
    POL-101 Introduction to Politics

    Introduces students to the basic concepts of political science. Explores the major historical and contemporary belief systems and ideologies as well as major aspects of political systems.
    Fulfills general education requirement in thinking critically and analytically and social and behavioral science. [3 credits]

    POL-102 Introduction to American Politics

    Introduces students to the nature and structure
    of the American political process. It gives
    attention to the presidency, the congress and the
    courts, as well as elections, interest groups,
    foreign and domestic policy. Fulfills general
    education requirement in social science and cross
    cultural studies. [3 credits]

    POL-103 Introduction to International Affairs

    Introduces students to difference theoretical and cultural perspectives on power, conflict, human rights, globalization, and the environment. The role of  international law and organizations, including the United Nations, will also be a focus  of the class. Fulfills general education requirements in social science, cross-cultural studies, and intercultural knowledge. [3 credits]

    POL-200 Hrs: To Break the Killing Machine: Understanding, Preventing, and Overcoming Genocide

    Examines the nature, causes and consequences of genocide in order to understand the possibilities and challenges of preventing genocidal violence in the future. The course introduced students to the controversies surrounding the definition and analysis of genocide. It begins with the contested question of what constitutes genocide, and how genocide stands apart from other forms of mass violence such as ethnic cleansing and massacres. The course then considers several approaches to theorizing the causes of genocide. In addition, we analyze the challenges of identifying potentially genocidal situations before the killing begins and of intervening to prevent and stop genocides. The course also studies processes of reconciliation in societies that have experienced, or teetered on, the brink of genocide. Using scholarly texts, works of fiction and films, we explore issues of causation, intervention and healing in cases including the colonial genocides of indigenous populations, the Holocaust, Rwanda, Cambodia, Bosnia, Kosovo, the Iraqi Kurds and Darfur. Ultimately, the course asks students to decide whether genocide is an inevitable scourge of the human condition or a tragic aberration that humanly has the power to transcend. [3 credits]

    POL-202 American Politics in Comparative Perspective

    Introduces students to the nature and structure of the American political process. It gives special attention to the presidency, the congress and the courts, as well as elections, interest groups, and foreign and domestic policy. Contrasts the American system with a variety of rich and poor countries and democratic and non-democratic countries. Fulfills general education requirement in social science and cross cultural studies. [ 3 credits ]

    POL-210 The Politics of Misinformation

    Explores the political dimensions surrounding efforts to mislead. Examines the distinctions between propaganda, disinformation, and misinformation and the reasons one might have to used them to pursue their ends. The course will also examine how different political systems determine what sort of propaganda, misinformation, or disinformation is appropriate to use in different circumstances. Fulfills general education requirement in thinking critically and analytically. [ 3 credits ]

    POL-217 Civic Literacy and Inclusive Governing

    Examines citizenship at the local and state level. Students will explore their local governments while also analyzing the discrimination inherent in these systems. Students will discuss what citizenship has meant at various key moments in American history and the impact on marginalized groups. Students will also take part in a service or civic engagement project in the semester. Satisfies the General Education requirement for Social Science and Engaged Citizenship [3 credits]

    POL-219 The American Presidency

    Examines presidential power, presidential elections, foreign and domestic policy, presidential decision-making, and relations with Congress with historic and contemporary examples. Fulfills general education requirement in history. [ 3 credits ]

    POL-235 Post-Communist Experience

    POL-241 Cuban Rev:Cold War & After

    POL-242 Fashion and Power

    Examines fashion as a manifestation of political and social power. Beginning in the 16th century and spanning the globe, the course explores how clothing and fashion have been produced, consumed, and deployed as tools of domination, imperialism, and profit--and also of self-expression, subversion and resistance. Students will analyze fashion in relation to identity (racial, religious, gender, class, cultural); social and political status; national and global hierarchies of power; and the assertion of human and cultural rights. Fulfills general education requirement in impact of diversity. [ 3 credits ]

    POL-252 Latin American History and Politics

    Analyzes the history or Latin America from pre-Columbian times to the present, navigating through colonialism, independence, the formation of nations, military and personal dictatorships, to current imperfect democracies. The course reviews the economic swings between protectionism and neo-liberalism, and studies how different countries deal with income inequality, race, environmental issues, the changing role of women, cultural differences, and the role of religion. Case studies will focus on Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Venezuela, and Cuba. Fulfills general education requirements in history and cross-cultural studies. [ 3 credits ]

    POL-260 The Politics of Immigration in the U.S.

