
    BUS-105 Create Your Future: Introduction to Business and Entrepreneurship

    Begins with the learner developing a profile of her ideal work experience and explores how that ideal may be met through a career in business. Placing the learner in the role of a new business entrepreneur, the course exposes the learner to all the disciplinary aspects of starting a new business (management, marketing, finance, accounting, human resources, legal and economics) by focusing on the tasks that must be accomplished. This hands-on approach to starting and running a business exposes students to the complex world of the small business entrepreneur and helps them determine which area of business they wish to study in depth. [3 credits]

    BUS-202 Principles of Management

    Examines organizational, human resources, operational, and functional aspects of ethically managing activities of diverse workforces in organizational settings. Analyzes traditional managerial functions of planning, organizing,leading and controlling within the context of changing demands in orgsnizations that compete effectively in an interconnected, global environment. [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-203 Principles of Marketing

    Introduces the language of marketing and examines the strategic marketing process. While formulating viable marketing strategies for diverse business situations, learners will gain experience gathering and analyzing industry  and market data, as well as implementing core-marketing concepts such as market segmentation, targeting, positioning, and the marketing mix in the formulation and implementation of real-world marketing strategies. This course culminates in the development of a marketing plan for a new product, service or retail establishment. [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-225 Data Analysis for Business Decisions I

    Emphasizes the foundation areas of data management, interpretation, and analysis.  The course focuses on methods tomanage and explain data, describe and interpret data quantitatively using statistical techniques, and apply the results to make better management decisions. Data Analysis involves using statistical methods to understand and interpret data acquired in business applications. In this course students will learn techniques to manage data using Excel tools, explain data through charts and graphs, and describe and interpret data in probabilistic terms.  [3 credits]

    BUS-253 Financial Accounting

    Introduces principles and practices leading to the preparation of a balance sheet, income statement and statement of cash flow. Presents the basics of accounting principles and its applications in the business world. The course explores the concepts and techniques of accounting for individual proprietorships and corporations. [3 credits]

    BUS-253W Workshop: Financial Accounting

    BUS-254 Managerial Accounting

    Builds on material covered in the Financial Accounting course. Focuses on understanding and developing managerial accounting skills that help analyze the cost of production in a manufacturing environment. The course introduces the topics of budgeting, planning and controlling of costs in a business operation. Prerequisite: BUS-253 or BUS-211. [3 credits]

    BUS-255 Personal Financial Management

    Develops a realistic approach to managing personal finances and creating a personal financial plan. Students will be introduced to the fundamentals of sound financial planning, goal setting, and strategies to accomplish those goals. Students will also learn how to manage credit; invest for the short-term, medium term, and long term; create a retirement plan; and evaluate life insurance, homeowners insurance and car insurance policies. [3 credits]

    BUS-303 Principles of Marketing

    This course introduces the language of the strategic marketing process. While formulating viable marketing strategies for diverse business situations, learners will gain experience gathering and analyzing industry and market data, as well as implementing core-marketing concepts such as market segmentation, targeting, positioning,and the marketing mix in the formulation and implementation of real-world marketing strategies. This course culminates in the development of a marketing plan for a new product, service or retail establishment. [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-304 The Legal Environment of Business I

    Explores the legal environment of business, including contracts, implications of the Constitution and our structure of government, sales and employment law, legal substitutes for money, consumer and creditor protection including bankruptcy, and types of business organizations. Focuses on the implications of law for the business leader and practical ways to track changes in the law. Prerequisite: BUS-202 or equivalent. [3 credits]

    BUS-305 The Legal Environment of Business II

    Builds on material covered in Legal Environment of Business I. It explores commercial paper, debtor-creditor relations, real property and estates, accountants' liability and secured transactions. In addition, students examine the legal aspects of the various business forms in greater detail. Prerequisite: BUS-304 or permission of chair. [3 credits]

    BUS-310 Professional Communications

    Explores communications contexts within organizations and refines written and oral communications skills used in business and professional settings. Emphasizes appropriateness, effectiveness, and nuance while taking into consideration situation, audience, and delivery mode. Learners use common business communications tools and technologies as well as social media. Prerequisite: ENG-101 or NDMU-100 (honors section). [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-321 Corporate Financial Management

    Emphasizes the foundation areas of finance to educate students in financial decisionmaking. Introduces concepts including time value of money, net present value and alternative measures used in financial decisionmaking, financial ratio analysis, capital budgeting, cost of capital, and asset valuation. Prerequisites for Business majors: BUS-253, BUS-254. Prerequisites for International Business majors: BUS-253. Recommend completion of general education requirement in math. [3 credits]

    BUS-325 Data Analysis for Business Decisions II

    Investigate and employ inferential statistical techniques frequently used to inform business decision-making. Students will examine, in depth, the uses, calculations, limitations, and business applications of interval estimation and sample size, hypothesis testing, and regression analysis. Prerequisite BUS-225 [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-327 Prof Selling & Negotiation

    Current theory and trends in sales, negotiation and persuasive communications. Students explore the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively apply professional sales and principled negotiations techniques to both their professional and personal lives. Class is highly experiential and requires extensive class participation. 3 credits.

