RST-105 Introduction to Religious Studies
Examines the foundations and "Big Questions" of Christian thought and practice; Scripture, Christian history, Christian spirituality, and Catholic Christianity. Includes the world-view of the SSND from the disciplines of Religious Studies and Theology. Examines and analyzes the relationship between Christianity and the other Abrahamic faiths, Judaism and Islam. Students will demonstrate an appreciation for similarities and differences between theological approaches to
values, and identify their own core values and ethical positions in relationship to theological constructs. This course is a prerequisite course for all undergraduate RST courses. Fulfills the general education requirement of pursuing meaning and purpose. [ 3 credits ]
RST-300 American Catholicism
Examines Roman Catholicism in the United States. Topics include the history of American Catholic self-understanding; the influence of the Catholic Church on politics, education and social issues; and an examination of American Catholic socio-religious issues. Prerequisites: RST-105 or RST-201. This course fulfills the general education requirement in 300/400-level Religious Studies and in thinking critically and analytically. [ 3 credits ]
RST-303 Christian Ethics
Presents a historical overview of Christian ethics as presented by the Bible, Augustine of Hippo, Thomas Aquinas, Martin Luther, John Calvin and contemporary figures. Examines selected topics in sexual ethics, bioethics and social ethics. prerequisites: RST-105 or RST-201. Fulfills general education requirements for 300/400-level religious studies and values.
[3 credits]
RST-304 Christian Social Ethics
Provides students with an opportunity to understand and evaluate various Christian positions on a range of contemporary moral issues related to life in society. Examines selected topics in economic ethics, social ethics and political ethics. Prerequisites: RST-105 or RST-201. Fulfills general education requirements for 300/400-level religious studies and values. [3 credits]
RST-305 Dating, Marriage and Families
RST-306 Christian Bioethics
Provides students with an opportunity to understand and evaluate various Christian positions on a range of Contemporary moral issues related to biology, technology and medicine. Examines selected topics in the ethics of
reproduction, genetics and research, end-of-life care, and the allocation of scarce resources. Prerequisites: RST-105 or RST-201. Fulfills general education requirements for 300/400-level religious studies and values. [3 credits]
RST-309 Revelation and the Apocalyptic Imagination
Examines the book of Revelation and its historical context and evaluates its interpretation over time. Explores the dynamics of apocalyptic theology from early Judaism to the present, and considers whether and how one can read Revelation responsibly. Prerequisites: RST-105 or RST-201. Fulfills general education requirement for 300/400-level religious studies. [3 credits]
RST-310 Church History
RST-311 World Religions
Explores selected religious traditions from around the world that have differing approaches to questions of God and human life and whose understandings have shaped cultures and societies. This exploration includes the histories, practices, sacred texts, and understandings of the world from religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Daoism, and the Confucian tradition. Prerequisite: RST-105. Fulfills general education requirements for
upper-level religious studies and Intercultural Knowledge. [3 credits]
RST-312 Sin and Grace
RST-315 Hebrew Bible/Old Testament
Explores the origin of the books of the Hebrew scriptures, also known as the Old Testament, in light of the history and culture of the people who produced them. Students will be able to identify major themes and characters and will become familiar with the relevant scholarly methodology. Prerequisites: RST-105 or RST-201. Fulfills general education requirement for 300/400-level religious studies. [3 credits]
RST-317 New Testament
Examines the literature of the early Christian church with an emphasis on content and composition in light of the history and culture of the people who produced them. Students will be able to identify major themes and characters and will become familiar with relevant scholarly methodology. Prerequisites: RST-105 or RST-201. Fulfills general education requirement for 300/400-level religious studies. [3 credits]
RST-320 Caregiving at the End of Life Honors: Caregiving at the End of Life
Explores a variety of theories and methods for caregiving at the end of life, and is designed for both nursing and non-nursing students. The course will explore the medicalization of death, structural inequalities in access to medical care, palliative and hospice care for people facing terminal illness, and clinical dimensions of death and dying. Course will focus on contemplative practices that enable caregivers to care for themselves and provide effective support for patients and their loved ones. Course will introduce various religious and spiritual perspectives on dying, death, and the afterlife, and learn about rituals for grief and mourning. Fulfills general education requirement in 300-400 level RST. [ 3 credits ]
RST-325 Jesus Christ
Studies the person and work of Jesus Christ from the viewpoint of contemporary scholarship. The course explores the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus and his central significance for Christian faith as found in the Christian scriptures, in the history of Christological doctrine, and in contemporary Christology. Prerequisites: RST-105 or RST-201. Fulfills
general education requirement for 300/400-level religious studies. [3 credits]
RST-326 Beyond the Gospels: Rediscovering Jesus
Explores the multifaceted person of Jesus Christ by examining the rich tapestry of the early Christian gospel tradition through the fourth century AD. The person of Jesus Christ is foundational for Christian history and worship. This course unravels the layers surrounding Jesus by analyzing the canonical and non-canonical gospels beyond the familiar territories of Hellenistic Jewish influence, venturing into the realms of Greek and Roman environments that shaped