    Surveys the politics of U.S. immigration from historic, economic, security, social, humanitarian and global perspectives. Students study current immigration reform debates and examine immigration policies, including those on visas, employment and family based immigration, deportation, asylum/refugee status, naturalization, and citizenship. The course explores the relationship between immigration and assimilation, inclusion, social justice, human rights, racism, civil rights, tolerance and multiculturalism. Fulfills general education requirement in cross-cultural studies. [ 3 credits ]

    POL-290 Gender in Islamic Societies

    Examines the historical development and current realities of gender roles in Islamic societies. The course explores the political, cultural and economic diversity of gender roles in Muslim countries in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia. It examines how gender identities have been affected over time by international developments such as colonization, democratization, the rise of fundamentalism and globalization. Students learn how Muslims of all genders have defined
    themselves, and been defined, in the realms of political/social activism, work, the arts and culture, and family. In addition, students critically analyze Western  perceptions and sterotypes of gender roles and identities in Islamic societies. Fulfills general education requirement in cross-cultural studies, gender studies, and the impact of diversity. Fulfills general education requirements in cross-cultural studies, gender studies and impact of diversity. [ 3 credits ]

    POL-312 Legal Reasoning

    Introduces students to the structure of the American legal system and the sources of legal authority. Students learn how to read and analyze cases and statutes and how to communicate their analysis by writing memoranda, letters to clients and briefs. The course also includes some basic instruction in legal research and citation form. [3 credits]

    POL-324 Gender, Politics and the Law

    Comparatively analyzes the changing legal and political landscape of gender in the United States and other countries. Focuses on issues related to marriage and family, gender and employment, and the intersection of race, class, gender, and politics. Studies Supreme Court decisions related to gender. Fulfills general education requirements in social science and gender studies. [3 credits]

    POL-325 Revolution and Terrorism

    Traces the causes, patterns and outcomes of the French, Russian, Cuban and Iranian Revolutions, and analyzes the similarities and differences between revolutionary movements and guerrilla and terrorist groups. The course looks at the ideological, ethnic and religious terrorist groups with a special emphasis on religious terrorism and its worldwide impact. Fulfills general education requirements in history and cross-cultural studies. [3 credits]

    POL-344 Civil Liberties, Civil Rights

    Introduces students to the study of civil liberties as protected by the Constitution of the United States, with a primary focus on those rights incorporated into the Bill of Rights, especially the freedoms of speech, press, association, and religion. Also addresses the rights to privacy, franchise and citizenship, due process, equal protection against race, gender, and other discrimination, and the rights of those accused or crimes and the death penalty. Confronts contemporary civil liberties issues in a post 9/11 world and the global war on terror by touching on such matters as interrogation and torture, killing and assassination, detention and trial. Provides a deeper understanding of two central questions: how the Constitution protects us from each other, and how the Constitution protects us from our government. Fulfills general education requirement in social science. [ 3 credits ]

    POL-346 History of Middle Eastern Politics

    Engages in a comprehensive analytical examination of Middle East politics with a special focus on four problem relationships: The Israelis and the Palestinians; the Arabs and the Persians, the Turks and the Kurds; and the Indians and the Palestinians. The role of the United States in each of these conflicts, as well as the continuing unrest in Afghanistan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Iraq, will be discussed. The Palestinian situation will be a topic of intense concentration. Fulfills the general education requirements in history and cross-cultural studies. [ 3 credits ]

    POL-351 Problems of Developing Nations

    Introduces students to economic, political and cultural issues of development and underdevelopment in Asia, Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and North Africa. Fulfills general education requirement in cross-cultural studies. [3 credits]