    BUS-334 Teamwork and Negotiation

    Analyzes the dynamics, structure and function of teams in businesses and other organizations. Examines the framework and components of conflict resolution and negotiation in both organizational and personal situations. Learners will assess and strengthen key interpersonal skills. This course utilizes active learning pedagogy extensively including role plays, small group exercises, and simulations. [3 credits]

    BUS-335 Cost Accounting

    Introduces cost data as a tool for management decisionmaking. The course provides an in-depth examination of volume-profit analysis, budgeting, job order costs and variance analysis. Prerequisite: BUS-254. [3 credits]

    BUS-337 Intermediate Accounting I

    Covers collecting, adjusting and presenting of accounting information. Emphasizes understanding published financial statements and developing a framework for analyzing a wide variety of financial reporting issues. Students examine topics including cash, short-term investments, receivables, payables, inventories, and operational assets and liabilities. Prerequisite: BUS-254. [3 credits]

    BUS-337L Lab: Intermediate Accounting I

    Lab is only for classes taken at Loyola University through the Baltimore Student Exchange Program. [ 1 credit ]

    BUS-338 Intermediate Accounting II

    Builds on material covered in BUS-337. Provides information on stockholders' equity, long-term investments, long-term debt, pensions, leases, financial statement analysis and price-level accounting. Prerequisite: BUS-337. [3 credits]

    BUS-340 Tax Accounting

    Focuses on federal tax laws as they apply to the individual. Introduces gross incomes and exclusions, tax determination, passive activity losses, itemized deductions, tax credits and property transactions. Students examine tax planning considerations and tax avoidance techniques. Prerequisite: BUS-254. [3 credits]

    BUS-341 Corporate Tax Accounting

    Focuses on federal tax laws as they apply to corporations, S corporations, partnerships and estates. Students examine tax analysis and determination for management decisionmaking, filing requirements for estates and trusts, and choosing an entity selection to minimize tax liability. Prerequisite: BUS-254. [3 credits]

    BUS-350 International Business

    Critically analyzes factors affecting business operations in the global marketplace. Introduces theories and practical strategies for evaluating constraints and opportunities resulting from economic, cultural, legal, and ethical differences to political and financial realities at home and abroad. Provides hands-on opportunities for analyzing international business opportunities, developing international competitive strategies, and for comparing and contrasting different entry modes. Prerequisites: ECO-211 or ECO-212. Fulfills general education requirement in cross-cultural studies. [3 credits]

    BUS-360 Business Research

    Introduces students to key sources of secondary data and basic research methods that enable them to define the research problem, develop the research plan, collect, evaluate and organize relevant information, develop findings and conclusions and recommend a preferred course of action supported by analysis. Students will learn core primary research concepts such as how to locate key industry and customer information via secondary databases as well as to design an electronic survey and conduct a focus group. [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-380 Introduction to the U.S. Health Care System

    Introduces the student to the organization and structure of the U.S. health care system, including institutions, health care professionals and government programs that influence the delivery of health care services. The student is also introduced to policy issues relating to access, efficiency and quality of health care services. [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-400 Leadership

    Identifies important leadership concepts used to critically evaluate students' perceptions about leadership and describe relevant leadership attitudes, behaviors, and skills. Incorporates a variety of experiences including self-assessment, skill development, and small group team activities to strengthen personal and organizational leadership. Integrates course learning, experience and feedback to assess individual leadership skills and identify personal development needs. Prerequisites: Junior/Senior standing. [3 credits]

    BUS-401 Entrepreneurship I

    Provides a thorough overview of the complete process of developing and launching for-profit, non-profit or social business ventures. Topics include idea generation strategies, executive summaries, brand creation and selection of business names. Students will gain an understanding of bootstrapping, scalability, promotion, distribution and pricing. The importance of laws and regulations for all aspects of a new venture will be explored. Patents, copyrights, contracts and regulations will also be discussed. The major component of this course will be application of market research skills to research databases and primary/secondary sources of information to complete a formal assessment of the viability of a business idea. This course will culminate in the completion of a feasibility analysis to test assumptions derived from market research. Prerequisite: BUS-303 or permission of chair. [3 credits]

    BUS-402 Entrepreneurship II

    Continues the progression set forth in Entrepreneurship I by teaching students the process for developing a comprehensive business plan for an entrepreneurial start-up endeavor. Additionally, students will be assigned a successful entrepreneur from the student's field of interest to serve as their mentor throughout the semester. Students will learn how to prepare a financial plan. They will analyze actual business agreements to gain familiarity with the language of and issues contained in those documents. Students will build marketing competencies essential to building and sustaining a new venture, such as how to identify customer needs, determine correct target markets and develop sales/marketing tactics and strategies. Students will also prepare and deliver an oral presentation of their plan from the perspective of an entrepreneur presenting to potential investors. Prerequisite: BUS-401. Corequisite: BUS-416 or BUS-321 or permission of chair. [3 credits]

    BUS-406 Leading Innovation and Change

    Examines the core problems organizations and individuals face as they move through the dynamic processes of innovation and change. Students will identify highly successful change efforts and evaluate the strategies and techniques used. The key issues of changing behaviors, overcoming resistance to change and the role of leaders and followers in the process will be important themes. [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-407 Introduction to Operations/Supply Chain Management

    Concerned with the excecution of strategy, the course involves the systematic design, operation, control, and improvement of business processes to achieve organizational goals, and create economic value. Successfully managing operations is vital to the long-term viability of every type of organization. This course provides a broad overview of issues in operations and supply chain management emphasizing a strategic orientation toward design and improvement issues. Specific topics include competitiveness; operations strategy; quality management; statistical process control; design of products, services, processes,
    and vacilities; project management; forecasting; supply chain management; inventory management; lean producation; and scheduling. Prerequisites: BUS-202, BUS-203, BUS-225, BUS-325, BUS-321, BUS-304, ECO-211, ECO-212. May be taken simultaneously with BUS-432. [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-411 Topics in Business

    Explores contemporary topics in business such as non-positional leadership, leadership's dark side, managing human capital, healthcare and sports marketing. [3 credits]

    BUS-412 Auditing

    Explores principles and practices of auditing through use of problems, questions and specimen working papers applicable to a balance sheet audit. Emphasizes techniques and routine procedures by applying the principles to a realistic audit. Prerequisites: BUS-212 or BUS-254, accounting concentration or permission of chair. [3 credits]

