a business plan that includes fundraising, marketing and program development. [ 3 credits ]

    NPM-531 Managing Financial Resources in Nonprofits

    Introduces the underlying concepts, language and reporting methods of accounting and financial analysis. Emphasizes understanding and using accounting and financial statements, rather than producing them. Topics include budgeting, working with accountants and financial analysts to achieve organizational goals, and managing financial resources are explored through practical problem sets. [ 3 credits ]

    NPM-540 Efficient Resource Use

    This course provides a sound conceptual basis in the economic concepts that are fundamental to all nonprofit organizations. The emphasis is on resource allocation. Price formation, production and costs, and economic impact analysis. Students will explore the trade-offs nonprofit organizations face and methods for evaluating them. The economic impact of nonprofit organizations on the people and communities which they serve will be developed conceptually.

    NPM-545 Fundraising and Grant Writing

    Explores the various methods that nonprofits use to raise funds to support the organization's operations and programs. Addresses basic grant acquisition methodologies including conducting grant research, making contacts, and creating standard and comprehensive case statements. Learners complete a fundraising plan or write a grant for a nonprofit organization. [ 3 credits ]

    NPM-551 Government-Nonprofit Relationships

    Explores the relationship between the public sector includinghow each sector influences the other. The inquiry reviews the development and implementation of public policy and how nonprofits influence government. Learners track a specific issue of their choice. [ 3 credits ]

    NPM-552 Netwkg, Partner & Merg in Nonpr

    The environment of nonprofit organizations has become increasingly complex. Interrelationships among different nonprofit organizations are evolving rapidly with alliances, joint  entures,
    and mergers becoming increasingly frequent. The complex and dynamic interactions within these nonprofit coalitions and the business and government sectors will be the focus of this course. 3 credits.

    NPM-560 Nonprofit Law and Ethics

    Examines the legal issues related to the creation and management of nonprofits. Analyzes a range of ethical issues and dilemmas inherent in the nonprofit arena. Learners explore these issues through a series of practical applications. [ 3 credits ]

    NPM-570 Nonprofit Marketing

    Focuses on the complementary aspects of marketing and communications for a non-profit organization. Topics include segmentation, branding, and membership recruitment. This course also explores the roles of public relations, advertising and social media, as well as the process of preparing persuasive communication for target markets. Learners prepare a case statement, communications and social media strategy for an organization or program. [ 3 credits ]

    NPM-580 Program Evaluation and Reasearch Methods

    Examines performance measurement and outcomes assessment for nonprofit organizations. Learners are also introduced to the use basic descriptive statistics to identify, measure and present information, particularly to their organizations' Boards and to outside stakeholders. Learners develop an evaluation design for the program of their choice. [ 3 credits ]

    NPM-690 Master's Project Seminar

    Provides a framework for each learner to develop an original project as a capstone to the master's program. Projects may range from the development and leadership of a major new initiative for a non-profit organization to a written thesis based on an original investigation of a specific question in nonprofit management. Through this capstone endeavor, the learner integrates the theory and practice of many courses. The particular design of the project must be approved by the seminar leader. The seminar experience provides learners the opportunity to discuss their progress and outcomes with their peers and faculty. Learners are required to achieve the grade of B or higher to complete this requirement. Prerequisite: Completion of 21 credits, including the following core courses: NPM-501, NPM-510, NPM-525, NPM-580, and NPM-531. [ 3 credits ]

    NPM-691 Master's Project Seminar II

    Continues NPM-690 for particularly comprehensive projects. [ 3 credits ]

    NPM-698 Independent Study in Non-Profit Mgt