    POL-361 Methods in Political Science Research

    Examines political science research including theory construction, data generating techniques and data analysis. Students learn to match appropriate methodologies with relevant research questions in the field. Prerequisite: MAT-215. [3 credits]

    POL-370 Hrs: Model Organization of American States (OAS)

    Prepares students to participate in the Model Organization of American States (Model OAS) competition, which takes place at OAS headquarters in Washington, D.C. in the spring. A team of 10 Notre Dame students, representing an assigned country, debates other colleges and universities from the United States, Latin America and the Caribbean on issues such as democratization, regional integration, poverty, environmental problems and human rights issues. In addition to becoming familiar with hemispheric issues, students learn leadership, cooperation, persuasion and diplomatic skills. Prerequisite: Morrissy scholar and permission. Fulfills general education requirement in social science and cross-cultural studies. [3 credits]

    POL-390 Environmental Policy at the U. S. State and National Level

    Focuses on U.S. state and national environmental policies regarding air and water pollution, use of public lands, climate change and alternative energy sources. The course will also focus on risk assessment, environmental justice issues, and new and emergent attitudes regarding them. Students will analyze the historical development of policies as well as current and evolving political processes and the debates surrounding them. Students will engage in a team building exercise and will participate in either a civic participation and/or a service learning project. Satisfies the General Education in Engaged Citizenship. Registration is limited to sophomores, juniors, and seniors. First year-students may register with instructor permission. [ 3 credits ]

    POL-401 Political and Economic Globalization

    Introduces students to the political implications of trade, aid, investment, technology and energy relations along with their impact on relations between rich as well as poor countries. Fulfills general education requirement for cross cultural studies. Prerequisite: POL-103 or permission. [3 credits]

    POL-412 Constitutional Law

    Examines the evolving interpretation of the provisions of the U.S. Constitution. Considers current issues and benchmark cases important to understanding Constitutional law. [3 credits]

    POL-427 Study Tour

    Combines study with travel to various parts of the world. Organized by faculty members of the department. Offered periodically in Summer and Winterim. [3 credits]

    POL-430 International Organizations and World Politics

    Introduces students to past, present and future international organizations. Emphasizes evaluation of the operations of the United Nations as an arena for conflict resolution and attention to social welfare concerns in the international system. Fulfills general education requirement for cross cultural studies. Prerequisite: POL-103. [3 credits]

    POL-440 Global Issues

    Examines five to six major topics that interconnect or divide the contemporary world. Democracy, the global economy, religion and ethnicity, global migration, population trends, women, the environment, and technology and communication are some of the issues we visit. Fulfills general education requirement in cross-cultural studies. Prerequisite: POL-103. [3 credits]

    POL-456 Senior Seminar

    Applies ideas, methods, and approaches from history, political science, and international studies to the exploration of selected topics. Students situate their discipline within their context of related fields, while also advancing the skills necessary for professional work in their own areas. In this team-taught course, history majors address the selected topic through focusing on the history of history, the politics of history, and the art of writing history based on original sources. Meanwhile, political science and international studies major use the selected topic as a focal point for synthesizing their understanding of the diverse theories and methods of their disciplines. All students will, in consultation with their professors, select, design and write an original research paper to be presented to the class at the end of the semester. Serves as the capstone course for history, political science, and international studies majors. Prerequisites: POL-101 or POL-103 for POL and INS majors; HIS-101 for History Majors. [ 3 credits ]

    POL-463 Independent Study

    Focuses on an independent research project of the student's choosing with direction and guidance by a faculty member of the department. [2-6 credits]

    POL-465 Directed Readings: Selected Topics in Political Science

    Offers an opportunity to focus on extensive examination of a topic of special interest to the student under the guidance of a faculty member of the department. [3-4 credits]

    POL-527 Study Tour

    Combines study with travel to various parts of the world. Organized by faculty members of the department. Offered periodically in Summer and Winterim. [3 credits]