the narrative(s). Prerequisite: RST-105. This course fulfills an upper-level elective requirement in Religious Studies. [ 3 credits ]
RST-327 John's Gospel and Epistles
Studies the biblical literature traditionally attributed to the disciple John, and considers the continuing interpretive life of these texts both inside and outside the Christian tradition. Emphasis is on the historical developments of the ancient "community of the beloved disciple" and the historical roots of that community. Prerequisites: RST-105 or RST-201. Fulfills general education requirement for 300/400-level religious studies. [3 credits]
RST-331 Comparative Religious Ethics
A study of the ethics of major world religions such as Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. The possibility of a global ethics based on the world religions will also be explored. Prerequisites: RST-105 or RST-201. Fulfills General Education Requirement Cross-Cultural Studies and Values, Intercultural
Knowledge and 300/400 level course. [ 3 credits ]
RST-334 Introduction to Catholic Social Thought
Explores the tradition of Catholic social thought in its theoretical and lived forms. Examines the foundations and implications of Christian social responsibility through analysis of the official encyclicals and pastorals that comprise Catholic social teaching in conjunction with related moral analyses of domestic and international injustices. Students will apply the learned principles by engaging with current local social, ecological, and/or moral concerns. Prerequisite: RST- 105. This course fulfills the general education requirement in 300/400-level Religious Studies and in engaged citizenship. [ 3 credits ]
RST-335 Global Christianity
Explores the history and global nature of Christianity. Students will examine the beliefs and practices within the Jesus Movement, follow the spread of Christianity through the Mediterranean and Europe, examine European missions, the development of Christian sects in the new world, and trace the Christian
developments in Asia and Africa. Prerequisite: RST-105. Meets the general education requirement for Intercultural Knowledge. [ 3 credits ]
RST-338 Green Discipleship
Examines and analyzes current environmental problems in light of Christian social ethics and the Christian imperative to care for creation. Considers issues such as climate change, water, biodiversity, and non-human animals, among others, through the lenses of social justice, human dignity, and Christian moral theories surrounding environmental issues. Fulfills general education requirement for 300/400 level religious studies and Engaged Citizenship. Prerequisite: RST-105. [ 3 credits ]
RST-340 Women in World Religions
Provides the opportunity for students to evaluate the impact of world religions upon women in Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Students will engage primary and secondary source material to better understand the historical and theological contexts within which the world religions view women. Prerequisites: RST-105 or RST-201. Fulfills general education requirements for 300/400-level religious studies and gender studies. [3 credits]
RST-345 Justice and Peace
Analyzes contemporary issues of justice and peace, including classism, racism, sexism and violence. Topics such as world hunger, terrorism and heterosexism will be considered from personal, communal and global perspectives within the context of theological and moral teachings of various religious traditions. Prerequisites: RST-105 or RST-201. Fulfills general education requirements for 300/400-level religious studies, values and cross-cultural studies. [3 credits]
RST-347 Introduction to Spirituality
Considers the question: Are all persons spiritual by nature? This course explores the meaning and practice of spirituality in contemporary society, considering various religious traditions as well as newly developing forms of spiritual practice. Topics include diverse meditation practices, gender-based spirituality and spirituality for the sake of justice. Prerequisites: RST-105 or RST-201. Fulfills general education requirement for 300/400-level religious studies. [3 credits]
RST-350 Liberation Theologies: Black, Latin And Feminist
Examines Christian doctrine through the lens of liberation in black, Latin and feminist contexts. Considers historical, socio-political and theological perspectives. Gives particular attention to the situation of women. Prerequisites: RST-105 or RST-201. Fulfills general education requirements for 300/400-level religious studies and cross-cultural studies. [ 3 credits ]
RST-355 Women in the Present and in the Judeo-Christian Tradition
RST-360 Islam
Examines the foundation, beliefs and practices of this major religion. Issues include the place of women in Islam, the world-wide spread of Islam and the challenges of modernism. Prerequisites: RST-105 or RST-201. Fulfills general education requirement for 300/400-level religious studies and cross-cultural studies. [3 credits]
RST-361 Black Church
Studies African-American Christianity in the United States, historically and experientially. The course explores African and slave roots, historical and political contexts, the centrality of Jesus and the Bible, and themes of liberation and protest. Prerequisites: RST-105 or RST-201. Fulfills general education requirements for 300/400-level religious studies and cross-cultural studies. [3 credits]
RST-377 Honors: Heritage: Civilization and the Jews
RST-399 DA Religious Studies-Upper Le
RST-401 Topics in Religion
Investigates one specific topic, significant movement or writer, providing an opportunity to consider a matter of interest in depth. May be taken more than once on different topics. Recent courses included: Jewish Thought and Culture, DaVinci Code: Fact or Fiction, and Life and Legacy of Pope John Paul II. Prerequisites: RST-105 or RST-201. Fulfills general education requirement in cross-cultural studies (depending on topic) and 300/400-level religious studies. [3 credits]
RST-403 Problems in Discrimination and Prejudice