    BUS-416 Managing Financial Resources

    Provides students with an overview of the accounting and financial tools necessary for managers. Addresses the development and analysis of basic financial statements, the development of budgets (both operating and capital), and other techniques of financial analysis for management decision-making. Prerequisite: general education mathematics requirement. Business majors may not take this course; students who have taken BUS-255 may not take this course. [3 credits] 

    BUS-421 Advanced Accounting Theory I

    Focuses on more complex topics in financial accounting. Emphasizes accounting theories and practices used in partnerships, business combinations and consolidations. Prerequisite: BUS-338. [3 credits]

    BUS-427 Business Study Tour

    Tours to various parts of the world designed to combine study and travel. Examines the interplay of culture, politics, economics, and society of tour country; compares approaches to economic and social policies in tour country and the United States; examines how tour country's awareness and public perceptions of environmental issues have changed over time; explores how different economic and cultural systems in the U.S. and tour country affect life in the other countries. Organized and directed by members of the department. Fulfills general education requirement in cross-cultural studies and serves as a 400 level business elective for undergraduate students. [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-432 Business Strategy

    Provides opportunities for students to apply knowledge gained from their core business courses to the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic management initiatives through case studies of specific organizations. Designed as a capstone experience. Prerequisites: BUS-202, BUS-203,BUS-304, BUS-321, ECO-211, ECO-212, BUS-225. BUS-325,and senior standing; major only. [3 credits]

    BUS-436 Socially Responsible and Sustainable Practices

    Studies and analyzes the increasing pressures on organizations to make the right decisions by acting in ways that benefit society and reduce negative environmental impacts. Students will complete research on organizations that use sustainable and responsible models; utilize case studies to identify current and best practices; and develop guiding principles for decision making. [3 credits]

    BUS-442 International Finance

    Examines opportunities and risks associated with international finance. Studies the international banking system, international money market, international bond markets and international equity markets. Explains exchange rate behavior and examines currency derivatives including future and options on foreign exchanges, currency and interest swaps, and international portfolio investments. Students will evaluate strategies to hedge against foreign exposures, including economic, translation, transaction and cash flow exposures. They will also analyze and evaluate the impact of central banks and financial policies around the world. Prerequisite: BUS-321. [3 credits]

    BUS-450 International Business Capstone: Exporting and Importing

    Integrates learning from business courses, courses from other departments and real world experiences through the completion of a capstone projects. Students will be given the option to work with a client or to create an international business report. Students that choose to work with a client will develop an international business strategy and write a business plan for a specific initiative related to trade, production or investment in one or more foreign countries. The student will prepare a business report and present it to the client. Students that choose to create an international business report will conduct research to evaluate the aspects of globalization of markets, production, and/or investment in a selected foreign country. At the end of the semester, the student will prepare a report and present it to students, faculty, and guests at Notre Dame. Prerequisites: BUS-302, BUS-303, BUS-321, BUS-350 and co-requisite BUS-442. [3 credits]

    BUS-451 Women in Leadership

    Evaluates opportunities, issues and complexities that women face in the workplace. Analyzes differences between gender style and content in communications and behavior; critiques societal expectations of women and men in the workplace and in leadership roles; connects management and leadership precepts through the lens of gender; examines leadership attributes through nontraditional sources. Cross-listed as a graduate course to promote co-mentoring and networking. Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission of chair applies to traditional undergraduate students only. Fulfills general education requirement in gender studies. [3 credits]

    BUS-460 Coached Emerging Leadership Practicum

    Provides students the opportunity to gain meaningful leadership learning experience in an organized and structured format. Eligible traditional undergraduate students would be those who either hold or will hold a leadership role in campus club life, such as student government, clubs and sports teams, or in their communities, such as church or local community associations. CAUS students need to seek a leadership opportunity at their places of work or in their communities in order to be eligible. Focus is on the students emerging leadership experience as it unfolds during the activity, which should be documented using a variety of assignments. Course credit will be given based upon the amount of time the activity requires during the course of a semester, e.g., one credit for 30 hours, two credits for 60 hours, and three credits to 90 hours. Prerequisites: One of the following courses: BUS-400, BUS-406, BUS-451, NUR-432, POL-217 or POL-462 and Junior/Senior status. The leadership course prerequisite may be fulfilled by enrolling in BUS-460W.  This workshop will consist of weekly seminars wherein contemporary readings on leadership will be assigned, discussed and evaluated. On successful completion, one additional credit will be awarded in conjunction with the one, two or three credit level initially assigned to the activity. Variable credit 1, 2, 3 ]

    BUS-460W Workshop: Coached Emerging Leadership Practicum

    For students who have not had leadership instruction in one of their courses, this Leadership Workshop is a required co-in requisite to be taken along with BUS-460, Coached Emerging Leadership Practicum. This workshop will consist of weekly seminars wherein contemporary readings on leadership will be assigned, discussed and evaluated. On successful completion, one additional credit will be awarded in conjunction with the one, two or three credit level initially assigned to BUS-460.  [ 1 credit ]

    BUS-461 Business Practicum

    Connects academic learning with professional experience. Develops and reinforces business related skills, especially those needed by women in business today. Provides peer support to discuss and reflect on work-related issues. Students examine individual strengths and areas for improvement.  Required for traditional undergraduate students. Required for CAUS and NDMU Online students with less than 2 years of FT professional work experience.  Prerequisites: Business major with senior standing and permission of instructor. [4 credits]

    BUS-463 Independent Study in Business

    Provides an opportunity for business students to explore an area of business in-depth while working independently and under faculty supervision. The nature, scope and design of the project to be completed, as well as a schedule of prearranged meetings, will be individually contracted between the faculty member and the student. Prerequisite: acceptance for supervision by a department faculty member. [1-4 credits]

    BUS-480 Organizational Behavior

    Examines the factors affecting human behavior in organizations. Students apply relevant theories to contemporary organizational problems through the use of case analyses, readings and experiential exercises. The course focuses on developing analytical frameworks to describe and assess organizational culture, structure, leadership, ethics, change, decision making, power and political processes. Prerequisite: BUS-202. [3 credits]

    BUS-482 Consumer Behavior

    Investigates consumer and organizational buyer behavior theory and its impact on the formulation of marketing strategy. Provides students with an opportunity to examine current buyer behavior theory including digital behavior and its use by marketers to influence consumers. Through the analysis of case studies, a thorough examination of current empirical buyer behavior research, students will design, implement and analyze buyer behavior mini-research projects. This class is designed as an interactive, collaborative seminar. Prerequisite: BUS-203, Principles of Marketing or permission of chair. [3 credits]

    BUS-483 Integrated Marketing Communications

    Provides an overview of integrated marketing communications programs and the role they play in the implementation of successful marketing strategy. Students will examine the integration of traditional and non-traditional forms of communication. Traditional forms of communication include advertising, public relations and personal selling. Non-traditional forms of communication include online advertising, blogs, pod casts, social media and direct response marketing. Students will gain experience gathering and analyzing market data and developing an integrated marketing communications plan. Designed as a capstone experience. Prerequisite: BUS-303 Principles of Marketing and junior or senior standing. [3 credits]

    BUS-484 Investment Management

    Emphasizes the foundation areas of investment management, including securities markets, stock and bond valuation, portfolio theory, the efficient market hypothesis and investment decisionmaking. Students will complete a research project as well as build a diversified investment portfolio for a hypothetical client. Projects involve written and oral reports. Prerequisites BUS-225, BUS-321. [3 credits]

    BUS-485 Advanced Financial Management

    Provides in-depth analysis of financial management decisions and decision-tools. Topics may include capital structure and capital issuance, dividend policy, corporate financial planning, derivatives for hedging stock volatility, derivatives for hedging interest rate risk and financial institutions. Students will complete a research project and develop strategies to manage an external environment challenge. Projects involve written and oral reports. Prerequisites: BUS-225, BUS-321. [3 credits]

    BUS-486 Human Resource Management

    Develops knowledge and skills in the human resource management functions of strategic human resource planning, job design, recruitment and selection, training and development, performance management, employee relations and compensation and benefits. Focuses on the legal environment of human resource management and its impact on the entire human resource system. Enhances background students will need to make informed human resource decisions in organizations. Prerequisite: BUS-302. Cannot be taken if student took BUS-315. [3 credits]

    BUS-487 Advanced Topics in Human Resource Management

    Provides a comprehensive review and evaluation of complex human resource management situations. Uses case studies, seminars, experiential activities and research. Students will apply their knowledge, skills and experience in recommendations to address real-world human resource issues. Prerequisite: BUS-302, BUS-486. [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-500 Human Resource Management

    Examines basic human resource management issues--strategic human resource planning, recruitment and selection, training and development, performance management and compensation and benefits. Learners apply the theories of each of these areas to developing a portfolio of practical, useful human resource applications. [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-501 Managing in Complex Environments

    Presented through competing viewpoints of management, managers, and managerial criticism, learners examine and reimagine traditional management functions of planning, organizing, leading as well as the paradoxes these ideas present when applied to the complex environmental faced by today's organizations. Resources and assignments facilitate both the comprehension and application of management theories to contemporary situations as students develop strong scholarship habits that form the basis of the program. Must be taken within the first 9 credits of the program. [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-503 Adaptive Leadership

    Apply leadership, followership, and interpersonal relations theories to risk management and change. Develop situational leadership savvy accross the full range of leadership practices from transactional to transformational. Refine interpersonal skills and stakeholder influence in dynamic situations. MA in the following areas may take this course as an elective: Leadership and Management, Contemporary Communications and MS in Analytics in Knowledge Management.  [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-511 Topics in Leadership

    Examines special topics and issues in leadership, followership and management. Course content changes to address contemporary thinking and issues. Course may be taken more than once under different topics.  [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-512 Topics in Finance

    Examines special topics and issues in finance. Course content changes to address contemporary thinking and issues. Course may be taken more than once under different topics. [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-513 Topics in Health Care

    A selection of health care related courses geared to specific interests of students and/or issues that are of current interest in the field. [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-514 Topics in Human Resource Mgmt

    A selection of courses geared to specific interests of students in human resource management and/or specific issues in the field. 3 credits.

    BUS-515 Topics in Marketing

    A selection of marketing courses geared to specific interests of students and/or specific issues in the field. 3 credits.

    BUS-520 Introduction to the U.S. Healthcare System

    Introduces the student to the organization and structure of the U.S. health care system, including institutions, professionals and government programs. Topics also include policy issues relating to access, efficiency and quality of health care services. [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-521 Health Care Economics

    Introduces students to economic theory as it relates to the delivery of health care services. Topics include the role of health insurance financing for medical services including managed care, and its influence on consumer and provider behavior relative to the demand and supply of healthcare services. Additional topics include competition in the delivery of health care services, the role of government and regulation, whether greater expenditures on health care insures better health, cost shifting, and the challenge of measuring value in healthcare outcomes. [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-522 Essentials of Healthcare Financing

    Introduces the learner to the basics of accounting and financial management; enables students to read and analyze operating and capital budgets. This course id designed for the non-financial healthcare manager who must be able to understand and effectively use financial concepts and tools. [ 3 credits ](MSN students only)

    BUS-523 The Business of Healthcare

    Introduces the language and theory of customer service, negotiation and the marketing process. Students will examine the framework and components of customer service and negotiation as applied to the healthcare industry. Students will also study core healthcare marketing concepts and the important role a marketing plan plays in supporting the implementation of an organization's strategic plan. This course is highly interactive and utilizes role play, case analysis, and group/team assignments. [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-525 Health Services Financing