Studies the nature of discrimination and prejudice with emphasis on their theological and moral implications for Christians today. Forms of discrimination such as those manifested in racism, sexism, anti-Semitism and ageism are treated. Service-learning course. Prerequisites: RST-105 or RST-201. Fulfills general education requirement for 300/400 level religious studies, gender studies, cross-cultural studies and values. [ 3 credits ]
RST-405 Protestantism, Catholicism and Judaism in the United States
Investigates the origin and teachings of the main Protestant churches in the United States and their impact upon the development of American conscience and life. Discusses the effects of immigration, with particular emphasis on the arrival of Jews and Roman Catholics. Considers relationship of immigration, religion and politics, particularly since World War II. Prerequisites: RST-105 or RST-201. Fulfills general education requirement for 300/400 level religious studies. [ 3 credits ]
RST-406 Fundamentalism
RST-409 Death and Dying
Examines the phenomena and meanings attending death. What do religion and science tell us about the process of death? What are the various historical and contemporary beliefs about afterlife? The course focuses on dying persons, survivors, health care professionals and providers of death-related services. Prerequisites: RST-105 or RST-201. Fulfills general education requirement for 300/400-level religious studies. [3 credits]
RST-411 Catholic Women Theologians
Examines the role of women in Christian traditions, recognizing that women have always been active (if not always welcome) participants in the development of Christian thought. The course traces the insights of 20th and 21st century Christian women theologians by paying close attention to the intersections of sexuality, gender, race, class, and ability. The course fulfills the general education requirement in 300/400-level Religious Studies and in Impact of Diversity. Prerequisite: RST-105. [ 3 credits ]
RST-412 Women and the Bible
Analyzes the4 various ways women have been portrayed in the Bible and the scholarly responses to these interpretations. The course will examine how women biblical scholars and theologians from North American and European traditions, as well as those from the global south (Africa, Latin America, and Asia), have interpreted images of the women in the Bible from the perspectives of historical-critical and literary-critical biblical scholarship, as well as systematic theology and Christian ethics. Prerequisite: RST-105. This course fulfills the general education requirement in Religious Studies and in Impact of Diversity. [ 3 credits ]
RST-413 Women Mystics and Saints
Examines the linked phenomenon of mysticism and sanctity with a specific emphasis on female saints from within the Christian tradition. The study of saints provides a window into the vibrant spiritual lives of Catholics worldwide. Prerequisite: RST-105. [ 3 credits ]
RST-415 Church and the Modern World
Presents an historical overview of the development of traditional Christian understandings of the nature and function of the church as presented by the New Testament, Augustine of Hippo, Martin Luther, the First Vatican Council, and the second Vatican Council. The course will explore contemporary interpretations of the church by Roman Catholic, Protestant, feminist, liberation, and non-Western theologians. Prerequisites: RST-105 or RST-201. Fulfills general education requirement for 300/400-level religious studies. [3 credits]
RST-421 Christian Worship
Provides opportunities for studying and experienc-ing the diversity within worship practices among Christians. The course examines the history of worship from pre-Christian times to the present with an emphasis on communal rituals such as baptism and communion. Prerequisites: RST-105 or RST-201. Fulfills general education requirement for 300/400-level religious studies. [3 credits]
RST-425 God and Human Life
Explores the mystery of the human person in light of the divine self-communication through Christ and the Spirit. Students will focus on current questions about disability, gender, sexuality, race, culture, and/or humanity's relationship to the natural world from a Christian perspective. Prerequisite: RST-105. [ 3 credits ]
RST-427 Study Tour
RST-430 Topics in Pauline Theology
Explores the apostle Paul's life, mission, and letters, as well as his historical and social context. Examines the development of his theology on such topics as faith, law, salvation, spirituality, and life in community. Considers the diversity of the early Christian Church and how others eceived and interpreted Paul's message. Prerequisites: RST-105 or RST-201. Fulfills general education requirement for 300/400-level religious studies. [3 credits]
RST-442 Ecumenical Spirit
RST-445 Islamic Perspectives on Peace And Conflict
Focuses on the teachings of Islam on peace from the Qur'an and the Sunnah (words and deeds of Muhammad). Considers also the contradictory passages in the Qur'an and Sunnah about peace and conflict, the interpretation of Islam in various parts of the world today, and the practice of Islam by extremists and fundamentalists. Examines in depth the meaning of "jihad," often misinterpreted as "holy war." This course will explore some tenets of Islamic
religion and thought in the context of Islamic history and Middle Eastern Culture. Prerequisites: RST-105 or RST-201. Fulfills general education requirements for 300/400-level religious studies and cross-cultural studies. [3 credits]
RST-457 Radical Christianity
Explores radical Christian thought and actions in the United States since the twentieth century. It grants special attention to recurrent issues in Christian social thought and activism, such as poverty, labor inequalities, politics, sexuality, war and peace, and/or race. Prerequisite: RST-105. [ 3 credits ]
RST-460 Capstone Experience
RST-463 Independent Study
Provides an opportunity for individual study of an area or topic of special interest in religious studies. Usually involves research under the guidance of a faculty member of the department. Prerequisites: RST-105 or RST-201. Fulfills general education requirement for 300/400-level religious studies. [3 credits]