    Introduces the student to public and private forms of financing health care services in the United States. Topics include employer-sponsored health insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, and managed care. Special focus will be given to the Maryland all-payer rate system and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-527 Business Study Tour

    Tours to various parts of the world designed to combine study and travel. Examines the interplay of culture, politics, economics, and society of tour country; compares approaches to economic and social policies in tour country and the United States; examines how tour country's awareness and public perceptions of environmental issues have changed over time; explores how different economic and cultural systems in the U.S. and tour country affect life in the other countries. Organized and directed by members of the department. Serves as a 500 level business elective for graduate students. [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-530 Financial Analysis

    Emphasizes the foundation areas of finance to assist learners in practical business decision making. Introduces financial management concepts including time value of money, net present value and alternative measures, financial ratio analysis, capital budgeting, cost of capital, and asset valuation. Prerequisite: BUS-537 Aspects of Financial Reporting or waiver of BUS-537 based on business experience and previous course studies. [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-533 Advanced Financial Analysis

    Provides in-depth analysis of financial management decisions and decision-tools. Topics may include capital structure and capital issuance, dividend policy, corporate financial planning, derivatives for hedging stock volatility, derivatives for hedging interest rate risk, and financial institutions. Students will complete a research project and develop strategies to manage an external environment challenge. Projects involve written and oral reports. Prerequisite: BUS-530. [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-534 Investment Analysis

    Emphasizes the foundation areas of investment management including securities markets, stock and bond valuation, portfolio theory, asset allocation, the efficient market hypothesis, and investment decision making. The course includes completing a research project as well as building a diversified investment portfolio for a hypothetical client. Projects involve written and oral reports. Prerequisite: BUS-530. [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-536 Cases in Finance

    Explores the role of finance in organizational planning, structure, and decision making. Learners work individually and in small groups analyzing practical case scenarios. Communicating financial information is a major emphasis. Prerequisite: BUS-530 or permission of instructor. [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-537 Aspects of Financial Reporting

    The focus of this course is not how accountants create financial statements; the focus is how a manager uses financial statements in business decision-making. Orients learners to financial accounting practices, leading to the preparation of financial statements. Learners acquire knowledge of the language of accounting and the elements of the balance sheet, income statement and the statement of cash flows. Topics include the application of accounting theory and generally accepted accounting principles to business transactions, and the use of ratios and other tools to analyze financial reports. [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-538 Data Driven Business Decisions

    Introduces the role that data plays in understanding business outcomes, including uncertainty, the relationship between inputs and outputs, and complex decisions with tradeoffs. Students work with real-life examples to interpret statistical distributions, understand hypothesis testing and evaluate reliability. [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-540 Human Resource Development

    Explores the philosophy and practice of human resource development or training in organizations. Learners consider the common developmental needs of workers at different stages of their careers and the role of staff development and training within the context of total organizational development. Readings, case analyses, and group discussion are integral to this experience. [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-541 Legal Issues in Human Resource Management

    Explores the fundamentals of workplace law. Emphasizes federal and state equal employment law, compensation and benefits law, legal termination practices and labor relations. Learning is based on readings, interactive discussions about the practical applications of legal theory, and a major research paper. [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-542 Performance Management Systems

    Describes the purposes and criteria for effective performance management systems including the major approaches and techniques used in each approach. Evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of different methods and reinforces the importance of integration with corporate management strategy. Uses readings, case analyses, and experiential activities to examine different elements of performance management. [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-545 Compensation Strategies

    Explores in depth the concept of compensation in the workplace, encompassing all forms of financial returns and tangible services and benefits employees receive as part of the employment relationship. Included are an exploration of the total returns for work, including cash compensation and benefits, and such relational returns as recognition and status, employment security, challenging work and learning opportunities. Special focus will be given to the selection, development and implementation of appropriate compensation strategies, given the external environmental influences and realistic internal resource constraints with which today's organizations must cope. [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-551 Leadership's Dark Side

    Goes beyond the usual concepts of business ethics and leadership prescriptions to the heart of leadership's dark side by exploring the personality and psychology underpinning the dance between leaders and followers and the factors that lead them to perpetuate dark side. Students develop strategies as they study historical and present day leaders and followers whose unethical, immoral or incompetent behaviors have damaged lives and organizations. [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-554 Women in Leadership

    Increases the learner's awareness of societal expectations, pitfalls, and opportunities faced by women. Emphasizes the role of women leaders, deciphering the code of the workplace, and confronting female collusion in silencing women's ways of knowing. Often cross-listed with undergraduates to promote cross-generational mentoring. [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-558 Leadership and Leading

    Develops learners' personal capacities to lead others and manage leadership development. Learners grapple with current leadership issues applying theory and extending lessons provided by cases and ideas of leaders both past and present. Personal leadership and interpersonal skill are developed through guided exercises in group interaction, emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and reflection. Prerequisite: BUS-501 or NPM-502 and a minimum of 9 credits completed in either MA in Leadership and Management, MA in NPM or graduate certificate program. Students who are at least midway through other graduate programs are welcome to attend with permission of the instructor. [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-559 Lateral Leadership

    Explores the importance of lateral or non-positional leadership--leadership through influence and ideas--in our communities and workplaces. Develops lateral leadership skills that are becoming more important in our networked world and flattened organizations because influencing others occurs across a broad range of positional leadership settings. [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-560 Marketing Management

    Examines the concepts and processes used in designing and implementing marketing-driven strategies. Students will learn a marketing strategy decision making process which takes full advantage of secondary data resources. Case studies, in-class discussions and a semester-long project provide students with an opportunity to design marketing strategies utilizing marketing principles, descriptive statistics, competitive information and management functions such as analysis planning, implementation and control. [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-561 Elements of Marketing Communications

    Examines in-depth the roles that sales promotion, advertising, public relations, direct marketing and personal selling play in the accomplishments of a firm's marketing objectives. Prerequisite: BUS-560 or permission of department chair. [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-562 Leading Organizational Change

    Examines the core problems organizations and people face as they move through the dynamic processes of innovation and change. Leading change is a complex, long-term and challenging endeavor and a central process in the practice of leadership. Change is studied at every level, individual, organizational and societal, through a contextual lens. Students will identify highly successful change efforts and evaluate the strategies and techniques used. The key issues of changing behaviors, getting the rational mind and emotional mind to work together, overcoming resistance to change, and the role of leaders in the process will be important themes. [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-571 Sr Prof in Hum Res (SPHR Rev)

    This course focuses on strengthening your knowledge base by participating in a comprehensive review of the HR body if knowledge, while preparing for the Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI) Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) national exam. Utilizing the SHRM Learning System, the course will cover six Human Resources areas of competency: Strategic Management, Workplace Planning and Employment, Human Resources Development, Compensation and Benefits, Employee and Labor Relations; Health, Safety and Security. Key concepts will be reinforced through lectures, discussions, case studies, jeopardy games, post-test reviews and issues related to Human Resources. The instructor holds the Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) {or PHR} credential. Upon completion of this course, you will receive 3 graduate credits, if applicable, as well as a certificate of completion from the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM). 3 credits.

    BUS-580 Coached Leadership Practicum

    Offers students an individualized, real-world and impactful leadership learning experience which provides a hands-on opportunity to apply what has been learned in leadership courses. Each student will develop and submit a semester-long project proposal to be carried out in her or his social or business community requiring personal leadership responsibilities. Once the project proposal is approved, the student will carry out the project supported by an appropriate professionally-trained volunteer coach and the Program Director. The course will conclude with a reflective assessment of the student's leadership of the project and the lessons learned therefrom to be applied in future leadership opportunities. Prerequisites: BUS-558 or NPM-510. [3 credits]

    BUS-640 Managing Projects in Contemporary Organizations

    Provides a socio-technical perspective to the management of projects and explores major concepts through multiple lenses, not only the professional fucus of Project Management Institute. Project managers as well as others interested in project management gain tools to add the appropriate level of structure and rigor to their own practice. Includes planning,scheduling, organizing and implementing projects with an emphasis on the project management process and tools used in project management. Online learning experience. Prerequisite: Willingness to learn the basics of Microsoft Project. [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-641 Project Monitoring and Delivery

    Examines the various interrelated functions impacting project deliveries and how these functions contribute to the strategic success of an enterprise. It is designed to provide the advanced knowledge required to develop, analyze and change a project plan, determine risk and allocate the necessary resources to effectively manage and complete a project in a simulated environment. Online learning experience. Prerequisites: BUS-640. [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-642 Managing Project Performance

    Identifies the management processes required to ensure the project is completed within budget and on schedule. Provides the knowledge required to cost a project, develop a project plan, and allocate the necessary resources to manage a project. Supply chain management is a major focus. Expands the conversation on and identifies methods for reducing and mitigating risks. Online learning experience. [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-643 Leading Process Improvement

    Provides an in-depth analysis of the tools, techniques, and processes involved in acquiring and managing project teams toward continuous process improvement while balancing the needs of all stakeholders. Assists project managers in developing, training, and managing both high performing process improvement teams working on complex projects. Learners develop a variety of planning documents to enhance ability of the project team to anticipate, meet, and possibly exceed customers' expectations. Online learning experience. [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-651 Strategic Organizational Leadership

    Clear strategic thinking and innovative implementation are critical to successful leadership in today's highly unstable and increasingly competitive business environment. Leading strategically means much more than strategic planning--it means taking a broad holistic and socially just view, identifying and analyzing competing interests, communicating effectively, and rapidly making mid-course corrections. This class takes a multi-disciplinary approach to strategic planning, communication, and implementation, drawing on ideas from the social sciences, leadership and management studies, and social justice and sustainability models. Prerequisites: BUS-530, BUS-558, BUS-560 and completion of 21 graduate level credits. [ 3 credits ]

    BUS-698 Independent Study

    Offers opportunity to conduct independent research, under faculty supervision, in an approved area of study. The nature, scope and design of the project, as well as the schedule of pre-arranged meetings, are contracted individually between the faculty member and the learner. Perquisite: Permission of the instructor and the chair of the business and economics department. Learners who elect BUS-698 may not take BUS-696. [ 3 credits ]

    CST-534 Data Driven Business Decision

    Introduces the role that data play in understanding business outcomes, including uncertainty, the relationship between inputs and outputs, and complex decisions with tradeoffs. Students work with real-life examples to interpret statistical distributions, understand hypothesis testing and evaluate reliability. [3 credits]

    ECO-211 Introduction to Macroeconomics

    Focuses on the United States economy and its relations with the world. Examines how interactions among consumers, businesses, government and the rest of the world impact economic growth, inflation, unemployment and business cycles. Investigates the impact of monetary and fiscal policies on the overall performance of the economy. Fulfills general education requirement in social science. [3 credits]

    ECO-212 Introduction to Microeconomics

    Examines the manner in which prices are determined and limited resources are allocated efficiently through mastery of basic supply and demand. Considers the behavior of producers and consumers under various competitive conditions. Assesses the role of government in responding to market failures. Fulfills general education requirement in social science. [3 credits]

    ECO-220 Honors: Economics and Contemporary Issues

    Applies economic principles and methodologies to the decision-making process of individuals, businesses and governments. Evaluates current political, social and economic events using basic economic theories and principles. Prerequisite: Morrissy scholar or permission. Fulfills general education requirement in social science. [3 credits]

    ECO-311 Applied Macroeconomics

    Examines data related to economic, finance and international indicators. Applies macroeconomic theory to assess the current state of the economy and to forecast economic activities in the near future. Evaluates current economic policies in light of the economic forecast. Prerequisite: ECO-211. [3 credits]

    ECO-330 Honors: Food Safety Risk Analysis

    Analyzes the extent and significance of food-borne diseases in the United States and around the world. Examines the most important hazards to food safety, including food additives and pesticides, microbial hazards, irradiation, and food defense as well as science-based solutions to their management. Considers the interdisciplinary risk analysis paradigm as a modern approach to food safety systems in considerable detail. Prerequisite: Morrissy scholar or permission. [3 credits]

    ECO-342 Introduction to Public Finance

    Analyzes the role of local, state and federal government in meeting the demands of the public through examination of government's expenditure and taxing policies. Examines the theory of public goods, public expenditures, taxation, public choice, fiscal federalism, budgeting and benefit-cost analysis along with their application in public policy. Prerequisite: ECO-211 or ECO-212. [3 credits]

    ECO-348 Economic Theory of Management

    ECO-402 Money and Banking

    Examines the interactions between the United States financial system and the wider economy. Studies current developments in monetary policy and financial markets and explores the impact of money on the productive sector of the economy. Analyzes current economic, financial and international issues and tracks a variety of economic indicators to predict the actions of the Federal Reserve. Prerequisite: ECO-211 or permission of instructor. [3 credits]

    ECO-404 International Economics

    Examines international trade theory, international trade policy and international finance from multi-country and multicultural perspectives. Applies economic models to explain the benefits from trade and its effect on the distribution of income among different groups within a country. Studies the impact of protectionist policies on the standard of living of both importing and exporting countries. Describes the balance of payments and develops models of exchange rates. Investigates international capital and finance issues in light of the current economy. Fulfills eneral education requirement in cross cultural studies. Prerequisite: ECO-211 or ECO-212. [3 credits]

    ECO-411 Topics in Economics

    Provides opportunities to pursue special topics of current interest in the field of economics. [3 credits]

    ECO-463 Independent Study in Economics

    Provides opportunities for a student to study a topic of special interest in economics under the guidance of a faculty member. [3 credits]

    ECO-481 Directed Research in Economics II

    A continuation of the directed research begun in ECO-480. Prerequisite: economics major or minor, ECO-365 or ECO-366, or permission of the instructor. [ 3 credits ]

    ECO-548 Economic Theory in Management

    Examines the economic environment in which firms operate. Introduces microeconomic and macroeconomic concepts and techniques to help managers "think like economists" when dealing with tactical issues or deciding on strategic directions for their firms. Provides the macroeconomics foundations for successful business decisions in a global economic environment while exposing students to a broad array of economic issues. [ 3 credits ]

    ECO-550 Managerial Economics

    Introduces economic methodologies to managerial decisions. Examines consumer demand, production costs, and output/price combinations that maximize firms' goals under different market structures. Applies basic math and statistics tools to evaluate business choices. All statistics and mathematics used in the class are explained in basic terms at the point of first usage. [ 3 credits ]

    NPM-411 Topics in Nonprofit Management

    Provides students an opportunity to study a variety of current issues related to nonprofit management. Recent topics have included: grant writing, nonprofit marketing and fundraising strategies, and planning for service. [3 credits]

    NPM-501 Strategic Planning in the Nonprofit Sector

    Explores strategic and operational planning in the nonprofit sector, its similarities to and differences from the for profit and public sectors. Based on this examination of the sector environment, learners engage in strategic planning for the specific nonprofit program of their choice. Corequisites: NPM-510, NPM-531. [ 3 credits ]

    NPM-502 Introduction to Nonprofit Management

    This course is designed to provide current and future nonprofit managers and leaders with the competencies needed to run effective nonprofit organizations, which include: Legal and Regulatory Contexts; Leadership and Governance; Human Resource Management and Volunteerism; Fundraising; Planning and Evaluation; Information Management; Advocacy, Public Policy, and Social Change; Communications, Marketing, and Public Relations; Financial Management and Social Entrepreneurship. Course projects and discussions expand students' management skills, analytical tools, and knowledge of nonprofit management core competencies. Students take the perspectives of nonprofit managers, volunteers, board members, policy makers, donors, and clients and complete a consulting project for a nonprofit organization. [3 credits ] NOTE: take within first 15 credits of the program, Co-requisite NPM-545.

    NPM-510 Leadership and Organizational Development in Nonprofits

    Compares and evaluates leadership and organization development theories to the nonprofit sector. Learners expand their organizational development skills through exploring the differing needs and cultural perspectives of staff, volunteers, board members, donors and consumers. Compares and contrasts leadership in the for-profit and nonprofit sectors. Learners focus on assessing their leadership strengths and weaknesses through textural readings, assessment tools and case studies. [ 3 credits ]

    NPM-511 Topics: Nonprofit Mgmt

    Provides students an opportunity to study a variety of current issues related to nonprofit management. Recent topics have included: grant writing, nonprofit marketing and fundraising strategies, and planning for service.  [3 credits]

    NPM-517 Negotiation & Conflict Resol

    Development of a working knowledge of the nature, strategies, tactics and skills needed in contract negotiation and conflict resolution. His course helps students develop an effective  approach to analyzing and managing the negotiation process. The class is highly interactive and provides hands-on experience through a series of simulation exercises. 3 credits.

    NPM-520 Board Development and Human Resource Management in Nonprofits

    Examines the unique human resources challenges in nonprofits including strategic workforce planning, hiring,training, personnel evaluation and compensation. Recruiting, developing and managing a volunteer Board of Directors is reviewed along with broader concepts of volunteer management. Learners select and apply these concepts to a portfolio of practical, useful Human Resource applications. [ 3 credits ]

    NPM-525 Starting a Nonprofit Organization

    Engages learners determining whether they should create a new 501 (c) (3) nonprofit corporation. Learners explore the nuts and bolts of what would be involved from the Articles of Incorporation to the ways to dissolve a nonprofit. Engages learners in comparing the legal structures of nonprofit versus for profit entities, exploring state and federal requirements for creating a nonprofit, and learning how to develop a business plan that includes fundraising, marketing and program development. [ 3 credits ]

    NPM-531 Managing Financial Resources in Nonprofits

    Introduces the underlying concepts, language and reporting methods of accounting and financial analysis. Emphasizes understanding and using accounting and financial statements, rather than producing them. Topics include budgeting, working with accountants and financial analysts to achieve organizational goals, and managing financial resources are explored through practical problem sets. [ 3 credits ]

    NPM-540 Efficient Resource Use

    This course provides a sound conceptual basis in the economic concepts that are fundamental to all nonprofit organizations. The emphasis is on resource allocation. Price formation, production and costs, and economic impact analysis. Students will explore the trade-offs nonprofit organizations face and methods for evaluating them. The economic impact of nonprofit organizations on the people and communities which they serve will be developed conceptually.

    NPM-545 Fundraising and Grant Writing

    Explores the various methods that nonprofits use to raise funds to support the organization's operations and programs. Addresses basic grant acquisition methodologies including conducting grant research, making contacts, and creating standard and comprehensive case statements. Learners complete a fundraising plan or write a grant for a nonprofit organization. [ 3 credits ]

    NPM-551 Government-Nonprofit Relationships

    Explores the relationship between the public sector includinghow each sector influences the other. The inquiry reviews the development and implementation of public policy and how nonprofits influence government. Learners track a specific issue of their choice. [ 3 credits ]

    NPM-552 Netwkg, Partner & Merg in Nonpr

    The environment of nonprofit organizations has become increasingly complex. Interrelationships among different nonprofit organizations are evolving rapidly with alliances, joint  entures,
    and mergers becoming increasingly frequent. The complex and dynamic interactions within these nonprofit coalitions and the business and government sectors will be the focus of this course. 3 credits.

    NPM-560 Nonprofit Law and Ethics

    Examines the legal issues related to the creation and management of nonprofits. Analyzes a range of ethical issues and dilemmas inherent in the nonprofit arena. Learners explore these issues through a series of practical applications. [ 3 credits ]

    NPM-570 Nonprofit Marketing

    Focuses on the complementary aspects of marketing and communications for a non-profit organization. Topics include segmentation, branding, and membership recruitment. This course also explores the roles of public relations, advertising and social media, as well as the process of preparing persuasive communication for target markets. Learners prepare a case statement, communications and social media strategy for an organization or program. [ 3 credits ]

    NPM-580 Program Evaluation and Reasearch Methods

    Examines performance measurement and outcomes assessment for nonprofit organizations. Learners are also introduced to the use basic descriptive statistics to identify, measure and present information, particularly to their organizations' Boards and to outside stakeholders. Learners develop an evaluation design for the program of their choice. [ 3 credits ]

    NPM-690 Master's Project Seminar

    Provides a framework for each learner to develop an original project as a capstone to the master's program. Projects may range from the development and leadership of a major new initiative for a non-profit organization to a written thesis based on an original investigation of a specific question in nonprofit management. Through this capstone endeavor, the learner integrates the theory and practice of many courses. The particular design of the project must be approved by the seminar leader. The seminar experience provides learners the opportunity to discuss their progress and outcomes with their peers and faculty. Learners are required to achieve the grade of B or higher to complete this requirement. Prerequisite: Completion of 21 credits, including the following core courses: NPM-501, NPM-510, NPM-525, NPM-580, and NPM-531. [ 3 credits ]

    NPM-691 Master's Project Seminar II

    Continues NPM-690 for particularly comprehensive projects. [ 3 credits ]

    NPM-698 Independent Study in Non-Profit Mgt

    RIS-501 Risk Management

    Provides an introduction to the risk analysis paradigm where organizations intentionally manage, assess and communicate about risk. Risk management is about making effective decisions under conditions of uncertainty. A generic risk management model is introduced and developed. Students learn to apply several risk management methodologies. [ 3 credits ]

    RIS-502 Risk Assessment

    Provides an introduction to a generic and generalizable risk assessment model as well as to several qualitative risk assessment techniques. Students learn to apply qualitative techniques. [ 3 credits ]

    RIS-601 Uncertainty

    Surveys epistemic and aleatory uncertainty. Explores the use of probability distributions to address these sources of uncertainty. Explores the use of probability to represent uncertainty using probability distributions. [ 3 credits ]

    RIS-602 Quantitative Risk Assessment

    Introduces deterministic and probabilistic risk assessment. Students learn to build and use probabilistic risk assessment models. Emphasis is placed on communicating uncertainty to decision makers. [ 3 credits ]

    RIS-603 Risk Communication

    Prepares students to respond professionally to the special challenges of coordination among risk managers and risk assessors and focuses primarily on risk and crisis communication where there is considerable uncertainty. Students learn how to map risk communication messages. [ 3 credits ]

    RIS-605 Decision Making Under Uncertainty

    Prepares students to make decisions under conditions of uncertainty. This course provides a background in the most current principles, methods and techniques of decision analysis for making decisions under uncertainty. It also offers a very practical approach for risk managers and others who must make critical decisions when uncertain. Prerequisite: Candidates who have met the admission requirements of the MS in degree in Risk Management. [ 3 credit ]

    RIS-630 Ethics and Risk Governance

    Examines the ethical issues and social responsibility related to risk problems through the lends of current events. Topics include such things as ethical principals in the face of system collapse, protecting the most vulnerable, the public's role in decision making, and managing risk for development. [ 3 credits ]